2011 Summer Newsletter

Donated Civil War Union Dragoon Jacket Prior to the opening of our Bleeding Kansas/Civil War exhibit, the Frank Carpenter family donated a 1st Reg iment New York Dragoon uniform jacket to our museum. Unlike some Civil War uniforms, this jacket was TPNFUIJOH NPTU IBWF OFWFS TFFO CFGPSF "MUIPVHI JU IBE SFNBJOFE JO QSJTUJOF DPOEJUJPO JU TUJMM CPSF B EFĕ OJUF CVMMFU IPMF UISPVHI UIF SJHIU GSPOU DIFTU PG UIF KBDLFU BOE NPSF UIBO MJLF B TFDPOE CVMMFU IPMF UISPVHI UIF MFę side. Another peculiar fact about the jacket is its unusual small size, but this is the amazing part of the story. ć F KBDLFU CFMPOHFE UP 'SBOL $BSQFOUFS T HSBOEGBUIFS 6OJPO 'JSTU 4FSHFBOU %BOJFM $BSQFOUFS XIP XIFO UIF XBS CFHBO MFę ,BOTBT BOE KPJOFE UIF /FX :PSL SFHJNFOU )JT VOJU GPVHIU JO PWFS FOHBHFNFOUT BOE BMUIPVHI Daniel Carpenter shot twice, survived the war and returned back to Kansas. ć F GBNJMZ OPU POMZ QSPWJEFE HSFBU JOGPSNBUJPO PO UIF KBDLFU JODMVEJOH UIF GBDU UIBU %BOJFM IBE CFFO TIPU PODF JO CBUUMF CVU UISPVHI DBSFGVM SFTFBSDI PG PVS UBMFOUFE SFTFBSDI TUBČ BOE IJTUPSJBOT JU XBT SFWFBMFE %BOJFM IBE CFFO TIPU JO UXP EJČ FSFOU CBUUMFT 0VS SFTFBSDI GVSUIFS SFWFBMFE UIBU 4HU $BSQFOUFS SPTF UP UIF SBOL PG 'JSTU Sergeant of his company commanding nearly 100 men. As 1st Sgt, Carpenter maintained a diary type of casualty count of his men through each engagement, which we now maintain a copy for public research. But as stated before, Daniel Carpenter was obviously small in stature due to his small uniform. Our last research revealed that Daniel Carpenter served in 46 engagements, was shot twice and became a leader amongst his men, he did this as a boy, not a man. First Sergeant Daniel Carpenter lied about his age and joined the Union Army at the age of fourteen. Come and see the jacket, the other Civil War items that belonged to Daniel Carpenter, as well as our many other $JWJM 8BS BSUJGBDUT :PV DBO ĕ OE NPSF PO UIJT KBDLFU BU UIF .JBNJ $PVOUZ 3FQVCMJD T OFXTQBQFS XFCTJUF IUUQ www.kccommunitynews.com/miami-county-friday-community-living/27703698/detail.html

Page 10 Ima Carpenter presenting a Civi War uniform to director, Joe Hursey for the Bleeding Kansas exhibit.

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