PULSE Magazine | November/December 2018 Issue

30th Annual Chuy’s Childre

volunteers canvassed the downtown area, passi fliers, asking everyone they saw to bring a toy to w them on a specified day and the parade would com pick up their toy and deliver it to Blue Santa Headq The following Thursday, Chuy's friends and emplo bicycles along with the Grand Marshal, Joe Sears of Tuna; Marcia Ball on the back of a flatbed truck; Truck; and a Giant three-man Santa Claus paraded side of Congress and down the other, stopping to toys along the way, including a giant Teddy Be Governor Bill Clements.


The Idea…

The Parade was the inspiration of Chuy's co-founder Mike Young. In 1987, Chuy's & KLBJ-FM started an annual toy drive held at the two Chuy's locations in Austin to benefit the Operation Blue Santa Program. Two years later, Mike decided it was time to raise awareness for the Toy Drive and collect more toys by putting on a Parade.

The Result...

The Plan…

That year, the parade and the next day's Toy Chuy's with KLBJ-FM nearly tripled the amount raised from previous years for Blue Santa.

In 1989, a couple of weeks before Christmas, Chuy's


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