CAI-NJ June 2017

A ssoCiAtion L egisLAtive u pdAte p rogrAms of the Community Associations Institute and the New Jersey Legislative Action Committee North/Central Jersey Encore at Monroe North Jersey Eagle Ridge POA South Jersey Horizons at Woods Landing LOOKING OUT FOR YOU”

Paul M. Raetsch, George C. Greatrex, Jr., Esq. , A. Christopher Florio, Esq. , Larry Thomas, PCAM, CAI-NJ Executive Director Timothy Martin (MBI GluckShaw)

Timothy Martin (MBI GluckShaw) , Liz Comando, CMCA, PCAM , Larry Thomas, PCAM, CAI-NJ Executive Director, J. David Ramsey, Esq., CCAL , Thomas C. Martin, Esq.


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