USD Women's Tennis 2000


Zuzana Lesenarova ·'-i. 1999 NCAA National Champion ..., 3-time NCAA All-America

Katarina Valkyova 1999 NCAA All-America




The University of San Diego


The University of San Diego is an independent Catholic institution of higher education. Founded in 1949, USO is located on 180 acres overlooking Mission Bay. San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean . The campus is named Alcala Park and is located just IO minutes from downtown San Diego and the world famous San Diego Zoo. Historic Old Town is just minutes away as well. The city of San Diego along with this campus traces their origins to fifteenth century Spain. The campus was named after a Spanish village near Madrid - Alcala de Henares. Founded by the Greeks as Complutum, the village was later renamed Al Kala (the Castle) by the Moslems. Christians recaptured the village centuries later and founded a university, the University of Alcala, whose buildings became the inspiration for USD's style. Both institutions are located on a hill

overlooking a river valley. THE CAMPUS

The USO campus is regarded as one of the most architecturally unique institutions in the country, featuring 18 major buildings designed in an ornamental 16th century Spanish Renaissance style. The physical beauty of the campus reaches beyond the "eye of the beholder." Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill. one of the insti– tutions founders--, believed in the enhancement of learning through beauty and harmony. Hence for the University, beauty is a transcendental quality imparted to students as part of their education to truth and goodness: a simple but profound educational philosophy. Since 1984, USO has completed eleven major construction and expansion projects. A five-story parking garage was completed in 1998. The 5,000 seat Jenny Craig Pavilion , USD's new Sports/Activity Center, is due to open in the Fall of 2000; and this past October was the ground breaking ceremony for the Joan B. Kroc Peace Institute. A landscaped fountain plaza was finished in the fall of 1995, connecting the entrances of the lmmaculata and Hughes Administration Center. In 1992, the university completed the 45 ,000 square foot Loma Hall. which includes an expanded bookstore. a larger mail center, classrooms and labratories. ACADEMICS USO enrolls more than 6.800 students (3,900 undergraduate) who have a choice

of more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The university's academic units include the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Schools of Business Administra– tion. Education, Law and Nursing. Class size generally averages between 18-25 students with the student to teacher ratio being 18: I. Over 97 percent of USD's full-time faculty hold doctorates. In the annual ratings of the country's colleges and universities. published by U.S. Ne11·.1· & World Re11ort. USO moved from the regional to national category in 1994. The university is ranked among the top 100 schools in the nation. STUDENT LIFE Student activities include cultural events, dances, boat cruises, beach parties, BBQ's, concerts, comedy nights. symposia and much more. Students participate in a wide range of vo lunteer projects such as adult literacy tutoring. senior citizen outreach, and house bui lding in Tijuana. The intramura l program is also an integral part of student

life on campus with over two-thirds of the USO community partaking in the activities. ATHLETICS

DID YOU KNOW • With a donation of $7 million by

Sid and Jenny Craig, USD received the lead gift necessary to proceed with planning its much needed $17 million Sports/Activities Center. The pavilion, which will be located at the eastern end of campus between Torero Stadium and Cunningham Baseball Stadium, will include a 5,000-seat gymnasium, coaches offices, fitness center and athletic training fa– cilities, showers and locker rooms, concession stand, and reception room. The Monsignor I.B. Eagen Plaza off the Pavilion entry, will take advantage of the view across campus to the ocean. The USD Athletic Hall of Fame will also be housed in the facility. Construc– tion is underway with a scheduled opening slated for Fall 2000.

The University of SanDiego is a member of the West Coast Conference fornearly all sports and competes in sixteen intercollegiate sports on the NCAA Division I level. The football team completed its sixth season in the Pioneer Football League. Women's sports include: basketball. crew. cross country. soccer, softball. swimming, tennis and volleyba ll. Men's sports inc lude: baseball. basketball, crew. cross country, go lf, football. soccer and tennis. Since 1990 USO teams have won seven conference championships; made 22 post– season appearances; had 19 Conference Coaches of the Year; 16 Conference Players of the Year. 11 Conference Freshman of the Year, three WCC Scholar Athletes of the Year and 2 1 NCAA All-Americans. Zuzana Lesenarova, a three-time NCAA All-American for wome n's tennis. already has won the first two legs of the Collegiate Grand Slam this fall ( 1999) wi th wins at the National Clay Courts and Riviera All -American. She enters the 1999 spring season ranked No. I in the nation for the second straight season. Patrick Hawkins. a sen ior on the men's go lf team. was West Coast Conference champion in 1998 after winning medal– ist honors at Menifee Lakes Country C lub.

,varsity of San Diego Arcnives



1 USD Athletic Administration NCAA Faculty Rep. Mitch Malachowski Director of Athletics Tom Iannacone Associate Athletic Director Dan Yourg Assistant Athletic Director/SWA Wendy Guthrie Assoc. AD of Athletic Development Brian Fogai1y 0 Asst AD/Promotions & Ma rketing Renee Wiebe Director of Athletic Facilities John Martin Sports Information Director Ted Gosen Assistant SID/Tennis Contact Melissa Turley Strength & Conditioning Coach Steve Brown Academic Support Coordinator Mike Matoso Director of Intramurals/Recreation Gary Becker Head Athletic Trainer Carolyn Greer, M.A ., A.T. , C. Assistant Trainers Suzi Higgins, Paul Signorell i Women's Tennis Information Head Coach Sherri Stephens ( 16th Season - U. of Arizona, 1979) Assistant Coach Chri s Atzct, Ist Season Women' s Tenni s Phone (6 19) 260-8893 Table of Contents Discover USD IFC Table of Contents I 2000 Torero Outlook 2 Head Coach Sherri Stephens 3 Roster/Asst. Chri s Atzet 4 Zuzana Lcscnarova 5-6 Katarina Valkyova 7 Kri sta Manni ng 8 Stac ie Lee 8 Paola Arrangoiz 9 Heather Polumbus 9 Erika Pyne I0 1999 Stati sti cs/Results 11 Stephens All-Time Roster 12 Torcro Tennis Tradition 13 NCAA Tournament History 14 USD Support Services 15 Torcro Sponsors 16 City of San Di ego IBC 2000 Schedul e BC President Alice B. Hayes

USD General Information School Name Uni versity of San Diego Location 5998 Alca la Park, San Diego, CA 92 11 0-2492 Year Founded 1949 Enrollment 6,800 Conference West Coast Conference Affiliation NCAA Division I USD Sports Information

5 4 Victory Over USD Toreros Celebrate - March 19th, 1999 I B rkeley on No. 4-rankecl Ca e

San Diego Tennis Media Outlets San Diego Union-Tribune P.O. Box 19 1 San Diego, CA 92 112 (6 I9) 293-1 343 Fax: (6 19) 293-2443 Los Angeles Times Times Mirror Square Los Angeles, CA 90053 LA: (800) 528-4637, 77 145 Fax: (2 13) 23 7-7876

Sports Information Ted Gosen Women's Tennis SID

Me lissa Turley Office Phone (6 19) 260-4745 Fax (6 19) 260-2990

North County Times P.O. Box 90 Oceanside, CA 92054 (800) 200- 160 I Fax: (760) 740-5045 Daily Californian P.O. Drawer 1565 El Cajon. CA 92020 (6 19) 442-4408 Fax: (6 19) 447-6 165

Orange County Register 625 N. Grand Ave. Santa Ana, CA 927 1I (7 14) 953-7805 Fax: (7 14) 565-6765 USA Today I0877 Wilshire #406 Los Angeles, CA 90024 (3 I0) 443-8900 Fax: (3 10) 443-8923

West Tennis Courts Phone (61 9) 260-4600, ext. 2203

Torero Hotlin e (6 19) 260-2323

San Diego 1999 Record: 14-11

Women's Tennis

Quick Facts

Women's Tennis Phone: (6 19) 260-8893 Home Facility : US O West Tenni s Courts West Courts Phone : (6 19) 260-4600, ext. Colors: Co lumb ia bl ue, navy & whi te N ickname: Toreros (Bu ll fig hter) Letterwinners Returning/ Lost: 7/1


WCC Finish:

Home: 17-1 4- IAway : 11-1 3

Head Coach: Sherri Stephens, 16th Yr. 2203 Career Record: 20 1-1 57 ( 15 Years)

Assistant Coach:

Chri s Atzet, Ist Season


Fun Team Photo ID- Back Co ver:

Design, Edit & Layout : Ted Gosen & Melissa Turl ey Front Cover Design: Brock Scott, Scott Photo Photos: Brock Scott

Standing 1-r: Kri:-ta Manning. S1c1cii..· Lei.:. Paula Arrangui1. Erika Pyni.:. Kawrina Valk) O\ a. I k :.ithi.:r Pulumbu:-.. Asst. Chri:,. At1c1. Zuzana Li.::-i.:narO\ a.

Printing: Ki ngs Pri nt ing Corporation (A special thanks to Brock Scott for

Team pri.:pan::,; to to:-.:-. head coach Sh1..:rri St1..:phc11:-.

designing the Front Cover of the Yearbook)

into USO Sport:-. Ccntl.'r Swimming Pool.

2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home to Zu zana Lesenaro va, /999 NCAA Division I National Champion



2000 TORERO OUTLOOK The 2000 tenni s season will bring a lot of ex peri ence, athl eti c ism and exc itement to San Diego thi s yea r. The USD women's tenni s team will not onl y be a threa t in the West Coast Conference, but a lso as a nati ona l contender. Head Coach Sherri Stephens, in her 16th season, has establi shed a winning traditi on fo r the USD women 's tenni s program. She re turn s seven lette rwinners from las t year 's squad that fini shed 14- 11 overall and 28 th in the fin al nati ona l ITA rankings. Thi s yea r, USD ente rs the pre-season with a team ranking of 29th in the nati on; two pl ayers, Zuzana Lesenarova and Katarina Valkyova, ranked # I and #3 in singles respecti ve ly, and the duo teamed in doubl es whe re they were ranked #2 in the nati on in the pre-season po ll s.

Coach Stephens fi e lds a squ ad of seven expe ri enced returners who are prepared to compete fo r a West Coas t Confe rence champi onship and make a strong run toward the NCAA Tournament. The Toreros line-up will also fea ture juni ors Krista Manning and Stacie Lee; and sophomores Paola Arrangoiz , Heather Polumbus and Erika Pyne. DEPARTING TORERO USD lost seni or Milli e Prior to graduati on. Pri or, a San Diego nati ve, was -------------- a leader, hard wo rker and tough competitor fo r the Toreros. Pri or maj ored in Computer Sc ience and minored in Business Admini strati on. NCAA CHAMPION RETURNS TO USD The 1999 NCAA sing les champi on and pre-season# I ranked pl ayer in the nati on re turns to USD to defend her titl e for her seni or yea r. Zuzana Lesenarova has coll ected her share of acco lades th roughout he r ca reer at USD. She has been named NCAA All-Ameri ca three times (I 997 , 1998, 1999), NCAA Nati onal Champion ( 1999), West Coast Confe rence Pl ayer of the Yea r ( 1998, 1999), Number I ITA sing les pl ayer ( 1998-99, 1999- 2000), and winner of fi ve ITA Co llegiate Grand Sl am titl es. Sophomore Katarina Valkyova earned NCAA All– Ameri ca honors after advanc ing to the NCAA quarterfinals where she dropped a 3-set match to Lesenarova. DOUBLES USO fi e lds one of its' strongest doubl es teams in the program's hi s–

tory. Seni or Zuzana Lesenarova and sophomore Katarina Valkyova en– ter the season with an ITA pre-season ranking of #2 in the country. The two Toreros already have one yea r's wo rth of ex pe ri ence together. In the 1999 season Lesenarova and Va lkyova fi ni shed with an 14-6 record and pa rti c i– pated in the NCAA Tourn ament. Othe r doubl e tandems ex pec ted to prov ide strength incl ude: Paola Arrangoiz & Erika Pyne, and Heather Polumbus & Stacie Lee. FACING A CHALLENGING SCHEDULE USO will face an ex treme ly tough schedul e in the 2000 season. Five of USO's opponents are ranked in the top-20: Stanford (No. I ), Pepperdi ne (No. 8), Ari zona State (No. 12), South Alabama (No. 17) and Northwestern (No. 20). USO will host their Women's Tenni s Class ic (March I 0-1 2) before head– ing to Hawa ii over Spring break. Likewise, the West Coast Conference is always competi ve and chall enging. Winning a conference champi onship is a hi gh pri ority fo r the Toreros in 2000. Pepperdine has retained the ti tle for the past 13 seasons. The Toreros and Waves. who will face each other during the regul ar-season on Feb. 26th , will more likely than not, face off aga inst each other once aga in in the WCC champi onship match.

, ~ ) ;l'

2000 University of Sa11 Diego Women 's Te1111is -- Home to Z11 za11a Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division I Natio11a/ Champion



Now in he r 16th season as head coach of the Uni vers ity of San Diego women's tenni s team, Sherri Stephens has turned the USO program into one of the best, mos t res pected programs in the nati o n. With Coach Stephens leade rship , the To reros have proved they can compete with the bes t prog rams in the nati on -- US O has ad vanced to the NCAA Tournament nine times since 1989. Last season he r squad was se lected to the NCAA Tournament fo r the fifth stra ig ht

season, with juni or Zuzana Lesenarova winning her first NCAA Indi vidua l Champi onship and earning A ll -Ame ri ca hono rs fo r the third stra ight season. Fres hman Katarina Va lkyova proved she will be a force in co ll eg iate women's tenni s afte r she adva nced to -the NCAA qua rte rs and a lso earned All -Ameri ca hono rs. Hi ghli g hting the To reros 14-11 record was the team's 5-4 upset over then 4th-ranked Cal Be rke ley on March 19th at USO West Courts. 0 Stephens' 2000 team beg ins the spring season with a No. 29 nati ona l team ranking -- seni o r Zuzana Lesenarova

beg ins the season w ith a nati ona l sing les ranking of No. I, sophomo re Katarina Va lkyova is a No.3 pre-season pi ck, and the Lesenarova/Va lkyova doubl es combinati on is ra nked No. 2 in the nati on. Stephens arri ved at USO in the Fa ll of 1984 and immed iate ly be– gan to re-shape the wome n's tenni s fo rtunes. Over the past fo urteen sea– sons against some of the nati o n's best, Stephe ns has acc umul ated a w in– loss record of 197- 13 1 (. 601 winning percentage), fini shing a ll fo urteen seasons with .500 o r be tte r mark s. During thi s time her teams have ad– vanced to the NCAA Tournament nine times ( 1989, 1990, 199 1, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 ). The Toreros have fini shed amo ng the nati on's top-25 in e ight seasons, with a hi gh of # 14 in 1989 ( 18-8 overall record ) -- that was USD's first team to adva nce to the NCAA's. S tephens has a lso had fi ve To re ros rece ive a tota l of ten CAA A ll -Ameri ca hon– o rs: Tonya Fulle r ( 199 1), Laura Ri chards ( 1992, 1993), Juli e McKeon ( 1992, 1993, 1994), and most recentl y seni o r Zuzana Lesenarova ( 1997, 1998, 1999), and Katarina Va lkyova ( 1999). We ll res pected among her pee rs in the coaching profess ion, She rri was a featured speake r at the 1992 and 1993 ITA Coaches' Conventi on. Twice she has had the pri vil ege o f coaching at the Ol ympi c Spo rts Fes ti– val ( 1993/South , 1995/Wes t), w ith he r '95 squad winning the go ld meda l. She was named the 1994 Female Coach of the Yea r by the USTA, South– ern Cali fo rni a Secti on/San Diego Di stri c t.

A native of Phoenix , Ari zona, Stephens was a nati o na ll y ranked pl ayer on the junio r c ircuit before enro lling at the Uni ve rsity of Ari zona. Afte r compl eting her co ll eg iate play ing caree r in 1979, she began he r coac hing career as an ass istant for the Ari zona Wildcats.

Sherri Stephens Year-By-Year Record At Sau Diego Year Record Final Rank Year Record Final Rank 1999 * 14-11 #28 1991" 12-12 t-# 18 1998* 12-9 #31 1990' 0 ' 12-1 2 t-# 17 199 7* 16-12 #36 1989 '' 18-8 # 14 1996' 0 ' 15-9 #25 1988 15-9 1995 '' 16-8 #24 198 7 14-10 1994 14-5 #21 1986 13-12 1993 11-9 #24 1985 4-26 1992 * 15-5 # 16 Total 201-15 7 (.561 Win %) ''Denotes NCAA Tournament Team

2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home lo Zu::.ana Lesenarm,a, 1999 NCA A Division l Natio11al Champion



- - , !


(Standing l-r:) Asst. Chri s Atzet, Zuzana Lesenarova, Katarina Va lkyova, Heather Polumbus, Stacie Lee, Coach Sherri Stephens (Front Row 1-r:) Kri sta Manning, Erika Pyne, Paola Arrango iz 2000 USD WOMEN'S TENNIS ROSTER


HT 5-5

YR So.


Mexico City, Mexico (Colegio Vista Hermosa) Huntsville, TX (St. Stephen's Episcopal School) Novy Vicin, Czech Republic (Gymnazium Novy Vicin) St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (Gonzaga HS)

Paola Arrangoiz

5- 10


Stacie Lee


5-8 5-6 6-1 5-6 5-9

Zuzana Lesenarova Krista Manning Heather Polumbus


So. So. So.

Englewood, CO (Cherry Creek HS) Gresham, OR (Centennial HS) Bratislava, Slovakia (Gymnazium)

Erika Pyne

Katarina Valkyova


Head Coach: Sherri Stephens (16th Year)

Chris Atzet (1st Year)

ASSISTANT COACH CHRIS ATZET Chri s Atzet begins hi s inaugural season coaching tennis under Head Coach Sherri Stephens. Prior to USO Atzet was busy playing on the professional tennis tour. Originally from Grants Pass, Oregon, Atzet played co ll egiate tenni s at the Uni versity of Portland from 1994-96. He compl eted hi s collegiate career in 1996- 97 at the Uni versity of Nevada, Las Vegas. Atzet is majoring in Kinesiology and plans to complete his degree at USO. Atzet looks forward to the 2000 season wi th optimi sm, "I think we' re an underestimated team thi s year and we' ll surpri se a lot of people thi s season".

2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division I National Champion



ZUZANA LESENAROVA 5'8" Senior - Novy Vicin, Czech Republic 1999 NCAA Women s Tennis National Champion 3-Time NCAA All-America

ZUZANA LESENAROVA enters her fou1t h and fi nal year with the Torero women's tenni s team ... not onl y will she leave USD as the program's best all-time player, she will leave coll egiate women's tenni s as one of the all-time best coll egiate players ever ~t the NCAA Di vision I level. .. she is already off to a great sta1t fo r the 1999-2000 season as she

became the first player ever to win the National Clay Cou1t singles titl e twice; she beat teammate Katarina Valkyova in the fi nal, and she teamed with Valkyova to reach the Clay Court doubl es fin al ... she fo ll owed that up with her 2nd straight win at the Riv iera All-American three weeks later ... she entered the 1999-2000 season ranked No. I by the ITA, and with both Fall ITA Grand Slam victories, held her ranking heading in to the Spring season ... thi s past February, for the second straight season, she attempted to make co llegiate tenni s hi story at the Rolex Nati onal Intercoll egiate Indoor Champion– shi ps -- she was attempting to become the first player to ever win the fi rst three legs of the ITAColl egiate Grand Slam ...a fi rst round loss still left her with an incredible 24-2 mark in her last 26 Grand Slam matches -- all told she has won 35 ITA Grand Slam matches in her career ... after her fabulous junior campaign that saw her wi n three of the four ITAGrand Slam events, including the 1999 NCAA singles title where she defeated No. 3 seed Marissa Irvin of Stanfo rd , 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (3), Lesenarova ended the campaign as the No. I ranked pl ayer ... she became onl y the second women's player to ever win three of the four legs of the ITA Collegiate Grand Slam Uoining Florida's Lisa Raymond) ... as the winner of the NCAA's, she earned an automati c bid into the U.S. Open main draw thi s past August where she lost her Ist round match ... in her fabulous 1999 run last season Zuzana fini shed 39-5 in singles, and teamed with Katarina Valkyova to reach the semifi nals of the NCAA Doubles Tournament ... she opened the 1998-99 Fall season in September by winning the singles title at the T. Rowe Price Nati onal Clay Court Champi onships in Baltimore (df. Mirela Vl adulesu ofAlabama-Birmjngham, 6- 0, 6-1 in final) ... three weeks later she won her second stra ight Grand Sl am ti tle, winning the Ri viera All-American -- she defeated Vanessa Webb in the semi s, 6- 1, 7-6; she beat Martina Nedelkova of Virgi ni a Commonwealth, 6-0, 4-6, 6-3 in fi nal) ... by jumping to a I0-start after the two tourneys, she knocked off five players ranked in the pre-season ITA top– ten, and became onl y the second women's player to win the opening two legs of the Coll egiate Grand Slam ... she jumped from her pre-season singles ranking of No. 6 to No. I and held that position the rest of the season ... in February, 1999, she lost in the semifinals at the Rolex Indoors, losing to Stanfo rd 's Mari ssa Irvin, 6- 1, 6-7, 6-3 ... in addi tion to her fi ve ITAColl egiate Grand Slam titles, Zuzana has al so reached three semifinal rounds, two quarterfinal rounds and one round of 16 in her eleven Grand Slam events ... to go with her three Grand Slam titl es last season, she was named the ITANati onal Women's Player of the Year; was selected to the Rolex AlI-Star team; earned her third straight NCAAAll-Ameri ca honor; was named the ITA Nati onal Player of the Month (October); along with doubles pa1tner Katarina Valkyova, was named the ITADoubles Team of the Month (March); earned her second straight West Coast Conference Pl ayer of the Year honor; and with her 3.3 GPA in Communicati on Studi es (Business minor), was named to the WCC All-Academi c Team fo r the second stra ight year ... she was also selected one of two Amateur Athl etes of the Year by the San Diego Hall ofChampi ons -- she became the first female to earn the award since 1978 ... in 1998 Lesenarova advanced to the semifinals of the NCAA Singles Champi onships and earned All-America status and WCC Player of the Year honors -- she fini shed the year with a 35-8 single record and nati onal ranking of No. 9 .. . her fres hman year she advanced to the quarterfinals of the NCAA's and fini shed with a record of 27-5 and nati onal ranking of No. 20 ... heading into her fourth and final spring season with USO, Zuzana has an overall record of 165-45 ( 11 7- 19 singles; 48-26 doub les) ... prior to USO she attended one semester at the Uni versity of Ostrava, Czech Republic ... she chose USO fo r its academi cs, tenni s program and weather/l ocati on of San Diego ... she found USO on the Internet and then contacted coach Sherri Stephens about the possibility of a scholarship ... enj oys downh ill skiing, snowboarding and music ... parents are Mi ros lav and Helena Lesenarova of ovy Vi cin, Czech Republic. Major: Commun ications; Minor: Business Admini strati on.

2000 University of Sau Diego Women's Te1111is -- Home to Zuzana Lese11arova, I999 NCAA Division I National Champion



1999 Junior Highlights

NCAA Singles Champion 1999 U.S. Open Participant 1999 SD Hall of Champions Amatuer Star of the Year 1999 ITA National Player of the Year 1999 Rolex All-Star Team 1999 3-Time NCAA All-American 1999, 1998, 1997 No. 1 ITA Singles Ranking 1999, 2000 No. 2 ITA Doubles Ranking 2000 T. Rowe Price National Clay Court Champ 1999, 1998 Riviera All-American 1999, Doubles 1998, Singles Semifinalist Rolex Indoors 1999, 1998, 1997 West Coast Conference Player of the Year 1999, 1998 ITA Doubles Team of the Month February, 1999 ITA National Player of the Month October, 1998 Champion 1999, 1998 Semifinalist NCAA Championships

NCAA Na tional Champion NCAA Di vision I All-America NCAA Doubles Semifinalist

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

U.S. Open Participant S.D. Hall ofChampions Athlete ofthe Year

/TA Na tional Player of Year Ro/ex All-Star Team Member No. I /TA Singles Ranking Na tional Clay Court Champion Ri viera All-American Champion WCC Player ofthe Year WCC All-Academic Team /TA Doubles Team ofMonth (Februa, y with Valkyova) Final Singles Record of33-5

1998 Soph. Highlights

NCAA Division I All-America NCAA Singles Semifinalist No. 13 /TA Singles Ranking Nat ional Clay Court Champion Riviera All-American Champion Rolex Indoors Sem{finalist WCC Player ofthe Year /TA National Player ofthe Week All-WCC Singles & Doubles WCC All-Academic Team Final Singles Record of35-8

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

1997 Frosh Highlights

NCAA Division I All-America NCAA Singles Quarte,:finalist No. 20 /TA Singles Ranking Final Singles Record o/27-5 Dual Match Singles Record of 16-4 at No . I spot AII-WCC Singles Team

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, /999 NCAA Division I National Champion



KATARINA VALKYOVA 5'9" Sophomore - Bratislava, Slovakia 1999 NCAA All-America & NCAA Quarterfinalist Katarina Valkyova enters her second season with the USD tennis program ... from Bratislava, Slovakia, Katarina joined the Toreros program for the Spring semester in January of 1999 ... she compiled one of the program's best ever showings for a freshman , advancing to the quarterfinals of the NCAA Division I Singles Championships to earn All-America honors ... Katarina defeated players from Notre Dame, Stanford and Geor– gia to advance to the quarterfinals where she was turned back by teammate and eventual

NCAA champion Zuzana Lesenarova (5-7, 6-2, 6-3) ... in her first round victory at the NCAA's, Katarina upset Michelle Dasso of Notre Dame (0-6, 6-3, 6-3) ... she finished with an overall singles record of 22-7 for a final national ranking of #37 in the nation; as a doubles team with Zuzana Lesenarova, the duo went 14-6 overall, including a semifinal appearance

at the NCAA Doubles Championships, and finished ranked #9 in the nation ... additional honors from her freshman campaign included being named the ITA Doubles Team of the Month for March with Lesenarova; and shewas namedAll-West Coast Con– ference in both singles and doubles ... Valkyova is already off to a great sophomore season -- during the Fall season she advanced to the final for both singles and doubles at the T. Rowe Price National Clay CourtChampionships ... she defeated players from South Alabama, Virginia Commonwealth, Georgia and Missis– sippi beforefallingtoLesenarovainthechampic · '1ip;shetearned with Lesenarova to defeat teams from Rice, Georgia and LSU

before falling in the championship to

South Alabama's Ondrejkova-Puflerova, 6-4, 6-2 ... three weeks later at the RivieraAll-American Championships, KatarinaandZuzana teamed up to win theirfirstlTAGrand SlamDoubles title; they defeated teams from Cal, Stanford, and Mississippi before handing Stanford's duo ofAshley-Granville a 6-4, 6- 1setback for the championship ... as a doubles team, Valkyova and Lesenarova head into the 'Spring season with a national ranking of#2; Katarina was ranked #25 in the pre-season rankings, but after her strong showing at the Clay Courts, she jumped to #3 ... at the Riviera All-American Championships, she was bounced in the second round and her ranking went to #20 ... Katarina enters the 2000 Spring season with an overall record of 58-18 (33-10 singles; 25-8 doubles) ... having played tennis since the age of six, Katarina came to USO with quite a few tennis achievements to her credit ... she won the 1996 Euro– pean Junior's Team Championship in France; the European Junior's Champi– onship in doubles in Austria for U-16; won the 1994 lntemational Children's Olympic Games in Canada; won the Slovak National Championship for U– l6s; and won the Slovak National Championship in women's category in 1997 ... chose USO for its strong academics and tennis program ... prepped at the Sport Grammar School in Bratislava where she graduated in May, 1998 .. . her favorite subjects were foreign languages and geography ... besides tennis, enjoys swimming, reading and traveling .. . parents are Miroslav and Oarina Valkyova of Bratislava, Slovakia. Major: Business Administration. 2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, /999 NCAA Division I National Champion


I KRIS·TA MANNING & STACIE LEE KRISTA MANNING 5'6"Jr. -St. John's, Njld., Canada Krista enters her junior year and third season with the USO tennis program ... this coming season will see action at both singles and doubles ... last sea– son played a key role in USD's march to the NCAA's finishing 15-9 in singles and 13-8 in doubles ... was 12-8 in doubles with Pao la Arrangoiz, including a 9- 7 mark at No. 2 ... out

of her 15-9 singles mark, Krista was 2-1 at No. 4, 7- 7 at No. 5, and 6-1 at No. 6 ... in team's 5-4 upset over #4 Cal, Krista won at No. 6 over Jenny Lee (7-5, 6-7, 6-3) ... defeated Pepperdine's Anh Nguyen (6-1, 7-6) at No. 5 in the WCC championship match ... her freshman season she teamed with Steffi Hesse to go 11-3 in doubles (9-3 at No. 3 doubles) ; her overall record was 12-5 ...enters her junior season with an overall record of39-2 I ( 15-10 singles; 24- 11 doubles) ... she prepped at Gonzaga High School and comes to USO from St. John's, Newfound land, Canada ... was ranked #2 in U14 singles and #4 in U16 singles in Canada ... won three National Doubles titles (in 1994 w/Jean Dixon ; twice in 1993 w/Joanna Buchovska) ... won two Sports– manship Awards at Nationals ... chose USO for its strong academics and tennis program ... interning in athletic marketing & promotions office ... comes from a tennis family -- older sisters, Susan & Karen , both com– peted at the nationa l leve l in Canada ... her mother, Ann Gillies, res ides in St. John 's, Newfoundland, Canada. Major: Communi cations (Me– dia); Double Minor: Business Adm. and History.

STACIE LEE 5'10" Jr. - Huntsville, TX

Stacie enters her junior yc:ar and third season with the USO tennis team ... this year she is expected to see playing time in the bottom half of the singles line-up between #4-6, as well as doubles play be– tween #2-3 ... this past Fall campaign went

...__.....,______ 2-4 in singles and 2-3 in doubles with Heather Polumbus ... as a sophomore last season finished 2-7 in singles earning victories at No. 6 singles against Saint Mary's and Long Beach State ... during her freshman campaign teamed with Millie Prior to go 2-0 at No. 2 doubles, and 1-1 with Krista Manning in doubles at the No. 3 spot ... a good all-around athl ete, Stacie lettered in both tennis and volleyball at St. Stephens Episcopal School in Austin, Texas ... was tennis team's MVP all four years with team ranked 14th in state ofTexas .. . in volley- ba ll (33-2 reco rd), she led central Texas in kills and aces ... she was both a National Jump Rope Champion in single rope and double dutch and a Junior Olympic Champi on in same two events ... other schools to recruit her include Penn State, SMU, West Virginia, TCU and UNLV ... currently interning in USO athletic marketing & promotions office .. . parents are TinJ and Joan Lee of Huntsville, TX. Major: Communications Minor: Business Management

2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis -- Home lo Zuzana Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division I National Champion


Paola enters her second season with the USO tenni s team where she will pl ay at No. 3 singles, and #2-3 doubl es ... last season fini shed I0-14 in singles -- 5-8 at o. 3, 4-6 at o. 4, and 1-0 at No. 5 ... was 13-9 overa ll in doubl es, and teamed with Kri sta Manning to go 12-8, including a 9-7 mark at No. 2 doubl es ... na111ed to WCC AII-Acade111 ic Team ... prior to USO

she earned a lot of internati onal tenni s experi ence .. . from Mex ico _City, Mex ico, she had a nati onal ranking of #2 in singles and # I in doubl es for U- l 8's ... she parti cipated in the fo llow ing International Tenni s Federation tour- naments -- the Juni or Wimbl edon, the French Open, the Australian Open and the United States Open ... her best results were a quarterfinal doubl es fi ni sh with Brandi s Braver111 an at the Austra li an Open .. . her hi ghest ITF ranking was No. 40 in singles and o. 45 in doubl es ... she was a finalist at the Copa Yucatan Tourna111ent fo r ITF Group 2 players in Yucatan, Mex ico ... she grew up play ing and practi ci ng at the Hacienda Lemaitre Tenni s Academy, the same fac ility used by USO men' s tenni s players German Maldonado and Bernardo Carrill o ... she chose USO fo r its strong academi c program, tenni s and because her famil y li ves nea rby ... born in London, England, she also li ved there between the ages of 5-9 .. . ) besi des tenni s, she enj oys trave ling and shopping ... she was al so re– cruited by BYU ... her parents, Eduardo and Ma Antoni eta Arrango iz, li ve in Mexico City, Mex ico. Major: Business Economics.

HEATHER POLUMBUS 6'1" So. - Englewood, CO Heather enters her second season with the USO tenni s program where she will see considerabl e ac ti on in the bottom half of the line- up, and between #2-3 doubles ... as a fre shman was 8- 10 in singles and 6-9 in doubl es .. . she prepped at Cherry Creek Hi gh Schoo l where she lettered in both tenni s and bas ketball ... she helped her

team to undefeated seasons both her junior and seni or campaigns with the team winning both the regional cha111pionship and state tit les .. . her seni or yea r she was named to the All-Colorado First Team ... during her first two yea rs, the team won reg ional championships and placed 2nd in state her sophomore sea– son and first in her frosh campaign when she was named the tea111 MVP ... she earned All-Centennial League recogniti on all four years... was also selected team captain in both tenni s and basketball ... her seni or year in basketball she was named the team's Most Inspi rati onal Player while earning Honorabl e Men– tion All-State recognition both her junior and senior campaigns ... ranked No. I fo r U- I8's in Colorado, and No. 3 in the Inter Mountain Sec ti on ... also rec ruited by Bay lor, Tu lsa, SMU, Syracuse, Kansas State, Minnesota and Fresno State ... chose USO for strong tenni s program, location and exce ll ent .academic program s .. . parents, Nanc y and Tad Polumbu s, res id e 111 Englewood , Colorado. Major: Communications; Minor: History.

2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home lo Zuzana Lesenarova, / 999 NCAA Division I National Champion

10 I


ERIKA PYNE 5'6" So. - Gresham, OR

Erika enters her second season with the USO tennis team .. . is expected to see action in the lower half of the singles line-up, as well as #2-3 doubles .. . last season combined to go 5-1 in doubles matches .. . she comes to San Diego from Gresham, Oregon where she prepped at Centennial High School ... -------- her senior season she led her tean to the Mt. Hood Conference Cb


Women's Top 50 Team Rankings I. Stanford

Women's Singles Top 5 . Zuzana Lesenarova, San Diego 2. Laura Granville, Stanford 3. Kata ina Valkyova, San Diego 4. Jewel Peterson, Southern California 5. Aarthi Venkatesan, Georgia Women's Doubles Top 5 I. Martina Ondrejkova/lva Putlerova South Alabama 2. Zuzana Lesenarova/Katarina Valy!wva, San Diego 3. Celeste Frey/Mariane Eberle Mississippi 4. Janet Walker/Kaysie Smashey Texas 5. Traci Green/Baili Camino Florida

26. Miami-FL

2. Florida

T27. North Carol ina T27. New Mexico

3. California

29. San Diego 30. Arkansas 31. Arizona

4. Duke

5. Georgia 6. UCLA

7. Mississippi 8. Pepperdine

32. Baylor

33. Mississippi State 34. Washington State

9. Texas

10. Southern Californi a

35. VCU 36. Iowa

11 . Wake Forest I2. Arizona State 13 . South Carolina

37 . Texas A&M 38 . Ohio State 39 . Maryland

14. Tennesee

15 . William & Mary

40. Illinois

41. San Diego State

16. Vanderbilt

17. South Alabama 18. Notre Dame 19. Florida State 20. Northwestern

42 . Kansas

43 . South Florida

44. TCU

45 . Oregon 46. Tulane 47. Auburn 48. Princeton

2 1. Kentucky

22. LSU

T23 . Washington T23. Fresno State

49 . Georg ia Tech

25 . Marquette

50. Wisconsin USO 2000 Opponents Highlighted In Bold

2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division I National Champion




wee Tourn.: 2nd Home: 7-5 Road: 3-4 Neutral: 4-2

Overall: 14-11 (#28)

1999 SINGLES (as of Jan. 1st) PLAYER No. 1 Zuzana Lesenarova (# I) 20-4 Katarina Va lkyova (#37) Anj a Tragardh 1-0 Pao la Arrango iz Heather Polumbus Kri sta Manning Satcie Lee Millie Prior Totals 21-4

Total 29-5* 22-7 I0-6 10- 14

Dual 20-4 19-6 I 0-6 10- 14

Tourn. 9-1 3-1

15-4 1-5

4-2 4-1 5-8 0-1

4-0 4-6

1-0 2-3 7-7 0-3 0-3

3-4 2-1 0-1 0- 1 13-12 13-13

3-2 6- 1 2-3

8- 10 15-9

8- 10 15-9

2-7 2-7 86-63

2-7 2-7 98-65

2-3 10-16 13-9



* denotes Zuzana Lesenarova was 39-5 including Fall results

1999 DOUBLES (as of Jan. 1st)

TEAM Lesenarova-Va lkyova (#9) Arrango iz-Manning

No. 1 11-5 3-1


Tourn. 3- 1

Total 14-6 12-8 3-8 1-4 0- 1 0-1

11-5 12-8

9-7 2-2

1-6 1-4 0-1

Lee-Polumbus Prior-Tragardh Prior-Lee Arrango iz-Lee Po lumbus-Pyne Lee-Manning Pyne-Va lkyova Arrango iz-Pyne Prior-Po lumbus Lee-Pyne Totals

3-8 1-4 0- 1

0-1 1-0

0-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 2-1 1-1 35-29

1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0

1-0 2-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 8-12

0-1 14-7 2- 1 1- 1 38-30 1999 USD DUAL MATCH RESULTS (14-11; #28) Jan. 22 Mi ss issippi# Jan. 23 Ari zona # Jan .24 Kansas State# Jan . 27 at UCLA Feb. 12 at Stanfo rd Feb. 14 at Saint Mary's Feb. 2 1 WASHINGTON Feb. 26 FURMAN Feb. 27 LOYOLA MARYMOUNT Mar. 2 BOISE STATE Mar. 7 WILLIAM & MARY Mar. 12- 14 USD TENNIS CLASSIC Mar. 12 SOUTHERN METHODIST Mar. 13 FRESNO STATE Mar. 14 WASHINGTON STATE L, 0-7 Mar. 19 #4 CAL BERKELEY W, 5-4 L, 3-4 Mar. 2 1 at J NLV W, 5- 1 W, 7-0 Apr. 3 MARQUETTE L, 2-7 L, 1-6 Apr. lO PEPPERDINE L, 3-6 L, 1-8 Apr. l 6 SAN DIEGO STATE L, 1-5 W, 9-0 Apr. 23-25 WCC Champi onships L, 4-5 Apr. 23 Saint Mary's W, 6-3 Apr. 24 Loyo la Marymount W,9-0 Apr. 25 Pepperdine W, 9-0 May 15- 16 NCAA Reg ionals L, 3-6 May 15 Minnesota + May 16 Southern Cal + # Denotes Arizona Tournament + NCAA Tournament matches at USC W, 8-1 W, 9-0 L, 2-7 W, 5-1 L, 1-5 W, 8-1 W, 6-3 W, 7-2 USD Home Matches highlighted in BOLD 1-0 13-10 3-1

2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division I National Champion

12 I



Paola Arrangoiz ( 1999-00) Julie Baird ( 1994-95-96-97) Dina Birch ( 1994-95) Lindsay Blanckensee ( 1995) Kara Brady ( 199 1-92-93-94) Aby Brayton ( 1987-88-89-90) Conn i Campbell ( 1985-86-87-88) Yvonne Doyle ( 1994-95-96-97) Christy Drage ( 1987-88-89-90) Tonya Fuller ( 1988-89-90-91) Veronica Gholston ( 1985) Laura Gonzalez ( 1985-86-87-88) Jill Greenwood ( 1986-87-88-89) Paula Hansen ( 1990-9 1-92-93) Steffi Hesse ( 1995-96-97-98) Hi ll ary Hobe l ( 1988-89) Stephanie Hogue ( 1988-89) Nicole LaChiusa ( 1986-87-88-89) Jenni fer Larking ( 1986-87-88-89) Karen Lauer ( 1990-9 1-92-93) Stacie Lee ( 1998-99-00) Zuzana Lesenarova ( 1997-98-99-00) Krista Manning ( 1998-99-00) Laura Mannisto ( 1990-9 1-92-93) Juli e McKeon ( 199 1-92-93-94) Margo Mu ll al ly ( 1990-9 1) Lisa Murphy ( 1985) Annie Pinjuv ( 1985-86-87) Heather Polumbus ( 1999-00) Mi 11 ie Prior ( 1997-98-99) Erika Pyne ( 1999-00) Gina Raftus ( 1985) Laura Richards ( 199 1-92-93-94) Ch ri sti ne Schmeidel ( 1989) Michelle Smith ( 1996-97) Kristine Smith ( 1993-94-95-96) Sarah Smith ( 1986) Donna Clooney ( 1987) Erin Coughlin ( 1985) Maddy Diekmann ( 1992) Ann Hooker ( 1985) Tracy Ish ii ( 1992) Kay Izzard ( 1985-86) Tasha Jackson ( 1995-96-97-98) Kelley Jewe ll ( 1986-87-88-89) Brigid Joyce ( 1995-96-97-98) SakoIwan "Tuck" Kacharoen ( 1989-90-9 1-92) Therese Smyth ( 1996) Rose Tarkanian ( 1986) Anja Tragardh ( 1998-99) Katarina Valkyova ( 1999-00 ) Mirja Wa ll mark (1997 -98) SAN DIEGO TORERO ASS ISTANT COACHES

u s


ico le Elli ott ( 1997)

Chris Atzet (2000) Juli e Baird ( 1998) Kara Brady ( 1995) Ann Davis ( 1997) Steve Dawson ( 1986) Jean Dillingham ( 1985)

Jun Hernandez ( 1998-99) Tammy Stephens ( 1994-97)

Kathy Toon ( 1987-90)

Anne-Marie Voorheis ( 199 I-93)

Robi n White ( 1994) Current players mu/ coaches in bold 2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home lo Zuzana Lesenarova, /999 NCAA Division I National Champion

13 l championship. Birch, the team 's # I player, finished the year with a singles record of24-l 3 and national ranking of #44. At the national championships, Birch fought through a closely contested match before falling 6-4, 6-4 in the second round to the eventual champion. The doubles team of Kristine Smith and Yvonne Doyle prevailed to the round of 16, and finished the season 2 1-5 and ranked # 14. The 1996 season was another banner year for USD with the Toreros wi nning 12 of their final 14 to finish 15-9 over– all and ranked #25 in the nation. USD lost to Ca l 1-5 in the first round of the NCAA's with Kristine Smith earn ing US D's point with a 7-6, 6-4 win over #40 Amanda Augustus at o. I. Smith and Yvonne Doyle also were selected to play in the NCAA Doubles Championships. Julie Baird and Kristine Smith were se lected 1996 ITA Scholar-Ath- lete All-Americans. 0 The 1997 season was highlighted by freshman Zuzana Lesenarova's impact on the NCAA tenni s scene. With a variety of injuries hitting the Torero sq uad throughout the season, she guided the team into the second round of the NCAA's and to a final record of 16-1 2. She advanced to the quarterfinals of the NCAA Indi vidual Tournament, fin– ished wi th a national ranking of 20th, and earned NCAA All-America honors. The 1998 season saw US D fini sh 12-9 overa ll and with a national ranking of No. 31. The Toreros advanced to the NCAA's for the eighth time under the leadership of coach Sherri Stephens. Additiona lly, Zuzana Lesenarova advanced to the semis of the CAA Individual Championships and garnered her second straight CAA All-America honor. USD capped off a superb 1999 season, finishing 14-11 and #28 in the nation -- the season was high lighted by the team's 5-4 victory over then #4-ranked Ca l. USD advanced to the CAA's for the fifth strai oht season, and junior Zuzana Lesenarova was crowned the 1999 NCAA Na– tional Champion , and won three of the four ITA Grand Slam titles. Sopho– more Katarina Valkyova joined Zuzana as a 1999 All-America The future looks bright for USD women 's tenni s. The high caliber of tennis consistently played at US D contributes to the program's identity as a uni versity w ith superior scholar-athletes. Stephens' players are recruited based on their academic and athl etic abi lities, she says, and other schoo ls notice when USD athletes are graduating in fo ur years and playing in na– tional competitions. " I get the more well -rounded players who become every bit as good as the nationally ranked players because they put everything they have into it," Stephens says. "These young women really work hard. They take full class loads and practice four to five hours a day, not including cond iti oning and weights. "The_y' r~ playing the highest level of tennis there is and not sacrifici ng academics, she adds . "That's rea lly special." SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION The USOwomen's tennis program distributes scholarships based on athletic ability. These are given at the discretion of Head Coach Sherri Stephens. STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION The University of San Diego does not discriminate oo the basis ofsex, race, color, religious belief, age, national origin, ancestory, ?r handic~p in admission to the University, in financial aid programs, 111 educational programs and poUcies, and in athletic or other Uni– versity-administered programs. Inquiries concerning the applica– tion of the University's non-discrimination policies may be addressed to USD's Director of Academic Services.



1993 Reunion of USD Women's Tennis Alumni

The USD women's tenni s program is proud of its tradition of ex– ce llence it achieves on the tenni s court, as well as in the classroom. Since arriving at the University of San Diego in the fall of 1984, 16th year coach Sherri Stephens and her staff have turned the USD pro– gram into one of the best, most respected women's tennis programs in the nation. Over the past fou 11ee11 seasons against some of the nation 's best, Stephens has accumu lated a win-loss record of 197-131 (.60 I w in– ning percentage), finishing all fourteen seasons with .500 or better marks. During this time her teams have advanced to the CAA Tour– nament nine times ( 1989, 1990, 1991 , 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999), three times reaching the second round ; finished among the nation's top-25 eight times with a high of # 14 in 1989 ( 18-8 overa ll record); placed 2nd in the West Coast Conference Chps. twelve straight seasons; and had five Toreros receive a total often NCAAAll-America honors. After joining the West Coast Conference in 1986 and posting three straight winning seasons(' 86-88), the Toreros made their first NCAA appearance in 1989 behind the play of senior Jennifer Larking, jun– ior Aby Brayton and sophomore Tonya Fuller. USD defeated Tcnnesse 7-2, before fa ll ing to Florida. The Toreros would go on to reach the NCAA's the next three years ( 1990-92) as well, riding the solid performances of forn1er Toreros like Tonya Fuller ('9 1 NCAA All-America), two-time NCAA All– America Laura Richard s, three-time NCAA All -America Juli e McKeo n, Sakolwan "Tuck" Kach aroen, Kara Brady, Laura Mannisto, Karen Lauer and Paula Hansen. The doubles tandem of McKean-Richards advanced to the semifinals of the 1992 NCAA Doubles Championships. USD's '93 and '94 squads narrowly missed selection to the NCAAs. finishing with records of 11-9 (#24 ITA) and 14-5 (#2 1 ITA) respec– tively. Though the Toreros were eliminated from the NCAA Team Tour– nament (Ma libu, CA) by the University of Indi ana in the first round in 1995, a school record fi ve USD players returned to Pepperdine the nex t week to compete in the individual tournaments. Among them was senior Dina Birch who was the lone Torero to play in the singles


2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home to Zuzana Lesenarova, 1999 NCAA Division f National Champion l


14 I

USO TEAM APPEARANCES AT NCAA TOURNAMENTS San Di ego 7, Tennessee 2 Florida 6, San Di ego I


Zu zana Lesenarova 3-Time NCAA Division I All-America 199 7, 1998, 1999



San Diego 5, Kentucky 4 Ca lifornia 6, San Diego Miss iss ippi 5, San Diego I Miss iss ippi 5, San Di ego 4 Indiana 5, San Di ego 3 Ca l 5, San Di ego I San Diego 5, UNLV 4 USC 5, San Diego I San Diego State 5, San Diego 2 San Diego 5, Minnesota I USC 5, San Di ego I

1991 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


Katarina Valkyova NCAA Division I A/I-America /999

Jennifer Larking (S ingles)


Julie McKeon 3-Time NCAA Division I All-America /992-94

Jennifer Larking (Si ngles) Larking-Aby Brayton (Doubl es)


Aby Brayton (S ingles) Tonya Fuller (Si ngles)

199 1

Tuck Kac haroen (Sing les) Tony Fuller (Singles) Fuller-Julie McKean (Doubl es) Juli e McKean (S ingles) Laura Richards (S ingles) McKean-Ri chards (Doubles) Juli e McKean (S ingles) Laura Richards (S ingles) McKean-Richards (Doubl es) Julie McKean (Singles) Laura Richards (Singles) Kri stine Smith (S ingles) McKean-Ri chards (Doubl es)



Laura Richards 2-Time NCAA Division I A/I-America 1992, 1993


Tonya Fuller First NCAA Division I All-America /99/


Dina Birch (Singles) Kri stine Smith-Yvonne Doy le (Doubles) Steffi Hesse- Lindsay Blanckensee (Obis)


Yvonne Doy le-Kristine Smith (Doubles)



Zuzana Lesenarova (Singles; Rd. of 8) Yvonne Doy le (S ingles)


Zuzana Lesenarova (Singles; Semis)


Zuzana Lese-narova (Singles Champi on) Katarina Valkyova (S ingles; Rd. of 8) Lesenarova-Valkyova (Doubl es; Semis)

200() University of San Diego Wumen '.1· Tennis -- Hume to Zuzana Lesenaruva, /999 NCAA Division I National Champiun

1s I

I USD SUPPORT SERVICES USD Academic Support Mike Matoso is in hi s first year as Coordi nator of Ath letic Academic Support at the Uni vers ity of San Diego. ·The USO Athletic Academic Support Program is designed to assist and motivate student-athl etes in their journey and progress towards their academic goa ls, and ultimately graduation. The primary objective is to improve the student-athl etes' study ski ll s, support them in their academic work , and encourage scho lastic achi evement. It is essenti al that student-ath letes receive the necessary academic assistance to continue normal progress toward a degree while participating in ath letics. USO student-ath letes receive assistance through advising, progress reports , academic tutors , campus learning centers, such as the Logic, Math , and Writing Centers, and the Acce lerated Study Program. The Acce lerated Study Program provides a monitored, quiet area open onl y to the student-ath letes to ensure quality study time. These services are ava ilab le to all USO student-athletes.

"Participating as a Division I ath– lete requires an enormous amount of time and dedication. Each day, our students face the

Mike Matoso

Torero Strength and Conditioning The USO strength and conditi oning program is under the direction of Steve Brown who is in hi s fifth year. The University ofSan Diego ath letic department recognizes the need for all athl etes ofa ll sports to engage in a comprehensive strength and conditi on ing program. The USO strength and conditi oning program has been designed to devel op functional strength, speed, power and endurance. The development of these physical attributes is ineffective if the ath letes are not ab le to carry them over to the playing field. Adhering to a properly designed program ofstrength training, conditi oning and nutrition can enable our men and women to become the best possible athl etes they can be, whi le simu ltaneous ly reducing the incidence of injury. The heart of the strength and condi tioning program is the USO Sports Center weight room. It is open exc lusively to student-athletes at specific times each day. The weight room contains 5,000 square feet of Olympic platforms, free– weights, selectorized machines, dumbbells and cardiovascular equipment. USO student-ath letes receive intensive instruction on proper weight training technique ; speed, power and agi lity deve lopment; and sport-specific conditioning. Their strength and conditioning programs are specific to the nature of their sport or position. Each ath lete is individually monitored throughout their program to ensure the greatest chance of athletic progress.

" I look forward to training all USD student-atltletes and ltope to estab lis lt a sense of pride and commitment to tlte streng tlt and conditioning program. Tlte area of streng tlt and conditioning ltas become increasingly more scientific in recent years. I plan to utilize the latest researclt in this field to jit!ly cultivate the athletic potential ofour athletes." Steve Brown

2000 University of San Diego Women's Tennis •· Home lo Zu zana Lesenarova, I 999 NCAA Dii,isio11 I National Champion

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