Alcalá View 1986 3.3

Clark tops in game one D orothy Clark. sec- re ta ry to Sc hool or Business Adminis- tratio n Dean Jim Burns . bested 24 o th e r entrants to win th e first Alca la View USO tri via cont es t. Ac tu a ll y. Clark a nd n ine o th e r e ntrants a nswe red a ll or the qu estions co rrec tly. But Clark's n am e was se- lec ted in a draw ing of those s ubmitting pe rfec t e ntries. "Fantastic: · was Cl a rk 's firs t reac tion upon learning of he r good fortun e. A USD employee since Fe bruary. she admitted she rece ived some he lp on th e qu iz from h e r boss. Dr. Burns. who has worked a l Alcala Pa rk for 12 yea rs. "Trivia rea ll y is n ' t m y thing:· says Cla rk. who is m a rried to Eng lis h de part- m e nt secre t a r y Dan Clark . "But eating lunch is... A $5 g ift ce rtifi ca te lo El Tecolole resta u ra nt was he r reward for s ubmitting th e top e n try. The e ntri es we re judged on th e bas is of nine qu es- tion s rathe r than te n after Debbie Gough of the Pro- vost's Offi ce p o inte d out th a t USO offers programs in eac h of th e countri es

lis ted in ques tion te n . 1\vo a nswe rs we re acceptable to both ques ti ons e ig ht and nin e. Othe rs s ubmittin g pe r- fe c t e ntri es were Sr. Sally Fur ay, Betsy Winters , Barbara Walsh, Liz Ale- man, Brigid Ann Ben- nett , Mercedes A n n Bennett, Linda Camp a nd Dan Clark. Be low is qui z numb e r two. It s hould pose more of a c h a lle nge to d edi ca te d USO trivia buffs. This month's winne r will receive a $5 gift ce rtifi cate from Nutvill e. USA. Entries mus t be s ubmitted to th e Publi ca tion s Offi ce. De - Sa les Ha ll 274 . by Nov. 3. 1. Nam e th e stree t west of th e Copl ey Library that runs north-south . 2 . The Sc hoo l of Law was th e first professional school found e d on ca mpus. In wha t year was il inaugu- ra ted? 3. Whi c h employee e n- te red last year·s Best Ha l- lowee n Cost ume Co ntes t dressed as ET? 4. Name th e faculty sec- re tary who re tired last May a fte r 13 years a t USO. 5. Whal was the win-loss record of th e Tore ro football team during th e 1985-86 season? 6. In what state is there the second largest con cen- tration of USO a lumni (a f- te r Ca lifornia )? 7. In what yea r was con- s truc tion of Founde rs Ha ll comp le ted? 8 . Wh at was th e ni c k- n a m e of USD's sports teams be fore Tore ros? 9. On what da te was Olin Ha ll dedica ted? 10. Who is manage r of Physi ca l Plant's Ge neral Services de partment?

Dorothy Clar k

gana -

Rules 1. Only USO employees a re elig ible to e nter. 2 . Only on e e ntry p e r employee. 3 . Entries shou ld be re- turned to th e Publications Office. DeSa les 274. by the dead li ne. Entries rece ived after the deadline will be dec lared ine ligi bl e. 4 . In case of ties. a draw- ing will dete rmine the win- ner.


Answe r s month's quiz:


1. Barbara Walsh 2. 1958 3 . 1949 4 . Michae l Kearney 5. Re nate Valois 6. Jim Brovelli 7. Stude nt housing

8. Moth e r Ca th e rin e Parks or Moth e r Rosalie Hill 9 . Communication Stud- ies or El ec trical Engineer- ing 10. None.

5 . Employeesofth e Pub- lica tions Office a re ine ligi- ble to ente r the contest. • r----------------------------- USD Trivia Contest Name _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ________ _ De partme nt _________________ _ Campus ext. ____ ____________ _ _


Al ca la View i s pub l ish ed m onth ly Augu st throu gh May by the Publi cations and Hu- m an Resources o ffices. Th e newslcllcr is distributed to all Univer sity or San Di ego em - ployees. Editorial m aterial for possi- ble u se in Alcala View should be submitted by the first of the month of the desired publica- tion . Material should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274.

1. 2. 3 . 4. 5 . 6.

7. 8. 9 . 10.


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