Minprint Modular Displays Handbook

Use both sides!

125mm LED 3URȴOH Create a maximum visibility for your brand communication with our H[FOXVLYH GRXEOH SURȴOH

Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket

Cabling system

LED 360mm


PP /(' 3URȴOH

- Free-standing, double-sided light frame - LED linkable lighting system for consistent lighting across the graphic - Double groove for inserting two graphics and creating an RSWLFDO H΍HFW - 9HU\ UREXVW SURȴOH LGHDO IRU ODUJH DQG YHU\ ODUJH IRUPDW - Available in standard and custom formats



(h) x (w) x (d) mm

125 mm Vector

VLB125-CUSTOM Custom-made

LED linkable lighting ÁÜÁLJ©

Adding stabilising feet for free-standing use

Ideal for the shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants...

- Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 125 x 20 mm - Weight per ml: 1,645 kg - 'XDO IDFH SURȴOH - Assembly by screw brackets - SEG textile graphic Technical information


Made with FlippingBook flipbook maker