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38 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only

Evaluating Correspondence

Evaluating Correspondence

Evaluating the correspondence and collateral received from the hotels, we want to try and maintain

consistency. We have many repeat clients and when we evaluate the same hotel’s materials differently, this

raises some obvious questions from the client. For example, why on one report is the proposal rated as

excellent and on another it’s rated as good?

Our evaluation is subjective. However, if we follow some general parameters, we can hopefully be as

consistent as possible. The following are some points to keep in mind when evaluating both collateral and



Excellent Rating:

Excellent ratings are applied when the correspondence:

Has no typos.

Is more than just “generic” form letter. If a proposal or contract, it references the issues

discussed including dates and prices.

Good Rating:

Good ratings are applied when the correspondence:

If there’s a typo, there is only 1.

Letter is nicely written. May have features and benefits outlined. Even if it’s a form letter, if it is

well written then it is “good”.

Average Rating:

Average ratings are applied when the correspondence:

If there are several typos.

If there are blatant errors in the correspondence.