2019 Summer Newsletter

2019-2020 FCIAAO



As we move through these summer months, I am hoping that everyone is staying dry, dur- ing what has turned out to be one of the wet- test Julys in Florida history. However, this summer has flown by and as I write this newsletter, schools are already back in ses- sion. Your board was hard at work this summer, and we had a retreat in Orlando for the pur- pose of working on our upcoming confer- ences and educational offerings. We stayed

PRESIDENT Pat Alesandrini, MAI, SRA, CAE, RES, CFE Chief Deputy Hillsborough County


Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County

Pat Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE


Wendy Sapp, AAS, CFE Administrative Analyst II Alachua County

at the retreat a little longer than usual this year, focusing on instituting a strategic plan for our organization. We worked on a five year plan, which is helping us to have a centralized focus for the present, and also for future boards. It was a great time of sharing ideas and working to- gether to further our mission. Be looking for the publication of our stra- tegic plan, as soon as it is completed. As part of our discussions, we reviewed our electronic equipment and determined that some items are well past their dates to be retired from “frontline” service. An inventory was taken and we have established a process for on-going replacement of equipment. This yearly analysis will assist in keeping costs down and ensure our equipment and presen- tations remain at the highest professional level. We have all experienced the increased cost of living in recent years, and our organization is no exception. Following our meeting with the Prop- erty Appraisers attending the FCIAAO Conference in St. Petersburg this spring, we felt it was their desire, as is your Board’s, for our organiza- tion to continue to provide professional services in a quality environ- ment that are relevant to our current needs in the industry. In reviewing our fees, it was unanimously decided to increase all levels of member- ship by $5.00 per year. Our goal is to be good stewards of our finances and remain strong in all areas of operations. In an effort to be completely transparent, our FCIAAO Board minutes are available for our membership to read. The Board Minutes are locat- ed on our website and available to members after logging in. In addi- tion, any and all FCIAAO Board Meetings are, and will continue to be, open to our membership. If a member wishes to address the Board at any meeting, he or she must submit a request to the Secretary at least one week prior to the meeting. Our next official board meeting will take place on the evening of December 10, 2019 during the TPP Conference in Kissimmee. The 2019 FCIAAO TPP Seminar will be held in Kissimmee, FL at the Embassy Suites Hotel, December 11 through December 13, 2019. Op-


Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Senior TPP Appraiser St. Lucie County


Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County


Dee Dee Harnish, AAS, RES, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County


Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County


Wynta Loughrey, RES, CFE Assistant Residential Valuation Manager Sarasota County


A. Renee Large, AAS, EA, CFE Director Administrative Services Clay County


Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE Administration Services Manager Seminole County


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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