
MEET THE CANDIDATE LARRY DYESS SECTION II REPRESENTATIVE Fellow FBI National Academy Graduates and friends, my name is Larry Dyess, proud graduate and spokesperson of Session 263 and I am asking for your support as I seek the position of Section II Representative on the National Board. Attending the National Academy has truly been the highlight of my professional career and being elected by my classmates to represent Session 263 as their spokesman was a very humbling experience, but one that was the ultimate honor. I am looking forward to continuing that type of service to the organization, not only in Section II, but the entire FBINAA membership. H aving been in law enforcement for 28 years, I, just like the rest of you, have dedicated my life to serving the community in which I live and love. I began my career in New Orleans, LA as a Reserve Police Officer with NOPD and working for the Orleans Parish Civil Sheriff's Office. In 1996, I made a lateral move to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, LA where I currently serve on a 1,500-person department. I have worked in the capacity of Patrol Officer, Detective in the Personal Violence Unit, a Sergeant/Squad Leader in the Robbery Division, Spokesperson and Public Information Officer for the department, a Lieutenant and Commander of the Personal Violence Unit, and I am now in my eighth year as the Commander of the Second District Patrol Division. I also had the privilege of graduating from the Louisiana Attorney General's Command College. I am also active outside of the sheriff's office and have been appointed/elected to numerous positions in non-profit organizations, as well as school and church boards and committees.

F B I N A A . O R G | A P R / J U N 2 0 2 0

After graduating the FBI National Academy, I remain an active member of the FBINAA, holding numerous positions on the LA State Chapter Executive Board, various committees, and I currently serve as the President of the Louisiana Chapter, and the Chairman of the 2020 FBINAA National Conference to be held in New Orleans, July 2020. I am also involved at the national level as I was appointed to sit on the FBINAA Charitable Foundation Science and Innovation Awards Committee. Over the past four years, I have traveled to numerous states and attended different chapter training conferences both inside and outside of Section II, while promoting the 2020 National Conference, introducing myself as the Section II Candidate, and making really good friends which are going to last a lifetime. While meeting members from around the country, I have been able to identify several areas I look forward to addressing as the next Section II Representative. I want to represent our members by bringing your ideas, thoughts, and concerns forward, promising to serve with transparency, while holding all of us accountable to the membership by making smart fiscal and professional decisions. Some of the areas I would like to address are below. I would like to market the FBINAA, and who we are as an organization, to all people, police officers and the public alike. As the premier law enforcement networking and leadership organization, more people should be familiar with us and what we do for our community across the country and throughout the world. I believe we can accomplish this by making additional training opportunities available to both NA graduates and non-graduates while demonstrating the caliber of training and professional instructors we have to offer. Recruits in the local training academies should have attending the FBI National

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