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20 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only

HSI creates Shopper Checklists for many of the management companies we work with. They are meant to

be working documents for you to use each time you do a report for that management company. When you

receive a Shopper Checklist,

please print it out and read it

. Then, keep it in a 1/2", 3 ring binder or folder on

your desk.

Prior to starting a shop for this management company, flip to and review the checklist. Then,

prior to submitting the report, review the checklist again

. By investing the time to read the checklist when it is

received, AND review it prior to each shop, this will enable you to learn the intricacies of that particular report

and avoid time correcting it on the back end.

Anything that is a gray issue, clarify why it is rated as such in your comments. This follows the order of

questions on ProPoints templates. Please pay attention to the special notes located in parenthesis after

some questions on each template.


This section should be completed by the Caller and filled in when submitted to you to type.

The exception

to this will be the CAPTURE box.

WRITER will fill this in

based on the overall score and her impression

as a "real client" as to whether or not the manager would have earned her business.


This section will be completed by the WRITER based on the verbal and written interactions. The final

pricing, after any objections, is what is listed. Please be sure to check


This section should be completed by the Shopper/Caller and filled in when submitted to you to type.

However, the WRITER is responsible for double checking the entries for the following items:

If a message was left on the initial call, is the person's name or voicemail included.

Do all entries include a brief synopsis of what occurred during the interaction or what the gist of the

message was about.


This section is based on the


TO THE HOTEL. Pay careful attention if the report indicates the

option to score BOTH the hotel switchboard AND the Sales office! If it only refers to one area, start scoring

when the phone rings in to the Sales or Catering Office.

Number of Rings:

To get rated “yes” on this question, the hotel must answer the call within the number of rings indicated. If the

hotel answers the call after more than the appropriate rings, the score would be “no.”

Number of Seconds on Hold/ Caller placed on hold:

To be considered “on hold” the same person must ask you to hold and return to the line. If someone else

answers, we consider the pause a “transfer” and not a “hold.” If the caller is placed on a true hold, then score

as a yes and calculate the number of seconds and enter here. If the caller is not placed on hold, rate as "no"

and enter “0” in the number of seconds on hold. Do not leave the number of seconds blank.

Greeting was polite and friendly:

The call must be answered friendly and professionally. In most instances, this question is answered “yes”.

However, if the call is answered in an unfriendly tone, or perhaps the person answering the phone is

laughing or talking to someone else while picking up the call, then this would be answered “no”.

Greeting was easily understood:

Were you able to clearly hear and understand the speaker? In most cases, this question is answered "yes".

Transferred call promptly and appropriately:

If the call was routed to the correct office in a timely manner, this is answered "yes'. However if you are

directed to an incorrect office or if the wait time is extreme, mark this as "no".

Sales Person WAS available to assist: