FBINAA Associate Magazine Q3.2021


Ken Truver

Fellow FBINAA Members,

W hen I addressed the membership at the annual confer- ence in Orlando, I started my comments by calling you “Friends”. I am overwhelmed with the support and friendship I have found in this elite association, and I am deeply humbled to be able to serve as YOUR President for the next year. In addition to thanking a host of our peers, contributing members, chapters, family, dignitaries, staff, and board members (past and present), and believe me, Paul Butler made us pay for the many acknowledgements by calling us out, I spoke of our continued efforts to govern the association with responsibility and transparency. The FBINAA National Board and National Office staff, under the direction of the Executive Director, are some of the most selfless and dedicated individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and every one of them put the best interests of the association at the forefront of all they do. They are all to be commended for their efforts and actions. We as a group have spent countless hours, days, weeks, and months poring over the association guiding documents (Articles, Constitution, Bylaws and Polices) as well as reading and reread- ing Roberts Rules of Order. All with the intent of updating our guiding documents, to better reflect the times, and our practical association operations. Many times, during the 2020-2021 year of COVID, we had to shift gears and navigate unfamiliar territory. Our legacy should be and will be to “leave the place better than we found it” and provide a template to follow, for those who come behind us. Our plan for governance in the short term was to have a document ready for your vote on revisions to the guiding docu- ments. As we approached the proposed date for said vote, we received concerns frommembership, and additional questions. We have therefore delayed any movement on that front, to seek additional input and answer queries. I am hopeful that you will eventually see your way clear to support our attempts to make things easier for future boards, while providing service and leadership to our members. We will continue to listen to your concerns, and we pledge to continue improving our association governance, to the benefit of the members of the FBINAA, Inc. Our other focus this year will be the law enforcement training that we are famous for providing to our membership. In addition to your own Chapter training events, the National Office strives to be the “gold standard” for law enforcement leaders in this realm. Our podcasts, webinars, leadership forums, confer- ences and training committee work on Officer Safety and Well - ness, are all valuable resources and important member benefits that we can offer to our agencies and peers, to improve our

profession. Please look out for more information on these op- portunities, to include the Active Bystandership for Law Enforce- ment (ABLE) Project, the next “big thing” in law enforcement, as we move forward. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge our outgoing board member and past president- Kevin Wingerson , our immediate past president-Joe Hellebrand, our outgoing Chaplain- Jeff Kruit- hoff , and our past Director of Strategic Partnerships- Greg Guiton . Your service and leadership to our association are to be admired and commended. We appreciate and honor your contributions. To incoming 3rd VP- Craig Peterson , incoming Section 3 Representative- Tim Cannon , Incoming Chaplain- Mike Hardee , new Deputy Executive Director- John Kennedy , new Director of Strategic Partnerships- Ronnie Carnahan , and new Director of Training and Education- Ray Farris , we welcome you to the team. Expectations are high, but you have terrific support, and we have every confidence in your anticipated success. Finally, you as a member have the benefit of support, in many forms, from your association. Financial support is avail - able through the FBINAA Charitable Foundation. If you know of a member in need, please direct them to the Foundation. Likewise, please support the Foundation’s mission, by directing contribu - tions their way. Faith support is available through our Chaplain, Mike Hardee. Please direct any member in spiritual need to Mike for attention and devotional assistance. Member support in general, is available in many forms, through the terrific National Staff. Please reach out with specific needs, and the staff will gladly direct you to the appropriate program director.

As is our legacy, let’s support each other as well! I am at your service.

Kenneth M. Truver, President FBINAA Chief of Police, Borough of Castle Shannon (PA) FBINA 225

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