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26 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only

Sold against the competitors effectively:

The names of the competitors must be learned. When the manager made comparisons between his hotel

and those named competitors, was he effective in persuading you to select his property? If so, this is rated


Confirmed within 24 hours is space was available or not:

The manager must either confirm or deny availability on the initial call, or within 24 hours (weekends to not

apply) to earn this point. This can be done via phone or email.

If requested dates were not available, sales person asked for alternative dates:

IF the original set of dates were not available, the manager would need to ask if we could consider other

dates to earn a Yes rating. If the caller has to ask the manager to check alternate dates because the

manager does not offer to do so, this would be rated No. If the original set of dates were available, this

question is rated N/A.

Quoted pricing within 24 hours:

The manager will quote pricing on the initial call, or must call back in 24 hours (weekends to not apply) and

offer pricing to earn this point. Pricing for any one or more of the following would earn a Yes rating; guest

rooms, room rental, food and beverage. This can be done via phone or email.


First – be sure an objection was raised on the call. If it was, this section applies. If an objection was NOT

raised, check the appropriate box to substantiate why.

Second - take note of your template which will indicate if the questions can be done verbally or via email or


Basic Skills

Confirmed their understanding of the objection and clarified what the caller was looking for:

To be successful and earn a Yes here, the manager should ask the caller additional questions and/or repeat

the concerns or requests back to the caller to confirm that they truly are clear as to what the problem is.

Examples below:

“So, $199.00 is higher than you expected, is that right?"

"We’d love to work with you. Can you tell me what it is you are looking for?"

“Was there a price range you are trying to stay within?”

“The pricing quoted is a very good value based on our regular pricing. However, can you give me a

better feel of what it is that you are looking for so I can see if there is any flexibility on what we can


Acknowledged the objection and appeared interested in the caller’s concern, showing empathy:

The manager must make a statement showing that they understand and can “see where the caller is coming

from” (show empathy). This does not mean they have to agree with the caller, just acknowledge they

understand. Simply answering, “That is our rate,” would earn a no here.

Reinforced the features and benefits in trying to overcome the objection:

The manager can remind the caller about the features and benefits discussed earlier in the call, or bring up

some additional ones to reinforce the value in the pricing already quoted. There must be at least one feature

and one benefit statement to earn a Yes rating if the word "and" is on the template you are using.