2011 Summer Newsletter

President’s Messag e

Financial ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN )JTUPSJDBM (FOFBMPHZ 4PDJFUJFT BSF B /PO 1SPĕ U 0SHBOJ[B tion with a tax exempt status allowed by the Internal 3FWFOVF %FQU (Ję BOE %POBUJPOT SFDFJWFE CZ UIF Societies are Deductible for Income Tax purposes. Additional information or questions regarding En dowments, Trusts, etc., Please contact us at the following 913-294-4940 News Exhibits April began as a very busy month for the museum with our setup of our current Bleeding Kansas/Civil 8BS EJTQMBZ ć JT FYIJCJU JO DPOKVODUJPO XJUI UIF Freedom Frontier Foundation focuses on the early Kansas settlement, Bleeding Kansas Border War, Civil 8BS BOE UIF 3FDPOTUSVDUJPO QFSJPET ć F NVTFVN has on display numerous Civil War era weapons, ribbons, awards and original historical documents, some on loan from local family members of Civil War veterans. During April, we closed the museum for exhibit setup, which covers all three of our buildings. With all the new changes, we had to move some things into storage to accommodate the new exhibit, which is normal for a museum; not everything can CF EJTQMBZFE BU UIF TBNF UJNF ć F ĕ TIJOH FRVJQNFOU display, furniture, desks and cabinets as well as vari ous other artifacts were moved into storage. Another exhibit featured in building two is our sev enth annual Heartland Art Guild Miniature art show. ć JT FYIJCJU JT PO EJTQMBZ GSPN +VOF VOUJM +VMZ Opening day for this exhibit occurred on the same day as the “Wine and Art Stroll” event. Both of these events brought in over 250 visitors to our museum on that day. Accessions We have had some accessions including a child’s roll top desk from the early 1900’s; pictures, records, and yearbooks from Hillsdale Elementary School since it is closing and its students are coming to Paola. We also received a souvenir of the 1903 and 1905 gradua tions in Paola, this came from a museum in Oregon.

When I was growing up I would hear people say that time was going fast as light – not any more! It goes faster than light can be measured. Didn’t I write this column a short time ago? We have had a VERY busy three months – one of the busiest in mem ory.

We have redone the main room at the museum and put in a great display of Civil War memorabilia – tremen dously historic. Miami County has such great history – both state and involvement in the Civil War. We have pictures of men who participated in the war and also in the early days of Miami County. Wayne Johnson and IJT DPNNJUUFF XPSLFE WFSZ IBSE GPS NPSF UIBO ĕ WF months gathering much, much data on Kansas and the War. We strongly urge you to visit and see this exhibit. We consider it one of the best in this part of Kansas for the state – it is so good. Also, in July we will be having another very exciting worthwhile exhibit. We are hosting the Seventh An OVBM *OUFSOBUJPOBM .JOJBUVSF "SU 4IPX ć JT ESBXT paintings from across the United States and several countries overseas. If you are not familiar with minia ture paintings, we invite you to view them during the NPOUI PG +VMZ :PV XJMM CF GBTDJOBUFE ć JT JT B QSPKFDU of the Heartland Art Guild every year and the proceeds go for a High School senior art scholarship. ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ OPX IBT B %JSFD tor/Curator for the museum. Joe Hursey was hired to help us restructure our exhibits and artifacts and pro vide historical consultation and research . He is doing a fantastic job and will continue to do so. We are very pleased to have him with us. Wishing you a pleasant summer, I am – Bettie G. Ore, President

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