^>oats and sorties of the enemy ; and the unre- qhitting attentions of that Officer claim particu­ lar notice. .i? ■ •: :•••• By the naval blockade the force opposed to us has been limited to the resources of this and Kof the'adjacent islands, separated,only;by narrow berries; and almost every wish of assistance has -fceeh anticipated, and every requisition of boats, guns, and stores has been most amply and effeo-: tually provided for with the greatest dispatch and the mo$t perfect cordiality; and every pos- csibte attention has been paid, and every accom­ modation given, by every Officer in, that servicq, from Admiral Ganibier downward?, j .* A battalion of Seamen and Marines-, wit£ •three divisions of Carpenters, were; landed o;p -the gth, under Captain; Watson, of*,his'Majesty’2 schip Inflexible; and had. the effort*.been made, ,which would have been resorted £a. in a few flays, if the place had not capitulated* their ser­ vices in. the passage of the ditch would havp. .been distinguished. ... , .. . ^ I ;send this Dispatch by Lieutenant Catfc caj’df, who has become for some, time my first Aidrde-Camp, who has seen every thing that hap oqpqrred hero. and.a* Stralsund, and wiil.be able to give any further details that may hq required. I have the honoqr to he, &c. . ' (Signed) t h c a r t .

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