
MSA Club News NORTHERN TIMBER CRUISERS Millinocket, ME Winter is coming fast! Western Maine has already had some snow. The leaves have changed and fallen for the most part. Now we wait for that beautiful white gold to coat the trails and enable us to get out and get rid- ing. Hopeful that our typical winter Katahdin area vendors will be open for business so we can gas up, eat and ride some more! Our membership renewals were mailed and nearly 50% have been returned, recorded and sent to MSA. Please get yours in so we can get them to MSA in a timely manner. Trails are being worked; bridges being repaired. It takes a lot of time and energy to maintain the trails. Vol- unteers are always welcome. Our reg- ular meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at our Lake Rd clubhouse in Millinocket at 7PM. Stay Safe & Watch our Face Book page for updated information and coming events. Patti Rioux Recording Secretary Hi to all, The time has come to get trail work done. The trail grants have been sent in for the 2020-2021 snowmobile sea- son. We have started on brushing with a good crew, but the more the mer- rier. We have some bridges to repair and some replanked, We have a lot of brushing and signing on 125 miles of Quadcounty trails traversing through 10 towns, plantations and townships connecting 4 counties in Eastern Maine. Brushing and bridge work will be done on Sundays during hunting season and signing will be done after hunting season is over, so the signs won’t be used for targets. Our next meeting will be Novem- ber 9 and we will have a guest speaker from the Downeast Lakes Land Trust, which is in the process of purchasing 2000 acres, of which contains 6 miles of our trails. I hope we have a good turnout for the meeting, this should be informative and a great chance to ask questions. Super Raffle sales have been sur- prising good. Quadcounty members have been good selling tickets and selling tickets at Raymond’s Variety in the parking lot has earned $$ for Quad- county SC. Remember we get $1 for each $2 ticket we sell. Thanksgiving dinner will be takeout this year. It is still free to everyone, no matter if you’re single or large fam- QUADCOUNTY Springfield, ME

tember. We held a special meeting and elected our officers, selected our board of directors and tied up other loose ends. Our first official meeting of this season was held on Tuesday October 13th. Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm October through April. Up for discussion are revisiting the bylaws, planning trail and bridge repairs, scheduling our vintage ride-in, and growing community interest in our club. Come visit us! Speaking of the ride-in, we have scheduled it for Saturday February 27 th . More infor- mation to come as we get closer to the event. Visit our website or find us on social media for the most up to date happenings. Let’s hope by the time the snow flies this world will settle down a bit and return to some sense of normal. Thank you all for your support of our club. Thank you to our membership for your hard work in keeping this club going. Thank you to our landowners for your generosity in allowing us to have our trail system. Stay well everyone and see you soon! Laurie La Violette President SVSC has resumed its regular meetings for the 2020/21 season. Our meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednes- day of each month at the Big A Club- house in Newport. We held our election of officers on September 23 with our slate of offi- cers and directors mostly staying the same, but we are happy to welcome Kasey Fair as our new Vice President and Devon Brooks as Treasurer. Gail Ryan graciously took over as mem- bership chair in addition to her MSA director duties. She has big shoes to fill. Her sister, Elaine Brown, filled the position for 40 plus years, so hopefully she will step in with advice and wisdom if needed. Trail work, including clearing, brush cutting and bridge building/ repair has been in full swing, with Scott and Tyler Jakins and Kelly Mer- rill leading the charge. There is, as always, much work to do and help is always needed! With some areas of the state seeing the first snowfall on October 17, we are looking forward to a great season of riding and providing some great trails. Submitted by: Lisa Sawyer SVSC Secretary SEBASTICOOK VALLEY sc Newport, Etna, Stetson

ily, all are welcome. Enjoy the holiday without cooking and clean-up. Your slow typing reporter, Kevin


PUSHAW LAKE sc Hudson, ME Find us on Facebook

Whitmore Landing Road Hudson We have started to work on the trails and hope to get some bridge work and clearing done in November. COVID is making it hard to do things, but we want to get the trails ready for riding. Everyone needs to get out and enjoy Winter!! Our current officers will carry on until next year. Bruce Caswell is President; Jason Durrell is Trail Mas- ter and Ray Simpson is Secretary/ Treasurer. The Annual Christmas Party will be held 12/5 at Longhorn Steakhouse in Bangor at 6PM. We will do a Yankee Swap, gifts $5.00. We are still planning on holding our Fishing Derby on Feb 6 and 7, 2021. Food will not be served, but we will have coffee/tea, hot chocolate and water. All fish weighing will be done in our club garage. We will adjust for COVID restrictions, but we are still plan on having a great derby. Another big thanks to Trail Master Jason Durrell for all the work he has done at the clubhouse. Hello Riders, Last season we as a club made the decision to purchase a “new to us” groomer, a 1993 Bombardier BR160, with a really nice 8’x14’ drag. Unfor- tunately, due to mother nature fail- ing to cooperate, we only used it a few times. However, it is leaps and bounds better (and more comfort- able....it has heat!) than the machine we were using, which was about 50 years old. We still have the trusty pink Cherokee as a second machine, although that is going to need to be replaced in the near future. We did apply for and receive a cap- ital equipment grant, which covered some of the cost of the groomer. In the time of COVID, we are needing to get creative with fundraising to help pay it off completely. Trail work is generally done on Sundays throughout the fall. Things are generally in good shape but there is always brushing to be done, and there is at least 1 reroute to complete. We announce specifics on our Face- book page. We have a small but ded- icated group and will gladly welcome any additional help. Keith Dean, Vice President Submitted by: Ray Simpson HUNGRY HOLLOW 76ERS Levant, ME Hhollow76@yahoo.com


The Trailblazers met at 6 PM on the 13 th of October at the Parkman Town House. We are in the process of putting in a new trail from Crow Hill to Guil- ford. It was just about completed last Sunday. Our trail master has gotten most of the trails staked and signed from Harlow Pond to the Crow Hill Road. The next thing on our agenda is the groomer and we have a date set for the first of November to get it ready for the snow. That is all for now. Hi Everyone, Narrow Gauge Snowmobile Club members have been out working on trails in hopes of a great upcom- ing season. We are getting groomers ready to go. Membership collection is well underway. Along with Raffle tickets, ticket sales this year are bet- ter than ever. Wishing all of you the best of luck. Our meeting was held, great to see so many friendly faces. We spoke of the need to relocate a couple of our trails and the success of the kiosks that have been placed. Trail access through the mapping has reached not only snowmobilers but hikers and those looking to get out and exercise in these trying times. We encourage multi use trails. Maps will be going into the businesses for sale soon, Price $4. Remember folks to support the clubs, we welcome all new members. It is with your support that our trail system continues to be a hidden gem. Laurie Bowman, Secretary Narrow Gauge SC Strong, ME Hello everyone. Well, 2020 has certainly thrown us some curve balls hasn’t it? Our last meeting of last season was held in March where we nominated officers for this season. Alas, we were not able to hold our annual meeting where officers would have been elected for safety reasons. So, we decided to postpone until Sep- Dale Perigo Trail Master NARROW GAUGE sc Monson, ME ORRINGTON TRAIL RIDERS Orrington, ME www.orringtontrailriders.com

Hello from Blue Ridge Riders (BRR) in Rockwood! We’re excited to report we had our first snow in mid-October! Of course, it didn’t stay; but it sure got people excited for the upcoming season. Speaking of excitement, Route 66 in Rockwood has had extensive trail work completed by our volunteers. Many clubs operate on a volunteer basis. Ours is no exception. As you ride, consider the effort everyone puts into the trail preparation before the first snow falls. Equipment is used to improve trails, snow fences are put up, brush is cleared, culverts are maintained or replaced, and more! The list is huge! Then when the snow is here, trails need constant mainte- nance. Thank you to everyone who gives of their time, their membership dues, their donations, and their equip- ment. We encourage you to volunteer where you’re able. Clubs have fundraisers to help defray costs of operating. Blue Ridge Riders is no exception. Our fund- raiser calendars will be available soon for purchase from our members as well as local businesses. Cash prizes are awarded daily! We thank you for supporting us by purchasing a calen- dar this year. BRR has learned that the Canadian Border may remain closed due to COVID-19. While this will limit rid- ing in Canada, Rockwood is a great destination. We hope that you will visit Rockwood, grab a meal here, enjoy a stay with local lodging, and support our small community. Remember: there’s safety inside your helmet! And please be safe out- side of it as well. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodemer, Secretary

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