Remote Work Resources and Best Practices
9. Exercise Regularly Maintaining an exercise routine is essential, both for physical and mental well-being. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine to counter the
sedentary nature of remote work. 10. Create a Strong Support System
Remote work can sometimes feel isolating. Engage in virtual social interactions like online lunches or coffee breaks to foster a sense of community. Also, take advantage of networking opportunities and continue your professional development remotely. Conclusion Adapting to remote work can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be equally rewarding. The key is to remain disciplined while taking advantage of the flexibility that remote work provides. By following these tips and continuously adapting to new best practices, you can not only be an effective remote team member but also maintain a healthy work-life balance. Some Additional Resources Remote Work 1. "Remote: Office Not Required" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson • A comprehensive guide on remote work from the founders of Basecamp. 2. "The Year Without Pants: and the Future of Work" by Scott Berkun • Offers insights into the remote working culture at WordPress. 3. "Work Together Anywhere: A Handbook on Working Remotely— Successfully—for Individuals, Teams, and Managers" by Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson • Focuses on best practices for remote collaboration. Communication Skills 1. "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
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