FBINAA - May 2022 catalog


F B I N A A . O R G | Q 2 2 0 2 2

Mike Hardee

FBI National Academy Associates Spiritual Leadership Network

F or those who may not have seen our March FBINAA Member Newsletter, we are pleased to announce the creation of the FBI National Academy Associates’ Spiritual Leadership Network (SLN) . Our hope is to develop a national network of volunteers who serve in an official or unofficial capacity as clergy, chaplain, minister, or spiritual leader for their state and/or international chapters. The need for us to unite in a spiritual way is so very im - portant today. Connecting our state and international chapters’ spiritual leaders with the National Office Team will bring support to those in need more efficiently, unite us in spiritual thought and prayer, and bring us closer together in times of celebration and in times of need. Chapters’ participation is voluntary but our hope is that our network is large enough to serve the needs of the FBINAA membership. The current situation in Ukraine, where the lives of our brothers and sisters are threatened, is one such moment in which the SLN could unite us, as we seek ways to assist, and provide aide, as well as prayer. I hope all of you can contribute and participate in this new initiative to make it a meaningful resource. None of us knows if or when we will need it in our own lives, but we will all benefit from reaching out to those who may need us. By sharing moments of joy and celebration, we can build together a strong and caring network that can better serve our membership. We want to hear the stories of our membership’s great impact on their communities, how we rise together to help our brothers and sisters, and how we contribute to the communities we serve. Most importantly, we wish to share those stories of prayer and sup - port to the families when one of our own has passed. As the National Board Chaplain, I will be coordinating this initiative. If your Chapter currently has someone who now serves or might serve in the future as a spiritual leader and who wants to participate in the SLN, please let us know, or click on the link below to access and apply. All applications will be reviewed by a committee and submitted to the National Board for approval. The FBINAA Chaplain Endorsement Application can be found at https://FBINAA.formstack.com/forms/fbinaa_cea . Please recognize that this is a voluntary assignment, and it is not our ex- pectation that every chapter should mandate a spiritual leader. As the SLN develops, we will keep the membership updated with newsworthy information that is good for the order, to share our blessings, and respond to those in need. Your assistance and participation are greatly appreciated. “Don’t forget to do good and share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices.” Hebrew 13:16

I also want to take a moment to let you know that at this year’s Chapter Leadership Summit , we honored two of our own who died in the line of duty by placing their names on the Hall of Honor at the FBI National Academy. We take a moment to thank them for their ultimate sacrifice in serving their community, their country, and their National Academy Associates family as true heroes. Please keep these officers and their family and friends in your prayers: • Greg Caricle , Phoenix Police Department, Session 229, died March 29, 2020 • Mohammad Monniri , Ministery of Interior, Afghanistan, Session 251, died July 8, 2020 Finally, in the spirit of prayer, I recently found this handwrit - ten poem in my mother’s Bible, which she wrote out for me over 30 years ago. A dear friend and colleague recently sent a copy of this poem in a beautiful frame that I have now hanging over my desk, so that I see it each day. I find it comforting to read as I start my day, and hopefully, it will be a blessing to you as well. Good morning God, You are ushering in another day untouched and friendly new, so here I am asking God if you will renew me too. Forgive my many errors that I made yesterday and help me again dear God to walk closer in thy way. For father I am well aware that I can’t make it on my own so, take my hand and hold it tight for I can’t not walk alone. Now I don’t think she was the original author of the poem but finding her message to me after all these years has brought me closer to God in many ways. These personal messages/ prayers reassure us that we can ask for God’s help, especially when think we can’t go any farther. I invite you to share your special prayer or message through your Chapter Chaplain, or you can send it directly to me and I will try to include them in this quarterly article. This is a great opportunity for us to unite by faith and support each other in times of celebration and times of need. May God bless you and keep you, May God shine his face upon you, May God have mercy upon us all. Amen

Mike Hardee FBINAA Chaplain Session 232


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