
F B I N A A . O R G | A P R / J U N 2 0 2 0

Continued from "Historian", on page 20

There are many in law enforcement standing on the shoulders of men like Major Morgan. Within his lifetime, Morgan saw huge strides that resulted in Blacks rising through the ranks to serve as leaders within their own departments.

• Morgan was a testament to what a Christian should be. According to Bennett, “I believe that Major Morgan lived by the saying: “Be mindful of who you are and how you behave. You might be the only Bible some people will ever read or sermon they will ever hear.” During the eulogy Bennett went on to say, “While he experienced racial discrimination and hardships during his early career, and later supervised some of the same people who were aware of the injustice, he never held a grudge against them. He treated all employees with dignity and respect. He always spoke of love and forgiveness. That’s Christian love!”

May we never forget what they endured to improve conditions for the generations to follow.


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