

T his may seem extremely obvious, but there is not much good that has come from the pandemic period for the National Academy. We have lost three valuable sessions this year. We are seeking to find that balance between making con- cessions to get the National Academy back safely without losing too much of the “magic” that makes it a world class experience. As my friend Howard Cook says, “Be careful you don’t water down the chowder.” I am an optimistic person by nature, so I choose to look at what good did come from this difficult period. We have been forced to ask ourselves a lot of questions about the National Academy, which has led to more learning and understanding. We have taken the time to question assumptions and think deeply about the program’s values, which has brought more clarity. We have reviewed our policy and tested it against difficult circumstances, which has made us better prepared. We have collaborated with world class academics, which has elevated our

instruction. We have also realized through ab- sence how much we all appreciate the program and all of you, which has brought gratitude and humility.

It has been particularly tough to witness the difficulty the law enforcement profession is enduring in this flash point in history without being able to process it and deal with it through a session’s students. We want to be there with you all, shoulder to shoulder, but we are forced to view it as a spectator and root for the man in the arena who spends time in a worthy cause. Our part will be to prepare for session 280 whenever it occurs. It has been said that character is revealed during the hard times. These are absolutely hard times that we are in right now. Stick to the character that got you selected for the National Academy and know that 50,000 brother and sister graduates have your back.

Continued from "Uber", on page 9

The Law Enforcement Response Team manages legal process and emergency requests utilizing our online portal www.lert.uber.com . The Response Team will validate law enforcement credentials based on the information provided by the officer or agent submitting a request. The portal contains Uber’s legal guidelines for data requests and frequently asked questions. The response team has been a crucial partner in assisting law enforcement in the U.S. and around the world with providing infor- mation during critical incidents such as the Easter terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka and the Route 91 shooting in Las Vegas. Recently, Uber Law Enforcement Operations added a much- needed feature to the portal in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is now equipped to receive and respond to requests for information from public health departments conducting contact tracing investigations. The portal includes resources and instructions on the process for public health departments to submit their requests through the portal. The response team has been responding to public health requests for several months now, even before the initial spread of COVID-19.

While Uber is committed to engaging, partnering, and responding to law enforcement, we also take our customers’ privacy seriously and understand that law enforcement wants to ensure that the data they obtain is done so in accordance with all applicable laws, thus ensuring the data Uber provides can be utilized in trial proceedings with its acquisition never being called into question. For more information about Uber’s Privacy Policy, please visit https://privacy.uber.com/policy . At Uber, we appreciate the work that law enforcement and other public safety officials engage in every day. It is a priority for Uber to build a strong relationship with law enforcement. We want to be part of the safety solution and strive to be the rideshare company that law enforcement trusts most. Thank you for your service and sacrifice, and stay safe! To learn more about Uber’s LE Operations team and how Uber’s data can be used during an investigation, please contact Uber’s Law Enforcement Liaison Danielle McDonald at daniellem@uber.com .

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