Introductory BSA/AML Examiner School, Providence, RI

CTR Exemptions

Phase II • Qualifies for exemption:

• Non-Listed Business or • Payroll Customer • Requirements for Exemption of Non-listed Businesses:

• Has maintained a transaction account the bank for at least 2 months or prior to the passing of the 2 months time on a risk-based analysis. • Frequently engages in currency transactions over $10,000 • Incorporated/organized under the laws of U.S. or registered/eligible to do business in U.S.

CTR Exemptions

Ineligible businesses for Phase II Exemption: • Serving as or as an agent of a financial institution • Purchasing or selling vehicles of any kind • Practicing law, accounting, or medicine. • Auctioning of goods. • Chartering or operation of ships, buses, or aircraft.

• Operating a pawn brokerage. • Engaging in gaming of any kind • Engaging in investment advisory or banking services. • Operating a real estate brokerage. • Operating in title insurance activities and real estate closings. • Engaging in trade union activities.

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