PULSE Magazine | November/December 2018 Issue

Operations Support



Several months ago, the department conducted a survey regarding Field Ops schedules that considered a number of factors. Since that time, the Division Chiefs and I reviewed that information, along with our daily scheduling needs and issues, and began discussing what improvements we could make to our existing staffing schedule.

The areas we want to improve include: · More efficient use of staff

· Reduce workload · Reduce overtime · Increase opportunities for piloting initiatives (i.e. single-medic PRU, on-duty training) · Balance distribution of employees to supervisors Unfortunately, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to work place scheduling. Our sworn strength of over 500 uniformed personnel is a diverse group with a myriad of personal and professional needs and goals. The EMS department has additional needs and goals it must fulfill as well. Our objective is to find a solution that balances all of those considerations and implement a staffing plan that continues to provide exceptional care to the community and supports our medics delivering that care. The Division Chiefs have drafted a proposed scheduling plan. It includes a number of significant changes, including shift start times, redistricting, station rotations, the addition of demand units , and a full rebid. Chief Brown and I will review that plan and provide feedback. Following our proposal review, we will share with the workforce for additional input, and then present to Chief Rodriguez for approval. We expect to begin gathering employee input next week.

If you have questions, you may contact the Division Chief for your assigned shift or unit, or you may contact me.

Thank you, Terésa Gardner, Assistant Chief


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