

F B I N A A . O R G | M A R / A P R 2 0 1 9

Howard Cook

W e welcomed our Chapter leadership to Quantico in March for several days of planning and networking for the As- sociation. We were able to celebrate the Association’s past with the ribbon cutting ceremony of the FBINAA History Wall. In support of our mission, Training is at the core of all we do. We’ve added some new Leadership Forum classes to our portfolio. The School Shooting Prevention Leadership Forum training in South Carolina was a great success and attended by 130 people. A second program is scheduled for May in Kansas City, Kansas. We received approval from Motorola to apply for their grant over the next two years. This funding supports our Officer Resil- iency, Safety and Wellness initiatives and training. We also held a very successful Officer Resiliency, Safety and Wellness Leader- ship Forum in Chicago attended by 150 and plan to schedule future programs. There is much happening around our Association with Spring re-trainers underway. I had the opportunity to join the Maryland/Delaware and Hawaii re-trainers and was able to engage with our members in these Chapters and partake in some impactful training. I was also able to attend the LEEDA confer- ence and the Latin America/Caribbean Chapter re-trainer, both training events were successful with great turnouts. We are looking forward to hosting sixty young leaders this year during our Youth Leadership Program scheduled for June. The participants have been notified and we have sent them their welcome/informational packets. Finance has completed the 2018 audit. In addition, the 2018 Annual Report is now complete and is available for your review on our website. Stay connected to the FBINAA through our new FBINAA Connect App. The App is now available for download on your phone and will keep you up to date on events, training, news and forums. As reported previously, there was a data incident that af- fected three FBINAA Chapters, all which use a third-party server. At no time was any financial and/or other personal identifiable information compromised. The affected Chapters continue to work with their local FBI Field Office and the third-party server provider to investigate this matter. The national database is secure and we are finalizing a comprehensive manual, or action plan, to address potential future cyber attacks. The FBINAA had a very strong start for 2019. Here are a few highlights...

I have two notes about our personnel. Please join us in welcoming our newest teammember, Felicia Capote. Felicia will be working onsite in our store. On a sad note, we say goodbye to Angie Wier. Angie was a valued member of our team and we wish her all the best. Lastly, it’s not too late to join us in Phoenix, Arizona from July 20-23, 2019. The host Chapter has been hard at work putting together a very impressive training conference.


Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA #224


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