PULSE Magazine | November/December 2018 Issue

system along with the thought process are pretty remarkable in their ability to convince folks of the efficacy of Spear in its application to sudden violence.

We hope to see you at one of upcoming training sessions. We are working on better ways to sched- ule and put out information on when and where. Till then be safe, keep your head on a swivel as they say, get some training, and we'll see you out there!


While reading this article you may feel as though I am working hard to sell you the Spear program and in a way I am, but not for money. The classes Andre and I are offering are no charge! The ATCEMS Employees Association was kind enough to finance our Train the Trainer class and our mission is quite simple: we want to make our people and all First Responders safer! Our profes- sion is already fraught with danger and uncertainty however, we can mitigate a great deal of that danger if we approach these issues in very methodical and thoughtful ways. That is our main objective. We've started a Facebook page called First Responder Defensive Concepts where we post information on training opportunities and articles of interest on violence and self defense in the realm of First Responders as well as advocate for getting formal training of some kind. We want to make all First Responders safer. No small task! If you're interested in learning more or have ques- tions for Andre and I about training, like and sub- scribe to our Facebook page or you can contact us via email listed below. There are some restrictions on where and who we train for liability reasons regarding training locations and liabilities and we are not a “for profit” training group in any way. Whether you get to one of our Spear training sessions or Will's and Dr. Pickett's training or not, it's important to learn some kind of self defense strategy as well as keep a situationally aware mindset. Most violent confrontations can be avoid- ed with simple situational awareness and good judgement but a pressure tested skill set and an understanding of human behavior can certainly tip the odds in your favor.

Contact Walt or Andre with any questions:




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