FBINAA Associate Magazine Oct/Dec 2021


Ken Truver

S ince the last time we met on this page, a lot has happened, globally and here at home. The tragic events which took place in Afghanistan, and the speed with which they unfolded, caught everyone by surprise. It was no surprise, however, the speed with which our members mobilized, to try to assist graduates abroad who were in trouble. The empathy and caring, and the vast outreach to fellow graduates, military, and government contacts, and essentially, anyone who could help, was to say the least, impressive. Our gratitude to those members who expressed concern, took action and/or led the charge to engage support for our friends. Shortly after assuring that our fellow graduates were safe or on their way to safety, we watched with trepidation as Hurricane Ida approached the Gulf Coast and threatened our friends and colleagues in that region. In the aftermath of that event, our fellow graduates reached out to one another and offered assistance as they were able. Of course, the Charitable Foundation deployed financial resources and support in these instances, and our National Board and National Office worked to coordinate appropriate messaging and mitigation efforts. Finally, at the National Board meeting of September 11, 2021, our National Chaplain reminded us that in addition to other line of duty deaths and law enforcement tragedies across the nation, we continue to lose peers to COVID. Chaplain Mike Hardee sends condolence messages to agencies and families of our fallen peers more often than you would think, and more often than any of us would like. We are grateful for his faith-filled messages and his diligence in keeping up with the good work of compassionate outreach. Fellow FBINAA Members and Friends,

All of this simply to say that, working as a TEAM, our Association can accomplish much good. President Truman said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” We continue to be proud of this Association, its members, and affiliates, for their continued selfless contributions to law enforcement and to each other. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Kenneth M. Truver FBINAA President Chief of Police, Borough of Castle Shannon (PA) FBINA 225

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