Instruksjonsbok Volvo A25D - A30D


Three-point mounted axles Simple design – low maintenance

Each bogie axle is suspended at three points. This allows each pair of wheels to move independently, and the body remains level in rough terrain. Compared to other solu- tions, three-point suspension makes it easier for each pair of wheels to move independently and results in less strain on the frame. Advantages – bogie beam suspension • The unique bogie beam design with long suspen- sion travel allows independent wheel movement, maintaining good ground contact for superior off- road performance. • 100% maintenance-free design with long compo- nent life for greater uptime and reduced mainte- nance costs. • A smooth floating ride for high operator comfort reduces cycle times and improves productivity. • The independent wheel movement keeps the body level and material stays in the body.

The front axle is suspended at three points for indepen- dent wheel movement. The suspension consists of com- ponents such as rubber springs, shock absorbers and cross stays – all maintenance-free. This permits high average speeds in rough terrain with maintained operator comfort and less strain on the equipment. Advantages – front suspension • Three-point mounting allows independent wheel movement for high-speed hauling in rough terrain. • High operator comfort reduces fatigue for high daily production. • Simple design, 100% maintenance-free system for low operating costs.


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