42 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only
Templates and Computer Tips
Special instructions for your operating system can be obtained from the trainer. Once the templates are
successfully downloaded, please follow these steps to begin typing a new report. Keep in mind, as a Writer,
the reports you receive should already be started on the correct template so these instructions would not be
To use a template you must always access them from Microsoft Office Word this way in order for
them to work properly:
Click on
Click on
Find the template you want, and double click on it to open it.
Type in the information. You then have to save it as a document (.doc) not a template (.dot)
throughout writing
the report by clicking on the
button on your tool bar. A keyboard
command is
pushed down at the same time.
Open Windows Explorer (or File Explorer)
Go to the template folder where templates have to be stored (must be right location)
Find template and double click no it.
It opens as a document, and you save it.
**** BACK-UP ****** BACK-UP ****** BACK-UP
Time is money for you. It takes seconds to back up your report on a memory stick. It takes hours to
recreate lost report(s). Typically if there is a problem, you lose many reports, not just one. We have had
quite a few shoppers have to retype many shops, resulting in lost time and lost money for them.
So an important tip…
At the end of your working session copy the reports, audios and any correspondence from the day
to a memory stick or other backup system. The time you spend backing up is minuscule compared
to the frustration of lost work.