

F B I N A A . O R G | A P R / J U N 2 0 2 0

Howard Cook

Hello Fellow FBINAA Members,

W e’ve undoubtedly been through the most challenging of times as a global nation with the coronavirus and as a profession with the current unrest. This is the time where our profession looks to strong leadership to see the way forward. As an Association we stand behind you, as those leaders, to move towards healing with your communities and creating a stronger platform within your relations in your localities. This is a time where the strength of our network can be the backbone in the days ahead. Stay connected to your Brothers and Sisters in your session and Chapter. As an Association, we will continue to provide resources and education that will support your efforts. With our national training conference being canceled due to COVID-19, we have made it a priority to still provide leadership training for our members, their command staffs and personnel. Our FBINAA 2020: CONNECTING LEADERS , a virtual leadership, education and networking event is scheduled for September 1-3, 2020. Join us and hear from subject matter experts on: • Message from FBI Director Christoph Wray (invited) • Heart Focus Leadership Times • Protest and Civil Unrest Panel Discussion • Officer Safety, Wellness and Leadership Development • Leadership and Community Engagement • COVID-19 and Cyber Security We’re also looking forward to launching our new FBINAA Podcast Series, Leadership APB . These free monthly broadcasts will be available on the first Wednesday of the month and on demand. They will feature some great discussions and leadership perspectives from an array of influential guests. Our first podcast: The Road to Leadership, with George P. Beach, II, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement (OPE) will broadcast Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Be sure to mark your calendars for this education and networking event. Registration will open in July.

Be sure to visit our website at www.fbinaa.org to see if and when national training programs and Chapter Retrainers are rescheduled. We continue to look towards the future when we can get together with you at Leadership Forums, educational and training programs, and Chapter events.

Stay strong. Stay safe.

Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA #224


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