Associate Magazine-Jan/Mar 2021
Continued from "Digital Transformation", on page 37 One investigator whose department used DEMS even said that the DEM solution matched evidence items to cases correctly 100% of the time, and unearthed a stunning 20% of additional evidence that hadn’t previously been detected. NORTH WALES POLICE: WORK SMARTER AND SAFER In an age of COVID-19, officer safety is another key justifica- tion point for digital transformation. In-person interviews with eye- witnesses, driving from location to location to collect evidence, hand-delivering case files, all fly in the face of social distancing. Police forces like North Wales Police are pioneering creative ways to use DEMS to help officers worker smarter and safer. North Wales has changed the way it collects and shares evidence, to better support the community and its criminal justice partners, while also minimizing in-person contact and handling of physical media. Jason Devonport , Superintendent for North Wales Police, explains: “We’re transitioning our processes from officers travel- ing to collect digital evidence on a disc or USB to being able to do all of this online. This means that our officers will be able to review vital evidence faster as well as reducing any risks around disc handling and visiting premises unnecessarily, while giving criminal justice partners and the Department added security. We’ll also be able to share this online evidence with our partners such as the Crown Prosecution Service and in turn the courts, allowing them to review it sooner and with less risk.” As these powerful examples illustrate, for today’s police de- partments, DEMs isn’t just a ‘me-too,’ it’s a must-have for digital transformation.
Continued from "The Last One", on page 42
should happen again. To share another thought from Chief Acevdeo, this is the best generation of policing ever, but it still needs to improve. It has never been easy to be a cop, and this is a particularly dark and trying era for the business. Despite all that, my own experience surrounding the last social revolution makes me extremely optimistic that American policing will emerge stronger, better, and more professional at the end of this round of upheaval. I urge you and all of my colleagues to take heart and to contribute to that cause for the benefit of future generations.
F B I N A A . O R G | J A N / M A R 2 0 2 1
About the Author: Steve Cox is a Kansas City area native. He is a veteran of two years active duty in the US Army in the early 1970’s. Steve served for 27 years in the sub- urban Leawood, Kansas Police Department, including 17 years as Chief of Police. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s in Administration of Justice. He is a graduate of the 143rd Session of the FBI Na- tional Academy. Retiring from the police department in 1998, Steve and his wife Helen moved to Albuquerque. He formed a small business that managed traffic safety programs and provided police training. In 2007 he was employed by a regional banking company to manage
their security operations. For more than a dozen years he was Secretary/Trea- surer of the New Mexico Chapter. He is a graduate of both the Albuquerque Police Department Citizens Academy and the FBI Citizens Academy in Albuquerque. Steve was heavily involved in community policing initiatives in Albuquerque, receiving the Mayor’s Public Safety Hero award and being named an Honorary Officer by the Chief of the Albuquerque Police Department. He was only the 14th person to receive this designation, right behind his wife Helen, who was the 13th! In 2013 Steve returned to the KC area. From 2014 to 2017, he managed safety programs for a specialized transportation company. Since mid-2017 he has served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Kansas/W. Missouri Chapter. In 2012 Steve was named to the FBINAA Charitable Foundation board, and since 2017 he has been the board’s Vice Chair. Steve and Helen have been married for more than 48 years. They have two married daughters and four grandchildren.
About the Author: As Marketing Communications Man- ager for NICE Public Safety, Linda Haelsen has authored many articles about public safety technology and digi- tal transformation for law enforcement and emergency communications.
Continued from "Yellow Brick Road", on page 36
Figure 6
#5 – Rocking Ankle Mobilization (Figure 6) - Now that your loos- ened up a bit, raise up off your knees and drive your hips into the air, while moving your feet in towards your hands until you can just touch the heel to the ground on one side. Work one ankle at a time, rocking up onto your toes and then slowly touching the heel down to the floor during your exhale. Perform 3 breaths on each side. References: quadruped_position
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