
Continued from "ABLE Program", on page 9

John Van Vorst The 3/7 Method for Muscular Fitness STAYING ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD H opefully you all are staying strong during these strange days, where your physical fitness can literally be a life- saver. Whether you’ve been training consistently and just need a program refresh, or obstacles have gotten in the way and now it’s time to re-commit, the “3/7 method” may be just what you need to make some gains. In addition, a free resource is now available to increase your movement vocabulary and increase your train- ing options, so those workouts never get stagnant. Remember, everything works, and everything works for about six weeks! The 3/7 method is a simple but effective ladder repetition scheme to deploy for your strength training workouts. Recently, research has shown it produces superior muscular strength and fitness compared to traditional methods. In reality, plate-heads have been using ladders to boost fitness for a long time. Instead of slogging through your usual program or the standard “3 sets of 10 reps”, choose a moderate amount of weight or resistance and work through the following protocol:

Academy Associates program to build a cadre of “at large” ABLE- certified trainers. These certified trainers will be made avail- able to select cities accepted into the ABLE program looking to supplement their instruction teams to roll out ABLE faster than otherwise possible. Since ABLE can be taught only by certified ABLE instructors, this infusion of 25 FBINAA “at large” trainers will play a significant role in helping agencies get through the sizable task of training ALL sworn officers in their departments, a requirement of the ABLE Project. The ABLE/FBINAA partnership complements the existing partnership between the FBI National Academy and ABLE. The FBINA is in the process of incorporating ABLE into the NA’s core curriculum. The NA also hopes to add a full ABLE Train-The-Train- er event as an elective available to each future NA session. The FBINAA Program is enthusiastic about the role it will play in helping bring ABLE to law enforcement agencies throughout the world, and proud of the role FBINA graduates will play in making that happen. The mission of the FBINAA is to impact communi- ties by providing and promoting law enforcement leadership through training and networking. From its beginning, the FBINAA has been instrumental in the continuous improvement of law enforcement standards, knowledge, and cooperation throughout the world. The ABLE Project will give us more tools in our toolbox to continue, now more than ever, to provide law enforcement executives, their staffs, and their communities with a nationally- acclaimed and evidence-based curriculum that focuses on recog- nizing that first responders, like all of us, must do a better job intervening when necessary to prevent colleagues from causing harm or making costly mistakes. The FBINAA network is poised to help deliver onsite training to law enforcement agencies worldwide, and to help provide future ABLE Train-The-Trainer events. If you are interested in learning more about the ABLE Proj- ect, visit www.law.georgetown.edu/IPP/ABLE . And keep your eyes on the FBINAA website where we will be keeping all our members apprised as this exciting partnership moves forward. About the Authors: John Kennedy is the director of education and training for the FBINAA. Jonathan Aronie is a partner at the Sheppard Mullin law firm in Washing- ton, DC, and the Chair of the ABLE Project Board of Advisors.

ers actually do very little to promote active bystandership. Like anything that it not natural — from learning to shoot a basket- ball to learning to shoot a gun — using a skill takes practice. We would never teach an officer how to shoot a gun by “demanding” that he/she shoot well. Shooting well takes practice. Interven- tion is no different. Intervention is a skill that can be learned and employed effectively if it is taught effectively. In 2014, the New Orleans Police Department, working with a team of officers, community members, and academics, including renowned psychologist Ervin Staub (Professor Emeritus U. Mass. Amherst), developed a program called EPIC, Ethical Policing Is Courageous . EPIC teaches the tactics and strategies of active bystandership through deliberate training, scenario-based role play, and the creation of a department culture that supports intervention. After the death of George Floyd, the NOPD was flooded with calls from departments across the country seeking help creating EPIC programs of their own. Quickly realizing EPIC needed a national home, the NOPD teamed up with the George- town University Law Center’s Innovative Policing Program and global law firm Sheppard Mullin to create the Active Bystander- ship for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Project . The ABLE Project provides free, highly interactive Train- The-Trainer events for law enforcement agencies across the country willing to commit to instituting a culture in which peer intervention will thrive. To date, more than 40 law enforcement agencies have been accepted into the ABLE Project, including Boston, Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver, Philadelphia, Wilmington NC, Everette Washington, Hamilton County Ohio, and Rockwall Texas; as well as the statewide academies in New Hampshire and Washington State. Each ABLE Train-The-Trainer session is limited to 25 officers and involves a host of experts, including 3 instruc- tors, 3 additional subject matter experts, a psychologist or social worker, 2 zoom technicians, and at least 2 administrative support personnel. To participate in the program, agencies must commit to 10 standards and must submit four letters in support of their application, including one letter from the agency head (e.g., Chief/Sheriff), one from the locality head (e.g., Mayor/County Ex- ecutive), and two from respected community groups (e.g., local NAACP, ACLU, Urban League, Church, Human Rights Group, etc.). To help make the ABLE Project available to even more law enforcement agencies across the country, Georgetown’s Innova- tive Policing Program now has teamed up with the FBI National THE RESULTS Chorus was successfully used to corroborate the victim accounts with the mountain of digital evidence that had been gathered. WMP reduced 250,000 pages of CPS documentation to a 500- page information document the jury could use as a reference during the trial. A timeline of events from all the data sources was produced which provided the jury with a visual depiction in order to see the complete picture. The investigation resulted in 13 defendants being charged and sentenced to a total of 55 years jail time. Hundreds of vulnerable people were saved from further exploitation by the gang through West Midlands Police’s systematic use of data analysis.

F B I N A A . O R G | O C T / D E C 2 0 2 0

Figure 1: Rear-foot Elevated Split Squats

Figure 2: Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts




1 2 3 4 5

3 4 5 6 7

0:15 0:15 0:15 0:15

Figure 3: Bent Over Rows


After completing the 5th set of 7 repetitions, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat the entire ladder. This will give you a total of 50 repetitions for the training exercise, clustered closely together with hopefully just enough rest interspersed to complete the set. When- ever in doubt, start with a lighter weight or resistance level because the metabolic demands of the 3/7 method will sneak up on you. For you next workout at home or in the gym, use 3/7 method with the following minimalist 5 movement routine that hits all the big stuff (working through the entire ladder on each leg before switching sides):

Jonathan Aronie, Sheppard Mullin LLP, Washington, DC 202.747.1902 (w), 202.302.4855 (c), Jaronie@sheppardmullin.com

Figure 4: Floor Presses

1. Rear-foot Elevated Split Squats (Figure 1) 2. Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts (Figure 2)

Continued from "Chorus Case Study", on page 31

3. Bent Over Rows (Figure 3) 4. Floor Presses (Figure 4) 5. Body Saws (Figure 5)

If you would like to know more about how Chorus and how we are supporting law enforcement, then please contact us at NAsa- les@chorusintel.com or visit us.chorusintel.com .

For more details about these movements, check out the Precision Nutrition movement library. This great resource is a free collection of over 400 movements to help you with your mobility, strength and metabolic fitness. Each of the video clips are filmed frommultiple angles and includes key technique checkpoints and common flaws to avoid. Make sure you add this to your internet browser bookmarks. Happy training! Resources https://www.precisionnutrition.com/video-exercise-library#exerciselibrary Stragier S, Baudry S, Carpentier A, Duchateau J., Efficacy of a new strength training design: the 3/7 method . Eur J Appl Physiol. 2019 May;119(5):1093-1104. doi: 10.1007/s00421-019-04099-5. Epub 2019 Feb 12. PMID: 30756168.

About the Author: Mr. Zidenberg has nearly 30 years of management and leadership experience in the intel- ligence, justice and public safety sector. Since 2018, he is the President of E&O Consulting, LLC, providing inde- pendent consulting services for customers supporting a number of clients working with DHS and Public Safety (local, state and federal law enforcement).

Figure 5: Body Saws

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