PJC 217.4
PJC 216.1 (sole or joint managing conservatorship), PJC 216.2 (sole managing conser vatorship), and PJC 216.3 (possessory conservatorship contested) for instructions and questions for the appointment of a replacement conservator. If more than one child. If a separate answer is sought for each child, the ques tions in PJC 217.4B may be submitted as follows: QUESTION 1 Should the order that designates PARTY A the conservator who has the exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the children named below be modified to appoint PARTY B the conservator who has that exclusive right? Answer “Yes” or “No” for each child. CHILD A ______________ CHILD B ______________ If you answered “Yes” to Question 1 with regard to a child, then answer Question 2 for that child. Otherwise, do not answer Question 2. QUESTION 2 For each child for whom you answered “Yes” in Question 1, should PARTY B be permitted to designate the primary residence of the child with or without a geographic restriction? Answer by writing beside the name of each child for whom you have answered “Yes” in Question 1 “With a geographic restriction” or “Without a geographic restriction.” CHILD A ______________ CHILD B ______________ If you answered Question 2 “With a geographic restriction” with regard to a child, then answer Question 3 for that child. Otherwise, do not answer Question 3. QUESTION 3 What is the geographic area within which PARTY B must designate the primary residence of that child?
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