2015 Best Practices Study

Analysis of Agencies with Revenues Between $1,250,000 and $2,500,000

Key Benchmarks Profile


Revenues Expenses Profitability Employee Overview Producer Info Service Staff Info Technology Insurance Carriers Appendix


Top 25%

Information Technology Employees (FTE) Number

0.6 1.5 0.0

High Low

Number of IT Employees per 100 users


Revenue per IT Employee Total IT Payroll Expense ($)





As % of Total Compensation Expense

3.2% 1.7%

As % of Net Revenues


Top 25% Profit Top 25% Growth




Total IT Expenses 1 (as % of net revenues)

1 Includes hardware/software leasing including offsite applications, supplies, maintenance & maintenance contracts, training, data lines, internet providers, website development/maintenance, outside consulting fees, computer depreciation, software amortization, and any non-depreciated hardware/software.

Agency Management System Utilized

Other 4.0%

EPIC 4.0%

Instar 4.0%

Other included Jenesis.

Stone River/ FSCMngr 4.0%

TAM 52.0%

Strategic Insurance Software (SIS) 4.0%

2015 Best Practices Study

AMS360 28.0%

Agencies with Revenues Between $1,250,000 and $2,500,000


Note: See page 163 for an explanation of column headings

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