Associate Magazine FBINAA Q2-2023

Sherie Rebollo Unit Chief, FBI National Academy ACADEMY UPDATE

FBINAA.ORG | Q2 2023

D uring sessions, the FBI National Academy (NA) holds various events, including Inter national Night, Texas Night, Louisiana Night, and others. On March 7, 2023, NA Session 285 hosted the first-ever Veterans Night, formatted loosely upon the rules and regulations of a typi cal military “mess night.” This student-led event highlighted and celebrated members of the ses sion who have served in the U.S. armed forces. The evening featured a performance of the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. Stationed in Fort Myer, Virginia, it is the only unit of its kind in the armed forces. Members of the corps perform in uniforms patterned after those worn by the musicians of General

George Washington’s Continental Army. Dated circa 1784, the uniforms consist of black tricorn hats, white wigs, waistcoats, colonial coveralls, and distinct red regimental coats. Participant response was overwhelmingly positive. The event allowed veterans to share some of their branch’s customs and to form lasting bonds with nonmilitary students. Session 285 hopes that future sessions will continue to hold and benefit from Veter ans Night.



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