Upper GI 2017

Prognostic factors – Lymph nodes metastasis indicate poor prognosis

Extensive interconnecting lymphatic channels High risk of skip areas (high risk of local recurrence)

Drain into lymph nodes: paraoesophageal, paratraechael, dorsal mediastinum, lung hilum, inferior thyroid artery, left gastric artery (celiac axis), paraesophageal in the neck.

Risk to develop nodal mets: T1b: 20%

T2: 60% T3: 90% T4: 100%

Biggest problem in oesophageal carcinoma: - Often: locally advanced tumors (85% in T2 or more) - Metastasizes early

From: neoadjuvant.wikidot.com staging and krebsdaten.de (Robert-Koch-Institut)

Institute of Pathology | Alexander Quaas

Gastrointestinal Cancer Group Cologne (GCGC)

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