2021-22 Senior Resources Southeast Directory



he decision to seek placement in a Skilled nursing Facility can be diffi- cult. Selecting the right facility is important. This section is intended to assist those who are searching for skilled nursing care. Most Skilled nursing Facilities still offer long term care for residents who require daily assistance on a long term basis. In addition, many facilities now offer programs to assist individu- als whose needs are more rehabilitative in nature. These facilities may offer short term rehabilitation programs on an inpatient or an outpatient basis. Almost all facilities will offer some type of rehabilitation to their residents. Therapies will usually include , at a minimum, physical, occupa- tional and speech therapies. With the trend toward shorter hospital stays, Transitional or Subacute care has emerged to bridge the gap between hospital and home. Many facilities also provide Respite, or short term care, usually for a month or less to provide a break for caregivers. Some facilities also have special-

to specific facilities of inter- est. This information will allow prospective facilities to assess specific medical needs. hospital discharge Planners can be a wealth of vital information. They can clarify and coordinate resource options to meet individual’s discharge needs. Local Aging & disability Resource centers can also be an excellent source of infor- mation on Skilled nursing Facilities. Kenosha county 262-605-6646 Racine county 262-833-8777 Walworth county 262-741-3400 For more information on Medicare and Medicaid cov- erage, please see articles on pages 8 and 9.

ized units, such as Alzheimer ’s/dementia units, to care for residents with special needs. In addition to assessing medical and financial con- siderations, there are other factors to consider. Some of these include: •does the location of the facility allow for fre- quent visits by friends and family members? •does the facilities’ envi- ronment foster the par- ticipation in social or religious activities? These are just some of the questions that should be answered before select- ing a Skilled nursing Facility. Although it may be a trying time, there are many advocates who can assist with guidance. When coming from a pri- vate home, it is prudent to seek a thorough examina- tion, including a chest x- ray by the attending physician. obtain a copy of the history and physical and bring these with you

Kenosha ........................102 Racine ..........................104 Walworth......................105 County index

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