Sales Shop Report Writing

Handling Objections

I f a n Ob j e c t i o n Wa s No t R a i s e d 1.During the call

Manager did a nice job in selling the caller on choosing their facility and so an objection was not raised 5 Not Applicable, an objection was not raised and this section does not apply 0 An objection was raised, see questions 2 through 4 0

B a s i c S k i l l s

O b j e c t i o n D u e t o W e d d i n g P a c k a g e P r i c e o f $ 7 0 . 0 0

2. Listened to the objection actively

(customer could tell

Yes 1

No 0

N/A 0

the manager heard what their concern was)

3. Empathized with what has been heard showing interest in the customer’s concern 4. Asked questions to confirm their understanding of the objection 5. Produced results by responding to the objection and included in the response a reiteration of some features and/or benefits to reinforce value (must do both)

Yes 1

No 0

N/A 0

Yes 1

No 0

N/A 0

Yes 3

No 0

N/A 0

6. Sales Person responded to the objection by stating the package is a starting point and the menu can be customized to fit the caller's budget.

7. If a concession is extended, a reason was provided versus just giving the customer what they requested without providing a reason why

Yes 3

No 0

N/A 0

O v e r a l l R e s p o n s e t o Ob j e c t i o n 8. Overcame objection successfully 9. Used a trial closing question to determine if the objection was successfully overcome or if there were any other obstacles to address 10. Offered alternative dates when they could be more flexible (does not impact score, but in many instances can be a good strategy to maintain integrity)

Yes 5 Yes 1

No 0 No 0

N/A 0 N/A 0

Yes 0

No 0

N/A 0

Score: 67% 10 points out of a possible 15

Attempt To Close

1. Used a trial closing question to lead up to the close

Yes 2 Yes 0

No 0 No 0

N/A 0 N/A 0

2. Summarized the features and benefits to help lead up to the close (does not impact score, but good skill to use)

3. Attempted to close on a

Definite Commitment 10

Tentative Commitment 10

Other Logical Step 10

Not Done 0

N/A 0

Special Note: "Other Logical Step" option is for pieces of business where asking for a commitment at the time of the conversation(s) would not be appropriate. Simply offering a proposal does not earn points. Manager must have a definitive conversation in regards to ultimately closing on the business, and must follow through. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e 4. Offered to send a proposal or contract Yes 3 No 0 via Email N/A 0

5. Asked the customer what form of delivery they would prefer for information to be sent

Yes 3

No 0

N/A 0

via Email

Ne x t S t e p 6. Before ending call, reiterated or confirmed next action to be taken

Yes 2

No 0

N/A 0

7. Agreed upon a time to follow up

Yes 2

No 0

N/A 0

Score: 100% 22 points out of a possible 22

Sample Hotel 7/16/2012 0000s_071612_ss Carolyn Jones


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