Associate Magazine FBINAA Q2-2023

Continued from "You Don't Know", on page 33 Many officers find out they haven't been protected when a third party administrator comes on board. Officers are usually resistant to the change in administration and question why the change is being made. Once you explain the benefits of the off-duty solution and how they will be protected, the value becomes apparent. STAYING IN COMPLETE CONTROL Working with a third-party company to assist in manag ing your off-duty program is a new concept to our world. It's natural to wonder whether they will understand your agency's guidelines, policies, and procedures. However, finding the right off-duty partner will give peace of mind to the entire agency. It ensures that your officers are protected, and the reputation of your agency will be upheld. Partnering with a trusted program allows your agency to save much-needed time and resources, allowing your staff to fo cus on other critical issues at no additional cost to your agency. Administrative fees should be passed onto businesses hiring our officers which will relieve strain on your department’s budget. Now be careful here. Some off-duty service providers charge fees for licensing, programming, onboarding, timely offi cer or agency pay, or additional insurance coverage to name the most common ones. Why would you want your officers to have to pay to get paid in a timely fashion? I would not have wanted that for mine. As a retired Chief, I don’t agree with passing those fees onto our officers or communities when there are several upstanding companies that don’t charge for those functions. The best third-party programs will work with your agency to create a customized plan that meets your specific agency needs. They will have experience working with law enforcement agencies and understand off-duty work's unique challenges and risks. They will also have a proven track record of providing high-quality ser vices and a reputation for transparency, fairness, and reliability. THE BOTTOM LINE: OFFICER SAFETY & PROTECTION By addressing the blind spots and pitfalls of off-duty work and implementing a proactive oversight plan, you can help mitigate risks, protect your officers, and maintain your agency's reputation. However, an essential part of a well-maintained off-duty program is something we, as leaders, hold close to our hearts: officer safety and protection. We spend many years with most of our officers, often watching them start their careers and mature. We become a family as we experience difficult days on the job and navigate changes together. As leaders, we want what is best for them. When we prioritize the off-duty program, we prioritize the safety and protection of those we care about. It takes time to imple ment change, but the resources are now available to help us make positive progress. Let’s make progress and let’s protect our officers who are working off-duty.

Continued from "The Historian's Spotlight", on page 36

I will end this article with a sincere thank you to the Na tional Board and staff who have made me feel welcomed into the inner working of our great Association. Having seen “behind the curtain”, I can tell you that they all are working with the best interests of our organization at heart. Sometimes it can be com plicated with many competing voices asking for attention, but in the end, they care deeply to devote so much of their lives to this nonprofit cause. When each of us graduates, we can’t imagine deeper con nections than those we made with our particular Session. This year will mark the 40th year since I graduated from Session 134 and I can honestly say my friendship circle has grown by leaps and bounds within the NA both nationally and internationally. Serving the past four years on the National board has been a perfect way to pull together all those memories in the stories I have shared in my Historian column. I have had the chance to spend time with the person chosen to succeed me. John Simmons of the 215th Session-Kansas/ Western Missouri Chapter has an amazing history that he will share with you in his first column. What I can attest to is his devotion to our organization. I will be passing along to him my passion project, which was to create a searchable database so these stories we are telling will not be lost. And with that, I will join the rolls of Past Historians starting with Dick Amiott , Terry Lucas and Pat Davis . Say “Hi” the next time you see me at a conference as I don’t plan to fade away! ALPR cameras also provide leads to identify suspects and connect them to other crimes. A prime example occurred in Redlands, California last year. A six-person ORC crew had been hitting stores across the Inland Empire, targeting high-end fra grances, cosmetics, and perfumes. Stores were losing between $8,000 and $12,000 worth of product each time. Utilizing specialized GPS technology, Redlands Police and Riverside Sheriff’s Department officers were able to arrest all six subjects over two separate crime events. The ALPR cameras installed around the perimeter of the shopping district were instrumental in identifying the involved vehicles and connecting the six suspects to numerous crimes that had been committed, including one ORC incident that turned violent when the sus pects assaulted a pregnant employee. This large-scale case led to RPD and Riverside Sheriff receiving recognition from the California Organized Retail Crime Association as the 2022 case of the year. FINAL THOUGHTS In conclusion, there is a greater chance of generating inves tigative leads when businesses and law enforcement collaborate and use technology to combat ORC and other crimes. Redlands police would not have been able to solve the case above, as well as dozens of other criminal cases, without the strong, strategic partnerships built with all members of the community. About the Author: Gregory M. Laurain attended NA Session 220 of the FBINAA and is the former President of the FBINAA Michigan Chapter (2021-2022). In 2022, he retired as Public Safety Director for the Van Buren Township Police Department after more than 40 years of service. He now serves as a law enforcement solutions consultant for Flock Safety.

FBINAA.ORG | Q2 2023

Continued from "Addressing Organized Retail Crime", on page 31

About the Author: John Neal , Manager, Business Development, Off Duty Management, 30+ Years in Law Enforcement, Retired Chief of Police, Ridgeland, MS, NA Session 235. John served the Ridgeland Police Depart ment for over 30 years, with 7 of those years as Chief of Police. He is a graduate of NA Session 235, and has worked in all aspects of law enforcement, including col laborations with the Department of Public Safety and a school safety task force. He’s accustomed to making positive changes in the community and continues this purpose with Off Duty Management.


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