The Gazette 1952-1955

N ational M oney I ncome . I ncome of certain GROUPS IN 1938, AND INCOMES OF SOME GROUPS IN I949. Agricultural profits, wages Increased over 1938 and salaries ............... by 175% in 1949 ■Non Agricultural Profits o f public and private companies... ............... „ 175% „ „ Wages, salaries and pensions ,,1 2 5 % „ „ Other profits, professional earnings etc. ................ „ 60% „ „ to ta l national money Income ... „ 12 3% ,, ,, (?) Civil Service Salaries. The following table compiled from the estimates for the public services shows the increases in the salaries of higher Civil Servants between 1939 and 1952.

the said Act dated 17th May, 1920 and 15th Novem­ ber, 1920, “ or any Order hereafter to be made thereunder.” By the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order, 1951, made on n th December, 1951, the following provisions were made. They apply both to registered and “ unregistered ” land in accordance with the definition given in Rule 241 (1) L .R .R ., 1937. It is however thought convenient that provisions affecting the costs relating to registered land should be included in the Land Registration Rules and it is suggested that the Committee should now pass further rules dealing with the undermentioned matters in the terms of the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order, 1951. The following were the changes which were effected by the Solicitors’ Remuneration General Order, 1951 :— (i) An increase of 55% over the prewar charges was authorised in detailed bills o f cost not covered by the commission scale fees, in substitution for any increases already allowed between 1939 and the present time. The increase at present in force under the Land Registration Rules is 33^% over prewar. (ii) Rule 1 1 , S.R.G.O., 1884, was rescinded. The effect o f this rule was that where land was taken by a public authority under the actual or threatened exercise o f compulsory powers, the costs o f the solicitor for the acquiring authority and the owner could not be charged in accordance with the com­ mission scale in any case. This resulted in an unjust­ ifiable reduction in solicitors’ costs in some cases. Following the decision o f the Supreme Court in Lanigan against Carlow Mental Hospital, not yet reported, the Committee under the S. R. Act, 1881, were convinced that Rule 11 could not be justified and it has been rescinded. (iii) Costs o f a lease at a rack rent. The effect of the wording in the first scale in Schedule 1, Part 2, S.R.G.O., 1884, which as amended applies equally to registered land, is that the costs where the rent includes a broken part o f £100 were assessed on the nearest lowest denomination o f £100 , e.g., on a rent of £275, the costs would be assessed on £200 only. This has been amended to provide that the commission is to be calculated on the actual amount o f the rent in the lease. I am to ask that you will summon a meeting of the Land Registration Rules Committee to consider this matter. Six copies o f this letter are enclosed for conven- inece. Yours faithfully, E ric A. P lunkett , Secretary. 3 7

C iv il S erv ic e S alaries I ncreases .

1 93 9

: 9 4 7

1 9 5 1

I I I 1,419 1,880 2,324 1,220 1,635 1,969 1,009 1,375 1,609 900 1,240 1,431 789 1,100 1,249

Secretary Assistant Secretary ... Principal Officer

Assistant Principal, Scale 1 Assistant Principal, Scale 2

The salaries o f higher Civil Servants have been twice increased since 1939 as shown above. The average remuneration, excluding child allowances, for the four highest grades now stands at 60% over 1939. Bearing in mind that the Civil Service is a permanent, pensionable, and risk free occupation this increase in remuneration compares very favour­ ably with that o f a solicitor who must not only face an ever increasing bill for office expenses, but has to make provision for loss o f earnings through illness and has no retiring pension. 5. (i) Item charges in detailed bills for work in respect o f registered land other than sales and purchases. (ii) Rule 1 1 , S.R.G.O. 1884 affecting Solicitors’ costs where registered land is acquired under the exercise or threat o f compulsory powers. (iii) Solicitors’ costs on a lease o f registered land at a rack rent. Rule 241 (2) o f the Land Registration Rules 1937 provides that the remuneration o f a solicitor for conveyancing and other business with registered property shall be regulated by the Order o f 1884 as modified by the Land Registration Rules. By Rule 241 (1) the expression “ the Order o f 1884 ” means the General Order dated 16th April, 1884, made pursuant to the Solicitors’ Remuneration Act, 1881, as varied by the General Orders under

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