

Kevin Wingerson

Dear Colleagues,

T his will be my last column as President of the FBI National Academy Associates. Much has happened since writing my previous column and I would like to share some sentiments and encouragement. First and foremost, I hope everyone is safe and well and that my prayers have gone out to the many who have or are suffering from this pandemic we have been battling. But not to forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice who continued to be out keeping our communities safe. The words pain, sorrow, hurt, anger, loneliness, and helplessness are just a few those left behind may or will experience. I hope my prayers reach you during these times. These are challenging times for our profession and your leadership is needed now more than ever. Whether your active duty or retired, let us lead by example by bringing our communities together. We can continue to do this through upholding the highest ethical policing standards, promoting accountability and equity in our departments and profession, and strengthening constructive community engagement. As FBI National Academy graduates and leaders within the law enforcement community, we must be the change-makers and continue to strive towards systemic solutions for our communities. As we work to get through this, and we will, our Association will continue to provide necessary, relevant and quality training. Within Officer Safety and Wellness , what a great accomplishment it would be to say no suicides today, and then again tomorrow, then no suicides this week, and continue and be able to say no suicides for the month and so on and on. Some might say that is not reasonable. Well, my response is let’s get through today, and then work on tomorrow. Reach out to your brothers and sisters who are struggling. As the world’s strongest law enforcement leadership network, our capabilities and reach are worldwide. It is easier now more than ever for us to stay engaged and connected with a simple click on your phone with the FBINAA Connect App . So, log on and STAY CONNECTED! This response would not be complete if I did not remind you of YOUR FBI National Academy Associates Charitable Foundation, the heart and helping hands of the Association. The Foundation has provided so much assistance to our members in need, but there is much more to the Foundation, so make the trip to the website. Get to know why and what your Foundation is there for and let the Foundation know about a member who is in need. Please support your Foundation that supports you.

Thank you for allowing me to serve in this position, it has been one of the greatest honors of my life. Just remember, as we move through our careers, which many of our members have, you never retire from the FBI National Academy Associates.

Be strong and resilient,

Kevin Wingerson, President FBINAA Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Deptartment

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