1919 Home made beverages



of lemons and add it to the decoction. Then make a strong infusion of the finest green tea and add it to the mixture. After which add equal portions of old Jamaica rum and cognac brandy, according to the strength required. Mix all well together, strain through a hair sieve, put it into a freezer and make very cold. Roman French brandy, 4 oz.; best Jamaica rum, 4 oz.; extract vanilla, J^ oz.; fruit acid, J£ oz.; syrup, 1 gal. 1. — Strong hot green tea, lemon juice and capillaire, of each 1J^ pt.; rum, brandy, arrack and Curagoa, of each 1 pt.; champagne, 1 bottle. Mix and slice a pineapple into it. 2. — Hot tea, 1 qt.; arrack, J^ bottle; white sugar, 6 oz. juice of 8 lemons; yellow rinds of 4 lemons. Wine Sugar, 1 lb.; yellow peel of 3 lemons; juice of 9 lemons; arrack, 1 pt.; port or sherry wine, hot, 1 gal.; cinnamon, M oz.; nutmeg, 1 dr. Whiskey 1, — To 1 wineglassful of whiskey add 2 wineglassfuls of hot water and then sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wineglassful of the water, then pour in the whiskey and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. 2. — Scotch whiskey, 1 bottle; boiling water, 1 qt.; loaf sugar, }4 lb.; the juice and finely pared rinds of 3 lemons. Pour the boiling water over the sugar, lemon rinds and juice. Let it remain until cold, then strain into a punch bowl. Add the whiskey, place the bowl in a large vessel, 220 Tea

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