Alcalá View 1986 3.3

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Cabinet approves new holiday schedule A new holiday sched- ul e designed to give emp loyees more time off at Christmas was recently approved by the University cabinet for a one-year trial basis. Employees will rece ive eight designated holidays a nd five f1oating Christmas holidays under the new Catch the Halloween spirit! A 11 employees are in- vited to catch t he Halloween spirit at t h e second a nnual Best Halloween Costume Con- test sponsored by the Hu- man Resources Office Octo- ber 31. The ghoulish event be- gins at 2 p.m . on Halloween in the Serra Hall snack bar. A costume contest with prizes for best individual and group entries, punch, cookies and candy, mood

at another time in accor- dance with Univers ity pol- icy. Some academic depart- ments, for exampl e. may opt to close the ir offices during t h e mid -sem ester holid ays for students. rather than close the entire week of Christmas. In order to ensure a n or- derly operation of the Uni- versity, Dr. Munoz will co- ordinate information relating to the hol iday schedules of departments. Since the new schedule is on a t rial basis, she en- co urages feedback from employee s and supervi - sors. • set ting musi c and a sur- prise or two are promised by organizers. Employees pla nning to enter the costume contest should arrive at the snack bar promptly at 2 p.m. so that the panel of celebrity judges may begin the judg- ing . A pizza, a pumpkin fill e d with candy, and pumpkin pies are among the prizes to be awarded. If you have Halloween decorations you would like to donate to Human Re- sources, or if you would like to help decorate the snack bar the day of the par ty, contact Calista Frank at ext. 4594. •

"The intent of this plan is to give departments the opportunity to close during the week of Christmas and New Year's," she says. " If a department can't close for the entire Christmas week it may close some of those days or allow some employ- ees days off during the per- iod. The decision is up to the department supervisor and the cogn izant v ice president." If. due to de partmental operating needs it is impos- sible for an employee to use all of the " floatin g" holi- days during the Christmas period, an employee will be a llowed to use the holidays

schedule a gain of one holiday from previous years. The designated holidays are Labor Day, Septem- ber 1; Thanksgiving, No- vember 27-28; Christ- mas , December 25; New Year's , January l; Good Friday, April 17 ; Memo- rial Day, May 25: and In- dependence Day , July 3. In addition - and de- pending upon departmen- tal needs - many employ- ees will have an additional five days off between De- cember 22 a nd January 3 , according to Dr. Judith Munoz , director of Human Resources.

Vol. 3, No. 3

USD Employees Newsletter

October 1986

Meet USD's Lou

4. What is the most pleasurable aspect of your job? I e njoy working with a lot of good people. 5. What is the least pleasurable aspect o f your job? I really don' t like misin - formation , incomp le te in- formation or last minute information . When you have several things going on eac h d ay. it r ea lly causes headach es. 6. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Going to the movies, get- ling away from Sa n Diego. s lee ping. 7. If you could be 21 again, what would you do differently in your life? Nothing. 8 . What was the last move you saw? "Aliens." 9. What concerns you most about the community in which you live? The regression towards racia l prej udice. 10. What is your fa- vorite holiday and why? Christmas - because it is fun to get the whole fam - ily toge ther at one lime. • sion. which will focus on ma nagi ng commitment to the job. A popular s peaker a t previous campus em- ployee works hops. Co lliste r is a "vibrant. witty speaker who offers c reative a nd us- ab le id eas." acco rding to Calista Frank . Human Resources coo rdin a tor of emp loyme nt a nd tra ining. Enrollment for the work- shop is limited . Reg istra- tion form s will be dis trib- uted throug h inte rcampus mai l. •

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Magana This month's employee in the spotlight is Lou Ma- gana. who has worked at USD for 12 y ears. Special Services Sup e rvisor for Physical Plant. Lou was a runner-up for 1985 Staff Emp loyee of the Year. He and his wife. J erri Cota. li ve in Linda Vista. 1. What brings you the most satisfaction in life? Lea rning n ew things. S e tting goals and achiev- ing them. 2 . Who is your hero in life and why? Spike Jones. Actually. I c an ' t think of anyone I would consid e r a " h ero:· Although I do a dmire peo- ple who fight against injus- tice. racial or otherwise. 3. If you could be president of USD for a day what action would you take first? I would institute a four- day work week. Supervisor workshop Nov. 12 "You Don't Have to Suffer lo Supe rvise" is the titl e or a workshop to be presented for campus supervisors from 9 a.m.-noon. Novem- ber 12 in Salomon Lec ture Hall. Jim Coll iste r of Coll iste r and Co. will lead th e ses-


Fr. Nicolas Reveles

Tune up your vocal cords In response to numerous requests. Fr. Ni colas Re• veles is attempting to put together a faculty/staff cho- ral group. The idea was "a brain- storm on my part," says USD's music area coordi- nator. "A lot of people at the faculty/staff level have choral bac kgrounds and some would love to us e their musi cal abilities." If the effort gets off the ground. the choir will s ing with the Unive rsity Choir a t the annual Alumni Mass Dec e mbe r 8. Christmas caroling is a nothe r possi- bility. according to Fr. Re- veles. The choir is open to a ny- one inte res ted, inc luding husbands and wives of em- ployees, and alumni. Re- hearsals te ntative ly a re schedu led from 7-8 :30 p.m . on Novembe r 17 a nd 24 and December 1 in Found- ers Chapel. Employees with qu es - tions or inte rested in more details shou ld contac t Fr. Reveles at ext. 4456. •

Lou M

New staff, promotions Welcome to the following n ew s ta ff employees who rec e ntl y joine d th e USO community : Rey Calde r on . s to re- kee pe r. Dinin g S e rvices: Judith Manning . sec re- ta r y. Law S c h oo l: Jeral Matthew. sec re tary. Law School: Sharon Adams . secre tary. Hou s ing: Lillie Milkie . s ec re t a r y. Law School: Mary Ann Monte . sec re t ary. Law School : Walter Wysocki. prin cipa l baker. Dinin g Services : Michelle Bar- low . sec re ta ry. Co ll ege o r Arts a nd Sc ie nces: R. Jo- seph Keating . pa trol olli- ce r. Security: Susan Gri- safi . a dmini s tr a ti ve assis t a nt . Co ntro l ler : Marisa Kirk . sec re tary. Me di a Ce nt er : Charles Purves. pa trol o ffi cer. Se- curit y. •

Clark tops in game one D orothy Clark. sec- re ta ry to Sc hool or Business Adminis- tratio n Dean Jim Burns . bested 24 o th e r entrants to win th e first Alca la View USO tri via cont es t. Ac tu a ll y. Clark a nd n ine o th e r e ntrants a nswe red a ll or the qu estions co rrec tly. But Clark's n am e was se- lec ted in a draw ing of those s ubmitting pe rfec t e ntries. "Fantastic: · was Cl a rk 's firs t reac tion upon learning of he r good fortun e. A USD employee since Fe bruary. she admitted she rece ived some he lp on th e qu iz from h e r boss. Dr. Burns. who has worked a l Alcala Pa rk for 12 yea rs. "Trivia rea ll y is n ' t m y thing:· says Cla rk. who is m a rried to Eng lis h de part- m e nt secre t a r y Dan Clark . "But eating lunch is... A $5 g ift ce rtifi ca te lo El Tecolole resta u ra nt was he r reward for s ubmitting th e top e n try. The e ntri es we re judged on th e bas is of nine qu es- tion s rathe r than te n after Debbie Gough of the Pro- vost's Offi ce p o inte d out th a t USO offers programs in eac h of th e countri es

lis ted in ques tion te n . 1\vo a nswe rs we re acceptable to both ques ti ons e ig ht and nin e. Othe rs s ubmittin g pe r- fe c t e ntri es were Sr. Sally Fur ay, Betsy Winters , Barbara Walsh, Liz Ale- man, Brigid Ann Ben- nett , Mercedes A n n Bennett, Linda Camp a nd Dan Clark. Be low is qui z numb e r two. It s hould pose more of a c h a lle nge to d edi ca te d USO trivia buffs. This month's winne r will receive a $5 gift ce rtifi cate from Nutvill e. USA. Entries mus t be s ubmitted to th e Publi ca tion s Offi ce. De - Sa les Ha ll 274 . by Nov. 3. 1. Nam e th e stree t west of th e Copl ey Library that runs north-south . 2 . The Sc hoo l of Law was th e first professional school found e d on ca mpus. In wha t year was il inaugu- ra ted? 3. Whi c h employee e n- te red last year·s Best Ha l- lowee n Cost ume Co ntes t dressed as ET? 4. Name th e faculty sec- re tary who re tired last May a fte r 13 years a t USO. 5. Whal was the win-loss record of th e Tore ro football team during th e 1985-86 season? 6. In what state is there the second largest con cen- tration of USO a lumni (a f- te r Ca lifornia )? 7. In what yea r was con- s truc tion of Founde rs Ha ll comp le ted? 8 . Wh at was th e ni c k- n a m e of USD's sports teams be fore Tore ros? 9. On what da te was Olin Ha ll dedica ted? 10. Who is manage r of Physi ca l Plant's Ge neral Services de partment?

Dorothy Clar k

gana -

Rules 1. Only USO employees a re elig ible to e nter. 2 . Only on e e ntry p e r employee. 3 . Entries shou ld be re- turned to th e Publications Office. DeSa les 274. by the dead li ne. Entries rece ived after the deadline will be dec lared ine ligi bl e. 4 . In case of ties. a draw- ing will dete rmine the win- ner.


Answe r s month's quiz:


1. Barbara Walsh 2. 1958 3 . 1949 4 . Michae l Kearney 5. Re nate Valois 6. Jim Brovelli 7. Stude nt housing

8. Moth e r Ca th e rin e Parks or Moth e r Rosalie Hill 9 . Communication Stud- ies or El ec trical Engineer- ing 10. None.

5 . Employeesofth e Pub- lica tions Office a re ine ligi- ble to ente r the contest. • r----------------------------- USD Trivia Contest Name _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ________ _ De partme nt _________________ _ Campus ext. ____ ____________ _ _


Al ca la View i s pub l ish ed m onth ly Augu st throu gh May by the Publi cations and Hu- m an Resources o ffices. Th e newslcllcr is distributed to all Univer sity or San Di ego em - ployees. Editorial m aterial for possi- ble u se in Alcala View should be submitted by the first of the month of the desired publica- tion . Material should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274.

1. 2. 3 . 4. 5 . 6.

7. 8. 9 . 10.


Pumpkin contest Oct. 29 C an you create the prettiest Jack Pumpki n Alcala Park ever saw? Then you' ll want to enter t he pumpkin carving con- test sponsored by the Book- store from 11 a .m.-2 p.m. October 29 in its lobby. S taff, faculty and stu - dents are invited to vie for first prize of a $50 gift cer- tificate from the Bookstore. Individuals or teams may enter. " However," says Joanna Hickman of the Book- store, "considering the in- eptness of some students. staff and faculty with sharp objects and messy Health enrollment open soon Open enrollment - the annual two -week period during which emp loyees may change medical plans or add dependents to their coverage - will be Novem- ber 3-14. To help answer questions about the various insur- ance programs. Human Re -

Coming Up

22 Swimming vs. Occiden- tal/UCSD. 1 p.m .. Sports Center. 24 Facu lty-staff choral group rehearsal. 7-8:30 p.m .. Found e rs Chap e l. Ext. 4456. Through Dec. 11 Exhibi- tion by artist T.J . Dixon. " Figurative Sculpture." Free. Noon-5 p.m .. Mon- day-Friday. Founders Gal- lery • Phone workshop A one-hour workshop on "Effective Te lephon e Skills " will be conducted for staff employees by Ca- lista Fra·nk of the Human Resources Office in early November. Employees should watc.h intercampus mail for a memo containing more de- tails. • Passages First place w inner Susie Heck. da ughter of Jim Heck , manage r of building mainte nance, in the Freshman Pairs Divi- sion at the National Rolle r- skating Championships in Indianapolis August 1. Susie, 13, and h er partner, Jason Corley, beat out 25 other teams for th e top honor. Father Jim helped coach the pair. •


Football vs. St. Mary's Col- lege. 1:30 p.m .. Torero Sta- dium. Soccer vs. St. Mary's Col- lege. 11 a.m.. soccer fi eld. Soccer vs. UCSD. 3 p.m .. soccer field. Business Update Break- fast Seminar. "The Loy- alty Ethic: An Everyday Manage m e nt Issue or Just a Matter of Academic Concern? " Elizabeth Arnold. associate profes- sor of business law. Break- fast 7:30 a. m .. seminar 8 a .m .. Manchester Confer- e n ce Center. $15. 260- 4585. Men's basketball VS. Ath- letes in Action [exhibi- tion). 7 :30 p.m .. Sports Center. 7-9 Alumni Homecomin g Wee kend activities. 260- 4819. Swimming vs. a lumni. 9 a.m .. Sports Center. Homecoming football vs. Occidental College. 1:30 p.m .. Torero Stadium. 14 Swimming vs. Cal State L.A. 2 p.m.. Sports Cen- ter. Women 's volleyball vs. Santa Clara University. 7 :30 p.m .. Sports Center. 15 Women's voll ey b a ll vs. University of San Fran- cisco. 7:30 p.m .. Sports Center. 17 Faculty-staff chora l group re hearsal. 7 -8:30 p.m .. Founders Chape l. Ext. 4456. 2 5 7

pumpkins, we w il l use markers instead of knives." Pumpkins and marking pens will be supplied by the Bookstore . Entrants may bring any other props they wish. Winning entries will be on display in the Bookstore until Halloween . To enter and to reserve your pump- kin , call the Bookstore at ext. 4551. • sources will hold its annual Benefits Fair from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. November 3 in Camino Lounge. Rep- resentatives from the in- surance providers as well as the retirement plans will be present to answer ques- tions. Changes in coverage may be made at the Benefits Fair or at the Human Re- sources Office any time during the November 3-14 period . Call Human Re- sources at ext. 4594 for more information. •

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University cl Sa n Oie8o

Publications Office DeSales Hall Room 274

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