USD Men's Basketball 2008-2009
KY SNYDER Executive Director of Athletics
Ky Snyder was named Executive Director of Athletics at the University o f San Diego on December 10th, 2003. Dr. Mary E . Lyons, USO President, introduced Snyder who returns to USD where he was Director of Ath letic D evelopment from 1990 to 1996. He came back to USD from the San D iego In ternational Sports Council where he held the position of President. With the San Diego International Sports Cou ncil, Snyder's primary responsibility was to promote San Diego/ Tijuana as the preferred region fo r sporting events and activities that benefit the community both economi– cally and socially. Accompljsh111ents of the Sports Council bid efforts d uring Snyder's tenure included securing San Diego the 1997 and 1998 ESPN Su111mer X Games, the Suzukj Rock & Rol1 J\farathon, the 1999 Major League Soccer ALI-Star Game, the Bank of A111erica/U.S. Oly111pic Cup, NCAA Division I Men's Basketball First & Second Round (2001) contests, the NCAA Division] Wo111en's Volleyball Cha111pionsh ips (2001) and Super Bowl XX,'-CVll.
l n the spring of 2001, Snyder was named the President of the San Diego Super Bowl X,XXVll Host Com111it– tee. He is a 111e111ber of the Board of Directors of the San Diego Super Bowl Task Force. Snyder was also the
Executive Director of the San Diego In ternational Sports Foundation.
Prior to joinjng the SDISC, Snyder was the Di rector of Ath letic D evelopment at the University of San Diego for six years. At USD he was responsible for establishing the Torero Ath letic Association, fund-raising efforts for athletics, 111anaging athletic special events and generating corporate sponsorship of athletics.
r\t USD he oversees an athletic depart111ent with seventeen NCAA DiYision I intercollegiate teams and over 400 student-ath letes. He is responsible for all ad111inistrative, 111anagement and supervisory aspects of the D epart111ent of Athletics. Addi tionally, he oversees the strategic long-range planning and 111onitoring of budgets, personnel, programs, faciljties, fundrais ing, pro1110- tions and marketing, and public relations for an NCAA Division l progra111 consisting of eight sports for men and nine sports for women. He serves on the NCAA Division J Football Rules Co111mittee and as the Corporate Co-Chair of the J DRF \X/a]k to Cure Diabetes. ~----------------~ l n 2007-08, USD sent six teams to the NCAr\ Tou r– na111ent, and won the presti– gious WCC Co111missioner's Cup for the first ti111e. The trophy goes to the school with the top performing athl etics program in the eigh t-tea m West Coast Conference. It is the first time USO has clai med this
The Snyder Family: Ky and Sue with son Riley; daughters Cammy and Sydney; along with D on Hegerle (Sue's father).
honor in the Cup's seven-year history.
Snyder played football at San Diego State University. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from San Diego State University and has studied in the Master's Leadership Progra111 at the University of San Diego.
Snyder, who has been a San Diego resident for 26 years, has a very athletic fam ily. His wife, Sue, was a former standout member of the United States women's national volleyball team who played at San Diego State and also coached the Aztecs and University of San Diego's women's voll eyball teams. In addition, Snyder's father, Lester, held the position as President of the United States Tennis Association.
Ky Snyder with the 2008 WCC Commissioner's Cup.
The Snyder's reside in Poway with their son Riley (age 15), daughter Sydney (age 12) and daughter Cam111y (age 9).
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