Current Age (In 2014) 50-68 34-49 14-33 Core Values Involvement Balance Achievement Optimism Diversity Confidence

Good Team Players Direct Communicators Multitask

Personal Gratification Fun Sociability Team Oriented Independent Extremely Tech Savvy

Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials (Gen Y) Birth Years 1946-1964 1965-1980 1981-2000

Work Lack of Organizational Loyalty Community Value Success Time Individuality Work Ethic Driven Balance Multitasking

Keys to Working with Their careers define them Give them time to pursue interests Like Team Oriented Workplace Do well on Teams Allow them to have fun at work Want to Work with Friends Interactive Style Team Player Entrepreneur Participative

Preferred Work Environment Flat Functional, Positive, Fun Collaborative Democratic Informal Fun, Flexible, Want Feedback Work Is. . . a Career a Contract a Means to an End

Work Assets Anxious to Please Adapt Well To Change Collaboration

Work Liabilities Do Not Like Change Cynical, Skeptical Distaste for Menial Work Peer Loyalty Reject Rules Need Structure

Personal Growth Entrepreneurial Highly tolerant

Motivated by Being Valued, Needed Freeedom and No Rules Working with other Bright People

Source: Drawn from several non-copyrighted resources.

65 Producer Recruiting & Development Study

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