Minprint Modular Displays Handbook

Linear Backwalls

- /LQHDU DQRGLVHG DOXPLQLXP SURȴOHV ZLWK IRXU FRQQHFWLRQV - &RYHU ZLWK ȵH[LEOH 39& RU ULJLG PP SULQWHG SDQHOV - Standard kits supplied with a roll of metal tape (additional magnetic tape EM301 - not included) - Optional accessories available The Linear range is ideally suited for wall DSSOLFDWLRQV VWDQGV DQG RɝFH ȴ[WXUHV

Coded system

Male and female post connectors

Connection of Linear male and female beams




(h) x (w) x (d) mm

2 LCD and 4 shelves LK031-001 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm 2 LCD and 4 literature holders LK031-002 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm 6 Literature holders LK031-003 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm


* Screen not included

Accessorise posts

Linear Executive Curve



(h) x (w) x (d) mm

2 LCD and 4 shelves LK030-001 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm 2 LCD and 4 literature holders LK030-002 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm 6 Literature holders LK030-003 2475 x 3000 x 500 mm

Curved steel bases


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