PULSE Magazine | November/December 2018 Issue

This journey we undertook 10 weeks ago has been one of effort, pain and difficulty in varying degrees, and each cadet you see before you persevered through adversity and hardship to achieve success, and the honor of standing on this stage today. Academy training is not designed to be easy, as indeed the career we have chosen is not an easy one. Academy train- ing is designed to test the will and character of each individual, and to build that individual up in every way. Over the last 10 weeks we have witnessed our fellow cadets improve themselves in ways that they had not imagined possible, and I have witnessed, and experienced for myself, personal triumph and success through difficult and challenging circumstances. Academy train- ing is a process of bonding, of personal growth, and of becoming a team. It is a process of learn- ing to think and to act not as individuals, but as part of something far greater. It is a process of becoming a family. To quote Abraham Lincoln “ Next to creating a life the finest thing a man can do is save one.” This is the class 10/18 motto, and I believe it exemplifies what our profession represents. EMS is not merely a career, but a lifestyle. This lifestyle we lead is one of difficulty at times, but also offers great rewards for those who feel the calling to serve and to protect those in need. To my fellow cadets I offer this wisdom and insight: this life will not always be an easy one. In my career I have suffered loss and pain, I have sacri- ficed time with loved ones, and I have cried many tears. When you face these moments, as you all will, look to those around you for support, because you will always have it. This is a family which supports each other in times of

need, and in this department you are never alone. This calling offers many challenges, but it also offers joy, love, happiness, and the true satisfaction of knowing that you have made a difference in someone’s life. Hold these things dear, and always stand by those in need. In conclusion, 10 weeks ago we began this process as strangers, all starting out on a new adventure together. Today we stand together as one, ready to move on to the next challenge, knowing that we do not face anything alone. I am proud to have spent 10 weeks with each one of my fellow cadets, and I am honored to have been a member of this fine academy class. Finally, on behalf of the class, I would like to thank the academy instructors, and all the department members who dedicated their time to this process. Without your hard work, sacri- fice, and true dedication to our success this day would not have been possible. To quote our favorite and oft repeated running cadence “this is my family”

Who are we? 10/18!”


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