FBINAA Associate Magazine Oct/Dec 2021


F B I N A A . O R G | O C T / D E C 2 0 2 1

Howard Cook

T he power of the FBINAA family never ceases to amaze me. President Truver just gave us examples of the great work our members continue to do. From the Afghanistan crisis, to the hurricanes in the south, to the wildfires in the west, the response from our members worldwide was overwhelming. The compas- sion and generosity we share with our fellow brothers and sisters is extraordinary. There are countless other situations in which our members gave and received help that we do not know about but their impact just as important. Thank you for your continu- ous efforts to support your fellow NA grads. Session 280 is finally here! After nearly two years of stops and goes, we welcomed 129 students to the Academy on October 3rd. This 10-week program, while smaller, will have the full slate of educational courses, fitness challenges, as well as all the extracurricular activities such as field trips, 511 dinner, Member Expo, and, of course, the Yellow Brick Road. All students are fully vaccinated and required to wear masks, per FBI guidelines. Let’s wish them all the best as they continue their journey! The Association is dedicated to providing the highest degree of law enforcement expertise, leadership training, and informa- tion to law enforcement executives around the world. We're proud to be launching the F BINAA Leadership Certification Pro- gram early next year. This program is offered to law enforcement professionals interested in expanding their leadership skills. We are able to roll out new education and training initiatives due to the support of our alliance partners. These relationships are important to us and we thank the many who share our same vision and mission. We are welcoming several new strategic alliances which include T-Mobile for Government, Advanced Cardiovascular Diagnostics, Nuance Dragon Law Enforcement, Flock Safety, Mark43, Sigma, and TRX . For our Academic Alli- ances, we welcome Southern New Hampshire University and Alliant International University . Membership renewal season is fast approaching and I’m pleased to announce that the National Board has recommended that we do not have a dues increase in 2022. The past year has been trying and the Association came through it financially sound, and the Board decided that the dues increase was not needed next year. Certainly good news and we thank the National Board for the continued leadership of putting the needs of our members first.

Please renew in January – don’t wait. If you know of a fellow session mate who has let his/her membership lapse, please encourage them to renew and get back involved in the Association. Membership is the life blood of our Association and we need everyone’s support to fulfill our vision of the continues development of the world’s strongest law enforcement leadership network.

We hope that you have a joyous and safe holiday season!

Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA 224


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