News Scrapbook 1980





Thurs., Apr, 17, 1980-

DAILY TRANSCRIPT ~PR 1 8 1980 Books For Sale

APR 1 7 1980

MAR 17 -

Annual Book Sale Set at USO ' Almost 3,000 blooks will be on sale at the University of San Diego's sixth annual Friends of the Library Book Sale April 24 and 25 in USD's French Parlor, Founder's Hall ·Book prices range from 25 cents to $2. ·

ST ACKLICK-AVERY DUO EXHIBITION in USD's Founder's Gallery, week- days, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A two-person award exhibition featuring the works of photographer Stacklick and print-maker Avery, co- winners of the 1979 All-San Diego Juried Student Com- petition. Through April 240

NEARLY 3,000 books will be f r sale at the University of San Diego's sixth aMual Friends of the Library ook Sale set for Thursday and Fri- \lay, April 24 and 25, in USD's French Parlor, Founder's Hall. Books from all disciplines and fields will be sold, with proceeds going to the Friends of the Library. Sale prices will range .from 25 cents to $2. The sale will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 0 24; and from 9 a.m. to:J p.m. April 25.

"Stacklick-Avery Duo Exhibi- tion," featuring the photography of the former and the prints of the latter, co-winners of the 1979 All- San Diego Juried Student Compe- tition, will continue through April 24, Founders Gallery, USO, Alcala Park. 291-6480 x4296.

"THE BEETHOVEN CYCLE" Piano concert featuring Bee- thoven's Op. 49 No. 1 and 2, Op. 2 No. 3 and Op. 111, 4 p.m. Sunday, April 20 at the Camino Theater, University of San Diego, Alcala Park.

3,000 books to be sold About 3,000 books are ex- pected to be sold at the sixth annual Friends of the Library book sale next week at the University of San Diego. Books from all disci- plines and fields will be sold in lhe French Parlor of USD's Founders Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April- 24, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 25. Proceeds from the sale are to benefit the USD Cop- ley Library.

I 3 000 assorted books will be -'1 24-25 at the University of





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s F~under's Hall starting at 9:30

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from 25

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Sale prices w1


$ 2 Last year's sale netl:'ed

a.m. cents to



m--~CEKT SERIES (French Parlor,-Fl>Wlder's I Hall, USD), Jean K. Von Metzke. soprano. will perform

$2,000 for the USD Library.



Wednesday at J2J5 p.m.

APR t1' BE~HffiN FIANO SONATAS (Camino Theatre, . University of San Diego I, A concert by faculty members at 4 o.m: Sunda.'£. / s _,......

Sunday, April 20, 1980



Diego's Camino Theatre at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Comedian Steinberg to perform Wednesday at USO master's degree Nichols, Elaine J\:1ay. (creates his)


Com ed1an David Steinberg, whose wry political wit and im- provisational humor have placed him among the top . ·'new breed" comics of the last decade, will perform m the University of San

in English literature from the University ol Chicago, Steinberg, in 1962, joined Chicago's "Second City Troup," an improvisational group boasting such not,,d alumni as Mike

"The Mike Douglas Show," and Tonight Show." "The His biting political satire was spawned by Watergate and ironically, a Newsweek Magazine cover story on

him was pre-empted by the resignation of for- mer President Richard Nixon. Nonetheless, in a feature article, Newsweek described Steinberg as ... "in the forefront of new comedians who


his own screenplay, "Sex m America," for Universal Studios. Tickets for the Sternberg performance cost $3 for the public, free to USD students and faculty ..

Alan Peter Boyle,, Joan Rivers and John Belushi. He has appeared regularly as both guest and host on ''The Dick Cavett Show," "The David l<'rost Show," Arkin,

as well as


The Canadian-born Steinberg will present his comedy act, and then field que lions from the audience. The holder of a

being finest of contemporary comedians." Steinberg has recorded three albums, and is currently writing the

USD WOMEN'S COACH NAMED Kathy Marpe, formerly the women's basketball coach at the University of New Mexico, has resigned to accept the same pos1t1on at the University of San Diego. . Marpe, 33, comes to USD after seven years at UNM. During that time, the Lobos compiled an 85-~ record and participated m six AIA w regional tourna ments. She was named the Inter- mountain Regional Coach of the Year ill' 1978. . Marpe replaces Bonme Bass, who left midway through the last basketball season for personal rea- sons.




SAN DIEGO UNION APR ~ USO, Fuilerton Split Twin Bill Specio\ To The Son Die


Tay-Sachs tests are scheduled

APR2 0 1980

NOON CONCERT SERIES - Soprano Jean K. von Metzke will perform Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. in Founders Hall, French Parlor, University of San Diego.

the nervous

affecting systems

Blood testing for the detection of Tay-S_achs Disease carriers will be administered from l0 a.rn. until 3 p.m. Tuesday, in the R~se Room of the University of San Diego. . testing will be given from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, in the School of Law Room 2B and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, in the Student Union. Tay-Sachs . is a heriditary disease, Additionally,

of children. Carriers of Tay-Sachs show no symptoms, but the disease can be detected through a blood test. It ~s estimated that one m every 300 persons i~ a carrier; for J ew1sh persons, the ratio is one in 30. testing is free, sponsored by the A.E.D. Pre . Professional Society. The

FULLERTON-Mik~ Saverino and Bart Brai- nard each collected four hits for the University of San Diego as the Toreros split a doubl~header w1tl'. defending national cha_mpi on Fullerton State m a Southern California Base- ball Association enrounter. Fullerton won the open- er 7-4 and USD took the nightc~p. 4-3. USD's overall record is 20-18-1 compared with 33-14 for F~l~~- 4 11 nlltrton Stale n1 liN o,J1- 7 12 2 McOonold, McCorthv 11 l ond BroinoRri:_; ThomPSOO (6) and Bradley, H ~:::. (Fl, 3rd, none on; Asaro (USD),Jlh, 001 OOl l- 1 ' 0 SMgeon, McCorttw (71 ond Asaro; llu:'; ond Ptrruccillo. HR-Trovlor (Fl, Jrd, . none on. 004 00G 0-- 41 1 ~~~erton State


APR 2 0 1980


Comedian David Steinberg appears Wednesday at Univer- sity of San Diego.

l BEETHOVEN CYCLE - Members of the University of San Diego music faculty will continue their series of reccitals covering all of Beelhoven·s piano sonatas with a performance today at 4 p.m. m 1he Camino Theater, USO.

Greg McSparran, with relief help from Steve Bedillo, claimed his eighth win of the season yesterday as the University of San Diego turned back Peppe me 9-6. Bedillo came on in relief of McSparran m seventll inning and held the Waves scor~less the~ t of t~e way, allowing three hits. Shortstop Mike Savenno proVJd~d the big blow for USD, slamming a three-run oome run m tne third inning.



SAN DIEGO UNION APR 2 3 1980 . USO Discovers formula B t Pepperdin~, 9-6 USD was led offensively Before the 1980 ba~ball by shortstop Mike Saven- season began, University of no Paul Engel and A_ndy San Diego Coach John A;aro. Saverino provided Cunningham placed a big the biggest blow - a threed question mark next to those run homer in the thir listed under pitching st aff. inning. It was Engel,. ho_wever, would be there. So would who scored the wmm~g ru~ the defense. . on Jamie McDonald s sac In yesterday's meetm~ rifice fly after. openmg the between USD and Pepper sixth inning with _a. smgle. dine the third best team m The right fielder flmshed 3- the ~ation last year, a pair for-5 while Asaro was 2-for- the Right hand~r Gre.g Tritons tomorrow at UCSD. McSparran claimed his Game time 1s 3 p.m. _t I s Bedillo in the final three USfiser, Polios (4), C?le (6), Fri9aas2d\lloam innings Bedillo held t.!1e L0090 oQ(I t~:~oruso) in Jrd Waves ·scoreless while g1v- ~t!:'.. ing up three hit~ _____,_________ E ----- LEMON GROV TO ea The hitting, he suggested, of pitchers came th roug~ to give the Toreros a 9-6 wm. '3 with 2 RBIs. , The Toreros meet eighth win of the season with relief help from S t eve Pepperdine - a 1 = ffl m

dian will appear Wednesday at 8

DAVID STEIN1 BETRhGeate~hJnTvoe~s~ty of San Diego. pm mCamno ' .

APR 2 0 198ll

h II

Production by Diane Pauline Mars a

. .

on; Veior IFJ, 6th, none on.

Founders' Gallery: Award Exh1bit1on by Paul Stack- lick and Mary Ann Avery, throug_h April 24 Universi- · ty of San Diego. Mon.-Fri., 10-4 291-6480.

Wednesday, April 23, 1980 ,

The Blade-Tribune



SPORTS B RIEFS 11 .. -~-~:::==~ '- UPI) Kathy Marpe Tuesday ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. \he Uttlversity of New Mexico resigned as head colach o\o take the head coaching job at women's basketbal tea!Il hat UNM for 10 years, Ms. Marpe, who has b!~~ :ct°!~ said Linda Estes, New wanted to move to a sm~ . tor ' ·ttee was being formed to Ms. Estes said a search co~~; e The athletic director find a replacementhf1i· ~\iarde~ ~vould be among those said ~ss1sftantthco:~ad ;iaching position. the University of San Diego. Mexico women's athletic d1rec

EV-~ING TRIBUNE ""'r'*) 1980

• • \ 11 The University of San Diego has hired Kathy Marpe. currently a_ coach at the University of Ne-:V Mexico, the head coach of its women s basketball team. Marpe, who had been at the Albuquerqu~ school for 10

Kathy Marpe, formerly the _women's basketball coach at the University of New Mexico, has be~n named to the same position at the University of San Diego. . Marpe, 33, who replaces Bonnie Bass, who left midway through last basketball season. ~or personal reasons, spent seven years_at UNM, compilmg an 85-58 record and participatin_g in six W e_Rlonal tournament.~

years, replaces Bonme Bass.

STACKLICK-AVERY DUO EXHIBITION in USD's Founder's Gallery, week- d 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A ays, xh"b"tion two-person award e 1 1 featuring the works ~£ photographer Staclchclc and print-maker Avery, cAlo-1 S winners of the 1979 • an Diego Juried Student <:om- petition. Through April 240 tflor '1tO.\. P«:1.S APR 2 4 1980

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DI- & EGO's Eighth Annual Stu- dent All-Media Competitive Exhibition will run from :z_ April 28-May 23 in the _ Founder's Gallery. For in- formation call 291-6480,



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REV\EW A.PR i 4 1980 'Brigadoon' US~ May Presentation " the Lerner "Brigadoon, · musical. romantic and Loewe d by the Uni- . b preforrne ra will e Diego Ope versity of S~ Theatre Arts workshop an MaY 1 2, 3, Department on ca.min~ The- d 4 in USDs an , atre. . 1 r May 1, 2, and Showt1me ;ith a 2:30 p.m. 3 is 8 p.m., d for May 4· matinee scheduleall perform- Tickets for -"~ble at the e av.,,,,,. • ances ar the pro~ 1s door. Cost for blic· $2, stu- $3 general P_i1. ' milital"Y ' ·or citizens, dents, sem d $1.50 for and children; an . USD students.

\1~ 'Brigadoon' Slated B Opera Worksho~. . y " the Lerner and Loe f 0 "Brigadoon, b the University o SAN DIEG . 1 r;ill be performed YArts Department roma~tic mus1ca W~rkshop and Theatre San D1eg? OUp;b\ Camino Thea~re8. m with a 2:30 p.m. May 1-4, m 1 2 and 3 1s P· ·• Showtime for Md1 r'MaY 4. . ble at the door. matinee schedu~e erlormances are avatlic· $2, students, Tickets for a P m is $3 general pu d '$l 50 for USD Cost for. t~e pro~!itary a~d children; an . . senior c1t1zens, at 291-6480, extension students. . formation, call USD For more m .. _-~.,. ..... ..... 4296, •• V -~•V~••~•••••• • ~•. . W . • -- ---•• ....



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winners named

The Lerner and Loewe ro..fa'lic musical "Brigadoon" will be prese_nted t the University of San Diego, ;hursday through May 4 in the campus' Camino Theater. For m~re information call 291-6480, extension 4296.

d s

Several Black Mountain Middle School students_ won awards in the National History Day competition held at University of San Diego recently. . . Winners-were: first m ~r- fonnance category - Lisa Blair Kris Lettington, Jan Phillips, Karen McNeil fo,~ their play, "Sister Kenny- For exhibits: second, Kenny Ballou' for "Ben Frankli~'s Workshop," third to Jess1~a Pagaduan and Melissa ~ila for "Neil Armstrong . First Man on the Moon." For essay: third place to Ro~e- Marie Elley, fifth to ~a Kreitzer, honorable mention to David Diamond.


no 6 Auieles ~111es *

Fri.. Apr. 25, 1980-

sReflected by Her lecture tn "

"George Sand a

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Lubin w,

COMPETITIVE (Founder's Gallery, University of San Diego), The Eighth Annual Student All- Media Competitive Exhibition will be _on display Monday through May 23. Works include ceramics, drawing, weav- ing, painting and print-making selections. Open 10 a,m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. -----''-----~~- EXHIBITION



h by Georges

Alliance Francaise


April 26, 2 II USO, A ca a l \


P resented by

Sacur ay,





Founders na • 609 Park- 518-:!'1= ·:-- p.m'

READER f¥R "I. 4 1980 Galleries


"Stacklick-Avery Duo Exhibi- tion," featuring the photography of the former and the prints of the latter, co-winners of the 1979 All- San Diego Juried Student Compe- tition, will continue through April 24, Founders Gallery, USO, Alcala Park. 291-6480 x4296.

J Frl, April 25, 1980

_ Eighth annual USD's Foun~er's Gpea:~:i?e exhibition, fea~nr tud ent all-media com ·ng painting and prm . s · g weav1 , M and eramics, drawm '. , ed beainning on. I!'>"'" ma~ng: Wl hr ugh May 23_ 291-6480, continuing t 0 C . 'l\ be disp1ay

: LECTED BY BER CORRES- 5 Founder's Hall, University "GEORGE SAND ,\S :EF . PONDENCE" (Salon anca.I ' h scholar and writer of San Diego):dGe~rr~e~~!:~h~r=~~e in French. Satur- on George San • WI P dayat2p.m.

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