PSAV April 2015

PSAV 2015 Scenario 1:

(1) General Session for 120 people set classroom style (2 per 6 foot) PLUS (2) Breakout Rooms for approximately 40 people each set theatre.

General Session AV Needs:

· (1) Large Screen and Projector · (1) Wireless lapel Microphones · (1) podium w/microphone · Head table for 3ppl with (3) table microphones AV Needs for each Breakout Room: · Flipchart · (1) Large Screen and Projector · (1) podium w/microphone PSAV 2015 Scenario 2:

(1) General Session for 90 MAX people classroom style (2 per 6 foot) PLUS (2) Breakout Rooms for approximately 45 people each… we will use the G/S as (1) of the (2) breakout rooms..

General Session AV Needs:

· (1) Large Screen and Projector

· (1) Wireless lapel Microphones

· (1) podium w/microphone

AV Needs for Breakout Room:

· Flipchart

· (1) Large Screen and Projector

· (1) podium w/microphone

 It’s okay to be vague on the meeting scenario. Guestrooms will be required (alternate pattern Tues -Thurs or Mon – Wed) within 4-6 months. Several dates are being considered. You can say that there will be meals daily- Continental, lunch, AM/PM…maybe a dinner.

Final Communication

Reason for Cancellation : Event Cancelled –Because client chose a different city.

Please Note:

*** You will ASK for the AV Department at the Hotel Switchboard. DO NOT ASK FOR SALES!!! If the AV Person asks who are you working within the sales department, you can tell them that your colleague is handling those arrangements.

*** Materials will be collected and sent with shop. Original Proposal/Final Proposal to be included. See Shopper Checklist for how to name these documents.

*** There WILL be an audio with these shops. ALL Persons being shopped have signed a consent form. You will still need to send a consent request to HSI Consents.

Shopper Follow-up Questions (if needed) – in case you’re asked… IMPORTANT – this is NOT to be copied and pasted and sent to the client! The information below is provided as insight to the shopper only to assist in being a more believable caller.

1. Decision date – Immediate!

2. Event specifications

Continued Next Page:

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