Associate Magazine FBINAA Q2-2023


FBINAA.ORG | Q2 2023

H ello, my name is Bill Gardiner . I am a proud graduate of NA Session 238. It is an honor to introduce myself as a candi date for Section I representative of this great organization. In July 2009, I stepped onto the FBI Academy Campus for the first time. Little did I realize the life-changing impact that moment was going to have on me. Like many of you, those 10 weeks significantly changed my approach to leadership and they changed my approach to life! My membership in the FBI National Academy Associates has provided focus for my leadership jour ney. I have become a better husband, father, law enforcement officer, and leader. Throughout my National Academy experi ence, I have met exceptional professionals that were thirsty for advanced leadership training. Building upon one another’s strengths has always been a distinct advantage for NA graduates. In my professional capacity, I have worked for the Idaho State Police for 25 years. During that time, I have served in nu merous capacities across the organization, including Operations, Administration, Executive Protection and Criminal Investiga tions. I started as a patrol trooper and now serve as a Lieutenant Colonel/Deputy Director for the agency. Each step along the way was a leadership lesson and a leadership journey. My experience at the National Academy has only enhanced my career each step of the way. I have been an active Association member since 2009. At the Chapter level, I have served as the Second Vice, First Vice, Chap ter President, and currently serve as the Past President for the Montana/Idaho Chapter. On the National level, I currently serve on the Community Engagement Committee. In 2016, I began serving as a Youth Leadership Program (YLP) counselor and was privileged to serve as the YLP National Coordinator until 2022. YLP has been an enriching experience – one that has given me a global perspective. I have interacted with students, counselors, and staff from every section, including our worldwide part ners. Many of those students are the children of active FBINAA members. Sharing time with your students has motivated me to continue serving you–the membership. On a personal level, the FBI National Academy has made me a better human being. I have been blessed with a wonder ful wife and three magnificent children. Lessons learned while attending the academy have helped me separate work from family. Understanding the role family and loved ones play in the mental health of law enforcement officers is significant to me. Moving that agenda forward will be a priority should I be elected to serve as a member of the National Board. The emotional,

spiritual, and mental health of our membership should always be a significant point of discussion. Advocating for advances in wellness and ensuring the FBINAA is on the cutting edge of training and research will always be a primary consideration. Furthermore, education is important to me. Before joining the Idaho State Police, I worked to obtain a bachelor’s degree from Idaho State University. As with many of you, when I attended the National Academy, I took advantage of graduate-level course work. Utilizing the Associations Academic Alliance, I completed a Master’s Program through the University of Oklahoma. It is only through education partnerships like this that I was successful in completing an advanced degree at a significantly reduced rate and in less time. I’ve spoken to too many members who would not have been able to further their education had it not been for their membership in the FBINAA. Law enforcement leaders eager to further their formal education, should not be limited because of a lack of resources. The FBINAA’s commitment to education and the professional development of its members should remain a priority. Should I be elected as a member of the National Board, I would continue this great tradition. Graduates of the FBI National Academy are no doubt, a cut above the rest and deserve every option to further their study of leadership and management. Over the last year I have visited many chapter retrainers across Section I. On one visit, the President introduced me by stating, “Bill is an NA guy.” Between you and me, this is one of the greatest compliments I could earn. Being an NA individual defines one’s commitment to the mission, values, and purpose of the organization. I am proud to say that I am an “NA Guy!” I believe in this organization and the good work we as a collective body do for each other and our communities.

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