Convention Booklet 2017

The Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia 98th Annual Convention

One in Mission: Joining the Jesus Movement

The Rt. Rev. Mark A. Bourlakas, Presiding

Guest Speakers: Martha Bourlakas The Ven. Archdeacon Noé Bernier The Rev. Dr. Dwight Zschiele

January 27—29, 2017 Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center

Original artwork by Elizabeth Foster, Christ Episcopal Church, Blacksburg

Table of Contents

Convention Committees Agenda Robert’s Rules Announcements Report of the Secretary of Executive Board Action Items Sample Ballot Election Results of Convocation Meetings 2017 Proposed Summary Budget 2017 Proposed Detail Budget Report of the Constitution and Canons Committee Endowment Policy Resolutions General Convention Constitutional Amendments Notes to Share with My Parish Saturday@Convention

02 03 07 09 09 10 11 14 16 18 28 31 37 41 43 44

Convention Committees

Tellers Lee Nancarrow, Staunton- Trinity (Chair) Tom Bird, Salem-St. Paul’s Debbie Burchard, Blacksburg- Christ Joan Freeland, Roanoke-St. Elizabeth’s Tracy Lively, Salem-St. Paul’s Steve Owen, Staunton- Emmanuel Webster Day, Roanoke-Christ Laura Hale, Roanoke-St. John’s Mark Loftis, Chancellor, Roanoke-Christ Alexander McPhail, Roanoke- Christ

Finance Delia Heck, Callaway-St. Peter’s (Chair) Henry Brant, Marion-Christ Bill Bumgarner, Lynchburg-St. Paul’s Emily Edmondson, Marion- Christ John Hall, Salem-St. Paul’s Jo Kelley, Altavista-St. Peter’s Elizabeth McCarthy, Hot Springs-St. Luke’s Barbara Sherburne, Lynchburg- Grace Memorial Frank Slavin, Wytheville-St. John’s

Resolutions Emily Sproul, Staunton- Emmanuel (Chair) Kathy Chase, Amherst- Ascension Teri Dunton, Big Stone Gap- Christ John Shaner, Salem-St. Paul’s Kent Tarpley, Retired Constitution and Canons Committee Eric J. Sorenson, Jr., Chair Jim Ackley, Lynchburg-St. Paul’s Alan Boyce, Canon for Administration


98th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia January 27—29, 2017 Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center Agenda

FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 2017 9:30 - 10 AM

Clergy and Spouses/Partners Welcome

Washington Lecture Hall

(Clergy delegates will pick up ballots and other materials from Lynn Robertson between noon and 4:15 PM. Voting begins at noon and ends at 4:30 PM.)

10 AM - Noon

Clergy and Spouses/Partners Meeting with Bp. Mark and Martha Bourlakas and Pere Noé Bernier from the Diocese of Haiti. Coffee provided

Washington Lecture Hall

11 AM – 2 PM

Exhibitors may set up displays. Check in with John

Crystal Ballroom

Shaner for table assignment and payment (if required). Noon – 4:30 PM Clergy and Lay Delegates, Alternates, Visitors Check-In Begins

Crystal Foyer

(Delegates will cast first ballot at check-in. Voting ends at 4:30 PM.)

12:30 PM

Rehearsal for Festival Eucharist

St. Andrew’s Catholic Church

12:45 – 2 PM

Living Local—Joining God pilot team clergy meet with The Rev. Dr. Paul Nancarrow

1:00 – 7:15 PM Children@Convention Check-In and Program

St. Andrew’s Catholic Church

Parents pick up children as soon as church is over for Convention family-style dinner

1:30 PM

ORIENTATION TO CONVENTION PROCESS Open to all. Recommended for new lay delegates and new clergy. Mark Loftis, Chancellor Carey Harveycutter, Dispatch of Business Chair

Buck Mountain

2 PM


Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Clergy, Lay Delegates/Alternates assigned seating at tables Friday only. Visitor seating available in chairs all weekend.

Opening Devotions: Jon Greene; Christiansburg-St. Thomas’

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Establishment of a Quorum: The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Secretary Introduction of Head Table: Bishop Bourlakas Introduction of Postulants and Candidates, Other Visitors and Guests: Bp. Mark Appointment of Convention Committees: Bishop Bourlakas Elections, nominations to be moved by Bishop Bourlakas as a block: Secretary – The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow Chancellor - Mark Loftis Treasurer - John Hall

Registrar - Lynn Robertson Commission on Ministry Trustees of the Funds Southwestern Episcopal Fund Directors



Report on Convention and Dispatch of Business: Carey Harveycutter Receive Late Reports/Recommendations for Disposition: Melissa Cox, Standing Committee President Communications from the Secretary: Mark Furlow

Resolutions: Reference to the Committee Voting Procedures Resolution: Mark Loftis Nominations: To be elected during Convention:

Disciplinary Board, Provincial Synod Deputies and Alternates, Standing Committee, General Convention Deputies & Alternates, UTO Coordinator

2 – 4:30 PM

Exhibit Hall open

Crystal Ballroom

2:30 PM

Introduction and Moving of the Budget:

Delia Heck, Executive Board Finance & Funds, Chair

3 PM

Introduction and Moving of the Constitution & Canons Committee Report: Rick Sorenson, Chair

3:30 PM

Open Hearings Mark Loftis: Chancellor

Convention Finance Committee: Delia Heck, Chair Resolutions Committee: Emily Sproul, Chair Constitution and Canons Committee: Rick Sorenson, Chair Any motions to amend are to be received at the hearing on Friday, just prior to Recess of Convention. Changes to the budget require one day layover. Committees will meet after dinner as needed.

4:25 PM

United Thank Offering Announcement

4:30 PM

Recess of Convention

5 PM

Youth@Convention drop-off begins

St. John’s Episcopal Church

6 PM


St. Andrew’s Catholic Church Buses depart through the Roanoke Ballroom courtyard

Celebrant - The Rt. Rev. Mark A. Bourlakas Preacher – The Venerable Archdeacon Noé Bernier

Augusta Convocation Choir

or you may walk.

Plate Offering – United Thank Offering

7:30 PM

Dinner: Cost included in full registration or purchased as a meal ticket. Your name tag IS your ticket. You must be wearing it to be admitted to the dining room. Introduction of clergy new in the diocese: Convocation Deans

Roanoke Ballroom A/B


Buffet breakfast available

Regency Room OR Roanoke City Market

or on your own

7:30 – 9 AM

Coffee and tea available

Roanoke Foyer

8:30 – 9 AM

Polls Open for Elections: Only lay and clergy delegates

Roanoke Foyer

may vote. Be prepared to show your voting card.

8:30 – 9 AM

Late Check-In Open

Crystal Foyer

8:30 AM - 8:30 PM Children@Convention open

Christ Episcopal Church


9 AM – 5 PM

Exhibit Hall open

Crystal Ballroom

One in Mission: Joining the Jesus Movement

9 AM

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Clergy, Lay Delegates / Alternates at tables of their choice. Visitor seating available in chairs.

9 – 9:05 AM

Devotions: Shirley Ruedy; Staunton-Trinity

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

9:05 – 9:15 AM Martha Bourlakas’s Address

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

9:15 – 9:30 AM Comments by The Venerable Archdeacon Noé Bernier

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

9:30 – 10 AM

Bishop Bourlakas’ Address

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

10 – 10:30 AM

Dwelling in the Word – Dwight Zscheile

10:30 – 10:45 AM Coffee Break

Crystal Ballroom

10:45 AM – Noon

Living Local—Joining God: Taking Dwelling in the Word home (Missional Training for pilot parishes) Everyone is welcome. This training will continue during lunch from 12:20-2:45, that is, through the full workshop time. Lunch: Cost included in full registration or purchased in advance as a meal ticket. Your name tag IS your ticket. You must be wearing it to be admitted to the dining room. Table Offering – Episcopal Appalachian Ministries Commission on Ministry & Standing Committee Lunch with

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

12:15 PM

Roanoke Ballroom A/B

Shenandoah A

Postulants & Candidates Clergy Spouses & Partners with Martha Bourlakas

Regency Room Overlook

12:20 –2:45 PM Living Local—Joining God: Listening to Each Other (working lunch)

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Your name tag IS your lunch ticket. You must be wearing it to be admitted to the dining room.

Table Offering – Episcopal Appalacian Ministries

[See listing in Crystal Foyer]

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM Mission Workshops

2:45 PM – 3:10 PM Coffee Break with Exhibitors

Crystal Ballroom Roanoke Foyer

Polls Open for Elections: Only lay and clergy delegates

may vote. Be prepared to show your voting card.


Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Report of the Constitution & Canons Committee: Rick Sorenson, Chair Vote on the Report Report of Convention Finance Committee: Delia Heck, Chair Vote on Adoption of the Budget Report of the Resolutions Committee: Emily Sproul, Chair Vote on the Report

4:40 PM

Devotions: Dick Willis

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Recess of Convention Interest groups may hold ad hoc meetings 15 minutes following Recess.

4:40 – 5:10 PM (If necessary) Polls Open for Elections: Only lay and clergy delegates may vote. Be prepared to show your voting card. 4:45 – 5:45 PM Women of the Diocese are invited to join Martha Bourlakas for

Roanoke Foyer


Our One Word . A cash soft drink & wine bar will be available.

Virginia Haiti Collaborative business meeting

Mill Mountain


7 PM

Banquet: Cost included in full registration or purchased as a meal ticket. Your name tag IS your ticket. You must be wearing it to be admitted to the dining room. A cash bar will be available during dinner. Presentation of the Annual St. Nicholas Day Appeal Checks Recognition of the Canon for Administration and Others Episcopal Relief and Development Announcement

Roanoke Ballroom A/B

8:30 PM

Coffee House with Youth@Convention

St. John’s Episcopal Church A bus will depart through the Roanoke Ballroom courtyard


7 AM

Buffet breakfast available

Regency Room OR Roanoke City Market

or on your own

7:30 – 8:45 AM Coffee and tea available

Roanoke Foyer

8:15 AM

Rehearsal for Holy Eucharist

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

8:30 – 9 AM

(If necessary) Polls Open for Elections: Only lay and clergy

Roanoke Foyer

delegates may vote. Be prepared to show your voting card.

8:30 – 9 AM

Children@Convention gather prior to the service

Shenandoah B

8:45 – 9 AM

Youth@Convention-led sing-along

Roanoke Foyer

9 AM

HOLY EUCHARIST: Adults, Youth@Convention, and Children@Convention Celebrant and Preacher - The Rt. Rev. Mark A. Bourlakas Plate Offering – Episcopal Relief and Development Necrology Installation of Standing Committee, Executive Board,

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Convocation Deans and Presidents, Disciplinary Board, Provincial Synod Deputies & Alternates, General Convention Deputies & Alternates, UTO Coordinator

10:30 AM

BUSINESS SESSION (if necessary)

Roanoke Ballroom C/H

Unfinished Business Closing Prayers Adjournment Standing Committee meeting immediately following adjournment Living Local—Joining God: Listening to the Neighborhood; review for congregation teams, clergy, and coaches, and discussion of future scheduling

10:30 AM – Noon


A Post-Meeting Response Form will be emailed to those who

registered online for Convention. Please respond promptly.

Ninety-Ninth Annual Convention: January 26—28, 2018

RULES OF ORDER: The general rules of parliamentary procedure set forth in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the session of Convention except wherein other procedure is provided by the Diocesan Constitution or Canons. Any motion or resolution within the scope of authority of any committee of Convention may be presented directly to such committee by the proposer. Any motion may be offered on the floor of Convention (unless ruled out of order by the President of the Convention) in which event it shall, if seconded, and if at least two-thirds of the delegates present and voting then vote to permit its consideration (see diocesan Canon 29), be referred to the appropriate committee of Convention for consideration without discussion or debate. The committee to which such a motion or resolution has been presented or referred shall report motion either favorably or unfavorably prior to the adjournment of Convention. 6

Robert's Rules of Order

Council business sessions are run in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. The following is taken from What Is Parliamentary Procedure? It is a set of rules for conduct at meetings, that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion. Why is Parliamentary Procedure Important? Because it's a time-tested method of conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization. Today, Robert's Rules of Order newly revised is the basic handbook of operation for most clubs, organizations and other groups. So it's important that everyone know these basic rules! Organizations using parliamentary procedure usually follow a fixed order of business. Below is a typical example: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call of members present. 3. Reading of minutes of last meeting. 4. Officers reports. 5. Committee reports. 6. Special orders --- Important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. 9. Announcements. 10. Adjournment. The method used by members to express themselves is in the form of moving motions. A motion is a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. Individual members can: 1. Call to order. 2. Second motions. 3. Debate motions. 4. Vote on motions. There are four Basic Types of Motions: 1. Main Motions: The purpose of a main motion is to introduce items to the

membership for their consideration. Main motions cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor, and they yield to privileged, subsidiary, and incidental motions. Subsidiary Motions: Their purpose is to change or affect how a main motion is handled and are voted on before a main motion. Privileged Motions: Their purpose is to bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated to pending business. Incidental Motions: Their purpose is to provide a means of questioning procedure concerning other motions and must be considered before the other motion.




How are Motions Presented? 1. Obtaining the floor a.

Wait until the last speaker has finished. Rise and address the Chairman by saying, "Mr. Chairman, or Mr. President."



Wait until the Chairman recognizes you.


Make Your Motion a.

Speak in a clear and concise manner. Always state a motion affirmatively. Say, "I move that we ..." rather than, "I move that we do not …." Avoid personalities and stay on your subject.



3. 4.

Wait for Someone to Second Your Motion Another member will second your motion or the Chairman will call for a second. If there is no second to your motion it is lost.



The Chairman States Your Motion a.

The Chairman will say, "it has been moved and seconded that we ..." Thus placing your motion


Robert's Rules of Order (continued)

before the membership for consideration and action.

This method is used when a record of each person's vote is required. By General Consent -- When a motion is not likely to be opposed, the Chairman says, "if there is no objection …." The membership shows agreement by their silence; however, if one member says, "I object," the item must be put to a vote. By Division -- This is a slight variation of a voice vote. It does not require a count unless the chairman so desires. Members raise their hands or stand. By Ballot -- Members write their vote on a slip of paper. This method is used when secrecy is desired. There are two other motions that are commonly used that relate to voting. 1. Motion to Table -- This motion is often used in the attempt to "kill" a motion. The 3. 4. 5.


The membership then either debates your motion or may move directly to a vote. Once your motion is presented to the membership by the chairman it becomes "assembly property," and cannot be changed by you without the consent of the members. The time for you to speak in favor of your motion is at this point in time, rather than at the time you present it. The mover is always allowed to speak first. All comments and debate must be directed to the chairman. Keep to the time limit for speaking that has been established. The mover may speak again only after other speakers are finished, unless called upon by the Chairman.



Expanding on Your Motion a.



option is always present, however, to "take from the table," for reconsideration by the membership. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely -- This is often used as a means of parliamentary strategy and allows opponents of a motion to test their strength without an actual vote being taken. Also, debate is once again open on the main motion.





Putting the Question to the Membership a. The Chairman asks, "Are you ready to vote on the question?"

Parliamentary Procedure is the best way to get things done at your meetings. But it will only work if you use it properly. 1. Allow motions that are in order. 2. Have members obtain the floor properly. 3. Speak clearly and concisely. 4. Obey the rules of debate. Most importantly, BE COURTEOUS .


If there is no more discussion, a vote is taken.


On a motion to move, the previous question may be adapted.

Voting on a Motion: The method of vote on any motion depends on the situation and the by-laws or policy of your organization. There are five methods used to vote by most organizations, they are: 1. By Voice -- The Chairman asks those in favor to say, "aye," those opposed to say "no." Any member may move for an exact count.


By Roll Call -- Each member answers "yes" or "no" as his or her name is called.



Annual Executive Board Report from the Secretary • Your table number for the Friday business session is printed on your name tag. We will not have assigned seating during meals or during business on Saturday. • Convention Committees are requested to meet near the podium for a brief check-in immediately following the Friday afternoon business session. • Clergy and Lay Delegates each have a lime green voting card inserted in their name tag holders. Please do not lose your voting card. This card informs the tellers of your voting status at the balloting area for the election of diocesan leadership positions. This card also allows tellers to count your vote in open legislative sessions of Convention. • Lynn Robertson will certify delegates in the check-in area using the Certificates of Election as filed by parishes. Remember that Alternates serve in the order listed on the Certificate of Election. • Living Local: Joining God events take place in the Roanoke Ballroom: ◦ Saturday ~ 10:45—Noon: Taking Dwelling in the Word Home ◦ Saturday ~ 12:20—2:45: Listening to Each Other ◦ Sunday ~ 10:30—Noon: Listening to the Neighborhood. • Your name tag serves as your meal ticket and must be worn for Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and/or the Saturday banquet. If you are registered for the Commission on Ministry lunch or the Clergy Spouse/Partner lunch, your nametag will have a special designation. • Those who would like to enjoy a more social lunchtime are invited to bring their meals into our usual lunch space, Roanoke Ballroom A/B.Those who would like to learn more about Living Local: Joining God are invited to return to the Roanoke Ballroom C/H meeting space with their meals, for a quieter working lunch and time to explore that topic. • There are no oral Program Reports during Convention this year. During this Convention weekend, you will have ample opportunity to visit and view program displays of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia in the Crystal Ballroom. Thank you! Line of Credit established for the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia: In accordance with diocesan Canon 7, Section 8, and as Secretary of the diocese, I inform this Ninety-Eighth Annual Convention, as was also reported to nine prior Conventions, that in 2004 a $100,000 line of credit was established with Wachovia Bank. This credit line was established for the primary purpose of providing financial resources for the cash flow needs of the Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. There is a letter of agreement in place between the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia and the Board of Directors of the Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. which outlines the process by which Phoebe Needles borrows money from the diocesan line of credit and outlines the process for repayment from Phoebe Needles. The line of credit is now held by Union Bank and Trust. As of December 31, 2016, the outstanding balance on the line of credit was zero, as Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. has paid off the balance in full. The line of credit with Union Bank and Trust has now been closed. Respectfully submitted, Alan Boyce Secretary


Action Items Report on Program and Dispatch of Business Mr. Carey Harveycutter

Motion #1 That the Rules of Order as printed on page 7–8 of this Convention booklet be adopted. Motion #2 That the reading of the minutes of the previous day's session of this Convention be omitted and the approval of the minutes of the entire Convention be left to the Bishop and the Secretary. Motion #3 That the printed agenda in this 2017 Convention booklet be adopted as the official agenda of the Convention. Motion #4 That seat and voice be given to the following: — All lay employees of the diocese —Official representatives of the following diocesan institutions: Boys Home, Covington Stuart Hall, Staunton Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. Virginia Episcopal School, Lynchburg The Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. Grace House —A Representative of Episcopal Appalachian Ministries —Postulants and candidates for Holy Orders —Diocesan Youth@Convention —All program chairs not otherwise seated —Members of the Monacan Indian Nation —The Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile —The Ven. Archdeacon Noé Bernier

Additional Appointments and Nominations:

• That the nominees for 5-year terms to the Trustees of the Funds be approved as follows: March 1, 2017, through February 28, 2022 —The Very Rev. Scott West, Blacksburg-Christ —Ed Wildrick, Altavista-St. Peter’s • That the nominees for 5-year terms to the Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund be approved as follows: May 1, 2017, through April 30, 2022 —The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Diocesan Staff •Boys Home, Covington, presents the following Southwestern trustees to the Convention: —Patrick Cafaro, second term at large —Ann Vest, second term • Appointments and Reappointments to the Commission on Ministry beginning in 2017: Reappointments: —Barbara Johnson, Roanoke-St. John’s —Dave VanOsten, Glasgow-St. John’s Appointment: —Bob Miller, Blacksburg-Christ





















Dean No election this year

Dean No election this year

Executive Board Lay Henry Brant, Marion-Christ

Executive Board Lay Ernest Holley, Staunton-Trinity

Executive Board Clergy: Joe Dunagan, Bristol-Emmanuel

Executive Board Clergy: Shelby Owen, Staunton-Emmanuel



Standing Committee Lay Member Shannon Houff, Richlands-Trinity

Standing Committee Lay Member Liz McCarthy, Hot Springs-St. Luke’s

Standing Committee Clergy Member Emily Edmondson, Marion-Christ

Standing Committee Clergy Member Tom Crittenden, Lexington, RE Lee

Disciplinary Board Lay Member Shannon Houff, Richlands-Trinity

Disciplinary Board Lay Member Sue Read, Staunton-Trinity

Disciplinary Board Clergy Member Russ Hatfield, Retired

Disciplinary Board Clergy Member David Elphee, Retired

Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Jack Barrow, Abingdon-St. Thomas

Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Andy Wolfe, Buena Vista-Christ

Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Preston Mitchell, Big Stone Gap-Christ

Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Becky McDaniel, Staunton-Trinity/ Stuart Hall

General Convention Lay Deputy Jack Barrow, Abingdon-St. Thomas

General Convention Lay Deputy Emily Sproul, Staunton-Emmanuel

General Convention Clergy Deputy Preston Mitchell, Big Stone Gap-Christ

General Convention Clergy Deputy Harrison Heidel, Hot Springs-St. Luke’s


General Convention Lay Alternate Shannon Houff, Richlands-Trinity

General Convention Lay Alternate Nick Moga, Covington-Emmanuel

from Fall Convocation Meetings 2016 for Council 2017 General Convention Clergy Alternate Ray Moore, Big Stone Gap-Christ General Convention Clergy Alternate Susan Peyton, Staunton-Emmanuel

United Thank Offering Coordinator Shannon Houff, Richlands-Trinity

United Thank Offering Coordinator No Nominee








Dean Melissa Hays-Smith, Canon Missioner

Dean No election this year

Dean Birch Rambo, Wytheville-St. John’s

Executive Board Lay Linda Hall, Salem-St. Paul’s

Executive Board Lay Tripp Duerson (Lynchburg-St. John’s)

Executive Board Lay & President Kathy Slavin, Wytheville-St. John’s

Executive Board Clergy Jim Lively, Salem-St. Paul’s

Executive Board Clergy Bill Bumgarner (Lynchburg-St. Paul’s)

Executive Board Clergy Birch Rambo, Wytheville-St. John’s




Standing Committee Lay Member Carey Harveycutter, Salem-St. Paul’s

Standing Committee Lay Member Jim Ackley, Lynchburg-St. Paul’s

Standing Committee Lay Member Lynn McClary, Galax-Good Shepherd

Standing Committee Clergy Member Nick Hull, Martinsville-Christ

Standing Committee Clergy Member Todd Vie, Lynchburg-St. Paul’s

Standing Committee Clergy Member Scott West, Blacksburg-Christ

Disciplinary Board Lay Member John Shaner, Salem-St. Paul’s

Disciplinary Board Lay Member David Bice, Lynchburg-St. John’s

Disciplinary Board Lay Member Charlie Herbert, Pearisburg-Christ

Disciplinary Board Clergy Member Eric Long, Roanoke-St. John’s

Disciplinary Board Clergy Member Cathy Montgomery, Retired

Disciplinary Board Clergy Member No Nominee

Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Billy Kingery, Roanoke-St. John’s

Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Peggy Whitehead, Massies Mill-Grace

Provincial Synod Lay Deputy No Nominee

Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Sue Bentley, Roanoke- St. James’

Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Kimberly Glenn, Lynchburg-St. John’s

Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Scott West, Blacksburg-Christ

General Convention Lay Deputy Billy Kingery, Roanoke-St. John’s

General Convention Lay Deputy Al Weed, Arrington-Trinity

General Convention Lay Deputy Bob Miller, Blacksburg-Christ

General Convention Clergy Deputy Sue Bentley, Roanoke-St. James’

General Convention Clergy Deputy Mark Furlow, Arrington-Trinity

General Convention Clergy Deputy No Nominee

General Convention Lay Alternate Eric Shelley, Roanoke-Christ

General Convention Lay Alternate Lessy Nixon, Lynchburg-Grace

General Convention Lay Alternate No Nominee

General Convention Clergy Alternate Whitney Burton, Roanoke-St. John’s

General Convention Clergy Alternate Kimberly Glenn, Lynchburg-St. John’s

General Convention Clergy Alternate No Nominee

United Thank Offering Coordinator No Nominee

United Thank Offering Coordinator No Nominee

United Thank Offering Coordinator Kathy Killian, Roanoke-St. Elizabeth’s


Proposed Summary Budget


Proposed Summary Budget (cont.)


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget


Proposed Detail Budget



Report of the Constitution and Canons Committee (cont.)


Report of the Constitution and Canons Committee (cont.)



Endowment Policy (cont.)


Endowment Policy (cont.)


Endowment Policy (cont.)


Endowment Policy (cont.)


Endowment Policy (cont.)




Resolutions (continued)


Resolutions (continued)


Resolutions (continued)





Notes to share with my parish—



The Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia Saturday@Convention January 28, 2017 Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center

Saturday@Convention begins in the Roanoke Ballroom at 9 AM Martha Bourlakas will speak; the Rt. Rev. Mark A. Bourlakas will give the Bishop’s Address to Convention; we will welcome the Ven. Archdeacon No é Bernier of Haiti; and the Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile will lead the Convention in “Dwelling in the Word,” a practice that helps us discern what God is doing with us. Deep Listening: Critical Missional Engagement Diocesan Convention 2017 will explore the missional practice and Christian spirituality of Deep Listening. Guided by the Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile and the Rev. Dr. Paul Nancarrow, Convention participants will experience a portion of Living Local: Joining God (LLJG). LLJG is a project of The Missional Network focused on listening, experimentation, and innovation as a way to enhance local Christian communities’ connection to God’s mission. LLJG at Convention 2017 will introduce delegates, congregation representatives, and guests of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia to the practice of Dwelling in the Word. Dwelling in the Word is a practice of prayerfully listening to God in scripture. Open to everyone, additional LLJG opportunities at Convention will include learning how to take the practice of Dwelling in Word home to parishes and local ministry contexts and how to engage in the spiritual practice of listening to others in congregations and the neighborhood. Practicing Dwelling in the Word: 10:00 - 10:30 AM - Roanoke Ballroom C/H Taking Dwelling in the Word Home: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Roanoke Ballroom C/H Listening to Each Other: 12:20 - 2:45 PM (A Working Lunch & Workshop) - Roanoke Ballroom C/H

More Mission Workshops ~ 1:10 —2:40 PM

Sharing God’s Mission in Haiti : Enjoy an opportunity to meet the Ven. Archdeacon No é Bernier of the Central Plateau Deanery in the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti and learn how to become involved in this exciting partner ministry, either by joining with an existing partner or starting a new partnership. The Revs. Roger Bowen and Ray Moore, whose engaging photos from trips to Haiti will be on display throughout the Convention weekend, join Blair Fairbrother, co-chair of the Haiti Collaborative, and Pere (Father) No é for discussion and conversation with participants. Buck Mountain Room Deacons ~ The Original Clergy Order (About Which We Know the Least): Come hear about the history and call of deacons, what they do in our diocese—and how to become one, if you feel the call. The Rev. Canon Melissa Hays-Smith, Deacon, presents. Wilson Room

Project Resource ~ Financial Consulting and Resources for Parishes : Project Resource was designed to create a team of diocesan coach-consultants who each have the training and digital resources to lead any church in any situation concerning resource development of money, vision, or people—three great resources of a church’s mission. Come and hear how these resources can be employed in your parish. Tripp Duerson, Jim Lively, Glenn Updike, Susan Ackley, and Emily Edmondson present. Monroe Room Shaping Parish Life and Worship for Persons of All Abilities: In response to the 2016 Mission Action Plan, a task force was created for Ministry to People with Disabilities. Darla Schumm, Martha Bourlakas, Sharon Massie, and Kate Garcia bring many years of experience and a variety of resources to this effort. Learn more about this newest diocesan initiative and how it might benefit your parish. Mill Mountain Room

* Please note: —Workshop rooms with Mountain in their names are directly down the hall from the Convention meeting room (Roanoke Ballroom), on the Ballroom level. Rooms named after Presidents are in the Lower Level of the Conference Center. — For those registered in advance, the Commission on Ministry lunch will be in the Shenandoah A Room and the Clergy Spouse/ Partner lunch will be in the Regency Overlook. The Shenandoah Room and Regency Overlook are located on the Lobby level.

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