2022 Summer of Safety - Besnard Insurance
Grease on your roof is not only an eyesore but a risk to your overall business operations. As a McDonald's Owner/Operator, you know that more beef production equals more grease. Across the country, we're currently seeing many Owner/Operators with unmaintained grease on their roofs causing dangerous grease-related incidents. Below is a list of risks that can be mitigated with proper grease containment. HOW TO DECREASE YOUR ROOFTOP RISK: PROPER GREASE CONTAINMENT
Acidity of grease eating away at the membrane of the roof
I ncrease Employee Safety : We recommend that you avoid maintaining your grease in-house as it puts your employees at risk for an incident like a slip and fall or an injury while ascending/descending on a ladder. It's best to leave grease removal to the professionals. Avoid Roof Degradation : Grease build-up can create expensive damage to your roof and if left unmaintained, will eat away at your membrane. This damage can lead to voiding your manufacturer's warranty and can easily be avoided with preventative maintenance. Decrease Chance Of A Rooftop Fire : When grease builds up on a roof, it can ignite a fire quite quickly and can be difficult to stop. Grease fires are a risk to you, your employees, and your customers. Ensure that all areas around your exhaust fan are clear of excess grease. Learn more about reducing your risk at RoofingSource.com/greaserisk
Tom Dawson Director of Operations & Sales tom.dawson@roofingsource.com (407) 592-8363
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